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Canada maintains sanctions as Iran eases uranium enrichment


Jan 7, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Canada maintains sanctions as Iran eases uranium enrichment

Iran has halted its most sensitive nuclear operations under a preliminary deal with world powers, winning some relief from economic sanctions on Monday in a ground-breaking exchange that could ease a threat of war.

The United States and European Union both suspended some trade and other restrictions against the OPEC oil producer after the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog confirmed that Iran had fulfilled its side of an agreement made on Nov. 24. Canada’s sanctions, however, will remain fully in place for now, Stephen Harper said Monday.

The announcements will allow six months of negotiation on a definitive accord that the West hopes can end fears of Tehran developing nuclear weapons, and Iran wants to end sanctions that are crippling its economy.

Iranian officials hailed a strengthening of ties that will also see their new president make a pitch to international business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, later this week: “The iceberg of sanctions against Iran is melting,” the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, told Iranian state television.

Iran should be able to recover $4.2-billion (U.S.) in oil revenues frozen in foreign accounts over the six months of the interim deal, as well as resume trade in petrochemicals, gold and other precious metals. But EU and U.S. officials stressed that other sanctions will still be enforced during the six months of talks and that reaching a final accord will be difficult.

Israel, which has called the interim pact a “historic mistake” and has repeatedly warned it might attack Iran to prevent it developing nuclear arms, said any final deal must end any prospect of Tehran building an atomic bomb – something Iran insists it has never had any intention of doing.

The interim accord was the culmination of years of on-off diplomacy between Iran and six powers: the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany. It marks the first time in a decade that Tehran has limited nuclear operations that it says are aimed mainly at generating electricity, and the first time the West has eased its economic pressure on Iran.

“This is an important first step,” said EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. “But more work will be needed to fully address the international community’s concerns regarding the exclusively peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear program.”

Ms. Ashton, who co-ordinates diplomatic contacts with Iran on behalf of the six world powers, said she expected talks on the final settlement to start in February.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said those negotiations would be “even more complex” and added: “We go into it clear-eyed about the difficulties ahead.”

A White House spokesman said the “aggressive enforcement” of the remaining sanctions would continue.

A senior U.S. official said: “This temporary relief will not fix the Iranian economy. It will not come close.

“Iran is not and will not be open for business until it reaches a comprehensive agreement.”

Under the interim deal, Iran agreed to suspend enrichment of uranium to a fissile concentration of 20 per cent, a short technical step away from the level needed for nuclear weapons.

It also has to dilute or convert its stockpile of this higher-grade uranium, and cease work on the Arak heavy-water reactor, which could provide plutonium, an alternative to uranium for bombs.

The International Atomic Energy Agency said Monday that Tehran had begun the dilution process and that enrichment of uranium to 20 per cent had been stopped at the two facilities where such work is done.

With a report from The Canadian Press

Canada maintains sanctions as Iran eases uranium enrichment - The Globe and Mail

The question is: What the hell would Iran need from Canada that it couldn't possibly get from Europeans or Americans once the sanctions are removed?!
I believe Canada produces a lot of equipment used in Nuclear Power Plants, India's own original plant was Canadian. So I am guessing it depends if the sanctions are removed Iran and Canada might look into the development of Nuclear power plants.
I believe Canada produces a lot of equipment used in Nuclear Power Plants, India's own original plant was Canadian. So I am guessing it depends if the sanctions are removed Iran and Canada might look into the development of Nuclear power plants.

Yep, but nuclear components are still under sanctions, I think Canadians are just trying to look as if they're relevant!
Yep, but nuclear components are still under sanctions, I think Canadians are just trying to look as if they're relevant!
Canada is a very silent player.

You look at Canada and think "oh look at that cute puppy sitting in the corner." But if you dig deeper you'll see Canada's role in the world.

Canada has the lowest population of any country in the top 10/11 major economies in the world and it's still expanding. With a population of 33 million, the country has almost the same economic activity as India and ex hyper power Russia. In terms of education, health etc... Canada ranks extremely high among the OECD countries. Industry is very strong too.

One of the global leaders in software industry, "Canada has the 8th largest commercial fishing and seafood industry in the world," and in the automobile/aircraft design and manufacturing Canada ranks extremely high.

The third largest manufacturer of aircraft in the world is Canadian (Bombardier). Then there's the massive hydrocarbon resources that are still untapped. By 2020 Canada will be exporting more than Iran and Iraq combined. Certainly more than Iran. Canada is also very active in NASA (Canada-arm for example, which is used to dock crafts to the ISS was of course made in Canada) and the nuclear industry.

So basically Canada can provide everything that the mullahs need (from space tech, aircraft parts, nuclear tech to new auto tech...). That's why we're relevant.

P.S. As of last year, the average Canadian household is richer than the average American household. Canadians don't like to talk about themselves. This cultural tendency is the reason why a lot of people underestimate Canada. In reality, we're what most of the world can only dream of being.
@َAbii I'm aware of that, but what I meant was that they don't have monopoly over the products that are acquirable under the interim deal. Even interim deal implies that nuclear related sanctions are still in place, if a final deal is implemented, I think Canada has more to lose than Iran.

Iran has a relatively big and virgin market, antagonizing Iran is only going to hit the Canadians back when the sanctions are lifted.
@َAbii I'm aware of that, but what I meant was that they don't have monopoly over the products that are acquirable under the interim deal. Even interim deal implies that nuclear related sanctions are still in place, if a final deal is implemented, I think Canada has more to lose than Iran.

Iran has a relatively big and virgin market, antagonizing Iran is only going to hit the Canadians back when the sanctions are lifted.
Canada and the US have the largest bilateral trade relationship in human history and it's always growing. Canada rarely cares about other markets. Just recently Canada has been trying to get into the East Asian market and that's just for diversification. Sanction or not, Canada wouldn't even entertain the idea of major economic relationship with Iran.
What is it Iran is missing right now?

Technical know-how?

I mean, don't they have a pretty good steel industry? In principle they should be able to manufacture a lot for themselves
Yep, but nuclear components are still under sanctions, I think Canadians are just trying to look as if they're relevant!

:rofl: :enjoy:

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