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Canada & Quebec to divorce ?

Not entirely sure if what in this video is related to the thread, but comedy is worth the time.

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The most likely thing to happen is that the PQ would try to turn Quebec into another Hong Kong. Separation on its own wouldn't protect their French culture from diminishing because the place is surrounded on 3 sides by English speaking people....that is unless they turn into North Korea and close off the border and immigration completely.

It's not like Europe where none of the countries are big enough to influence other countries' language and culture.

The reason why Hong Kong can maintain its language and culture is because it has complete control over its immigration and language policies.

The problem with Quebec in the past is that you have English only speakers migrating easily into Quebec, but refuse to integrate themselves into the province. Instead they just setup their own little community where they go to English schools, go to shop at big American stores where English services or Bilingual services are always available, etc. The big American business also hire executives who only speak English to run their operation, who then hire workers who don't speak a word of French as well...

You also had politicians in Quebec who spoke English only but expect the French speaking Quebec politicians to go along with them...etc. Just look at how much the current Quebec premier Pauline Marois is being mocked for her bad English.

Its why these heavy handed language laws like "Signs must have bigger French letters" exist in Quebec.

The attempt to change the demography was deliberately undertaken to dilute strength of french speaking population and keep Quebec within Canadian fold. I don't know what happened this time. Either the concerned Canadian hue was so confident that this won't happen and didn't put in the desired efforts or the french speaking lot managed to convince some of those non-french speaking people who migrated into Quebec.
Canada will involve itself where needed, now that is smart. It is not about superpower.

Yes, the pursuit of national interests is smart indeed. It is just that for Canada, aligning itself with the superpower next door is usually the best way to serve them. May be Pakistan can learn something from this approach too.
In recent years Francophones especially the ones living in Quebec have become more attached to Canada. Quebec leaving Canada is out of the question.
Canada is perhaps the greatest nation on the face of earth. A prime example of what a functional, democratic, multicultural, socialist democracy should be. We are a bastion of peace and prosperity. Even with our immense success we feel we do not have to shove our way of life down the throats of other, unlike America. Canada, the last best west!
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