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Canadian man sentenced to death in first instance

Xi has no right to pardon him but for sake of Meng wanzhou , China can make an exceptional and allow his appeal to succeed and avoid death penalty. But that will depend on Canadian. He will be put to health immediately if Meng wanzhou is send to US. And even he ecapes death penalty. He will be jailed for long time and suffer in jail for his crime. :enjoy:
Not likely Drugs crime trial are normally independent,He is as good as dead for me.
The only mistake in this case was the initial sentence was too lenient. Likely because China wanted to maintain cordial relations with Canada. However, now that the gloves are off with Canada, China has given this drug peddler the sentence he merited in the first place. Justice done and if it also sends a message to Canada, then bonus!
This Canadian is dead, regardless of whether Huawei Mengzhou is extradited to the United States or not.

Schellenberg was appointed by a person named Keme to meet with Xu Qing in Dalian on November 19, 2014, in an attempt to smuggle 222 kilograms of ice from Dalian to Australia by sea.

Australians should thank China.

After suspecting that he was involved in drug-related activities, Xu Qing reported the case to the Chinese police. The Chinese police then found 20 tons of plastic granules in the warehouse of Schellenberg and seized the drugs involved in the possession. After discovering the incident, Schellenberg fled from Guangzhou on December 1, 2014, attempting to flee to Thailand, and threw away his mobile phone card on the way. He was arrested in Guangzhou that day.
Indeed that's scary to face justice in a country where your trial is influenced by international events.... that looks more like revenge than an actual and fair trial.. @Nilgiri
Just because the United States believes that Huawei violated the US sanctions against Iran, China’s Huawei CFO Meng Zhouzhou was detained by the Canadian government and put on heavy handcuffs and ankle shackles. Is this what you mean fair?

I am here to send invitations to friends around the world:
If you think China's drug criminal law is a joke, you can bring drugs to China. Then you will find out whether China's drug criminal law is a joke or not.

Schellenberger’s lawyer said that an appeal will be filed
Released January 15, 2019 1:46 PM
Sina Weibo Email
According to a Reuters news report from Beijing, a lawyer from the Canadian man Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, who was sentenced to death by smuggling drugs in China, told Reuters on Tuesday that Schellenberg would appeal the death sentence.

The Dalian Intermediate People's Court sentenced Schellenberg to death on Monday for smuggling drugs.

According to a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) on January 14, local time, Schellenberg was sentenced to two years in prison in Canada for the illegal possession of drugs such as cocaine and heroin for trafficking purposes. His final sentence is 16 months and 12 days.

On September 12, 2007, the British Akram arrived in Tajikistan with 4 kg of heroin and arrived in Xinjiang Ulu, and was sentenced to death and executed in 2009. On the eve of Akma’s execution, the British government launched a “crazy negotiation” with China. At that time, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown not only submitted a request to the Chinese leader, but even applied for “lenity treatment” to the Chinese People’s Congress. The British media is also trying to render Akemao's case and put pressure on the Chinese government. However, in the end, Akma was executed.

Since this person was smuggling drugs and poisoning a whole country.

Good riddance, one less drug dealer in this world.
You should thank us,for those 222 kgs ice drugs,the country of destination for drugs is Australia.
On September 12, 2007, the British Akram arrived in Tajikistan with 4 kg of heroin and arrived in Xinjiang Ulu, and was sentenced to death and executed in 2009. On the eve of Akma’s execution, the British government launched a “crazy negotiation” with China. At that time, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown not only submitted a request to the Chinese leader, but even applied for “lenity treatment” to the Chinese People’s Congress. The British media is also trying to render Akemao's case and put pressure on the Chinese government. However, in the end, Akma was executed.

You should thank us,those 222 kgs ice drugs are destinated to Australia.

Good thing China executes drug dealers while in other countries they have to be protected because of muh human rights.

If people want to live like Tony Montana they can also die like him too for all I care.
2)On February 11, 2011, five drug dealers of Philippines were sentenced to death by the Chinese Supreme Court, three were executed immediately, and two were suspended for two years. At that time, when the Philippine President Aquino III prayed for drug dealers, he even said that the relationship between the two countries said that China would forgive the drug dealers "to test the relationship between the two countries that have promised to improve." Some Philippine lawmakers who are not calm enough even asked the government to reconsider the decision to abolish the death penalty in order to execute the Chinese people who are drug-trafficking in the Philippines in a "fairly equal" manner.

3) According to the statistics of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as of 2014, the Japanese had 44 people involved in drug-related pirates in China, and 33 people had been sentenced. According to Japan’s Sankei Shimbun statistics, between 2010 and 2016, a total of six Japanese were sentenced to death in China for drug crimes.
On October 31, 2013, Sakuragi, a member of the Inazawa City Government of Aichi Prefecture, Japan, was arrested by the Chinese public security authorities at the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport for allegedly smuggling drugs out of the country. The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also admitted that the Chinese Criminal Law stipulates that smuggling drugs is a felony, so Sakuragi may also be sentenced to death.
According to the Yonhap News Agency, as of August 2014, about one-third of the more than 300 Korean criminals who were admitted to China were drug criminals. Since 2014, at least four Korean drug dealers have been executed.
Not about this comment...your behavior in General...
I see you everywhere defending CN whatever in wrong or not... While not being at the same lvl when it comes to past Malaysian affairs...

So, i was just wondering...

As for the Drug dealer... I don't care... Death penalty is also what most wish...
But with this issue it's not about Death penalty or not... You know why... or at least I hope you do...

It's all a circus/Political game with Canada and the Huawei affair... so...in the End..; a shame of a behavior...
4 years of judgment administrative work and he got 15 years... and today in few hours...he got life...
What a "Lucky day"...
Well Canada will now think twice before playing in hands of Americans
I mean everyone pretty much appeals...his lawyer would probably have thought and advised he could get the sentence way down....probably has done so on regular basis with clients before.
I don't know why he decided to appeal.
My hometown, Dalian, executed a Japanese drug dealer 9 years ago.
The death penalty is the regular basis of punishment of a drug dealer in China. Apparently, he is stupid enough to make such a decision to appeal or he should fire his lawyer.
Xi has no right to pardon him but for sake of Meng wanzhou , China can make an exceptional and allow his appeal to succeed and avoid death penalty. But that will depend on Canadian. He will be put to dealth immediately if Meng wanzhou is send to US. And even he ecapes death penalty. He will be jailed for long time and suffer in jail for his crime. :enjoy:
Xi has the rights as President of China to pardon some criminals,however, the criminal exemption clause was only used for some war criminals in the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The last emperor of China, Pu Yi, was pardoned by the Chinese government after he was in jail for several years.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, China has implemented seven special amnesties;
For the first time, on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1959, the Chinese courts imposed amnesty on the Chiang Kai-shek Group and the Puppet Manchurian war criminals, counter-revolutionaries and ordinary criminals who had changed their evils.

The second and third special amnesties were implemented in 1960 and 1961 respectively. The Chinese courts did specialize in the reform of the Chiang Kai-shek Group and the Puppet Manchurian criminals.

The fourth, fifth and sixth were implemented in 1963, 1964 and 1966 respectively.
Compared with the previous two, only the war criminals of the pseudo-Mongolian autonomous government were added to the amnesty object. The other content is exactly the same.

The seventh time was in 1975, when Chinese courts imposed amnesty on all war criminals in custody and granted them citizenship.
According to a report by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) on January 14, local time, Schellenberg was sentenced to two years in prison in Canada for the illegal possession of drugs such as cocaine and heroin for trafficking purposes. His final sentence is 16 months and 12 days.
Canada is so kind to drug dealers, I hope more drug dealers go to Canada to sell drugs, don't sell drugs in China,otherwise we will take you to see god.
The point is they didnt give this punishment originally (if they did, then its no issue...their country their rules like others are saying here). They changed it now because of the political souring over the Huawei thing. If that didn't happen, then China would never have revisited this penalty. Quite a shameless behaviour by China in the end like @HannibalBarca said. Basically China has shown politics does indeed change/influence their jurisprudence process. There will be retaliation and escalation now, you can count on it....it takes time to teach lessons to hypocrite bullies, but they need to learn them all the same.

@jhungary @VCheng @gambit @F-22Raptor @Joe Shearer @Vergennes

As the new Canadian travel advisory says, there is a "risk of arbitrary enforcement of local laws" in China in the present environment.
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