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Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

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Armenia's economy grew by 6.2% in the first half of this year, despite the fact that remittances actually DECREASED. Armenia does not need foreign money, unlike Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Armenia economy shrieked alotttt in the past years, so even this year's 6.2 is nothing, shrink 10% grow 6%. Azerbaycan is getting very rich, you must be blind not to see it.
You may be right in the sense that some Armenians were loyal. But honestly, who cares? The actuality of the Genocide is not altered by Turkish lies and reasons.

I suggest that you read more about Turkish history before making stupid comments. And Russia is the guarantor of Armenian security, and would flatten Ankara over a long weekend.:)

Suffice to say, they can't. :) It took them a week in Georgia. They are much too rusty to take on Turkish armed Forces.

And you bring up how big and bad russians are in every converstation :D there's a saying for that :)

And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same. Actions of Armenian terror organizations, actions of armanian army all prove that. We aren't any worse than you, we are just phucking stronger than you :)
Armenia economy shrieked alotttt in the past years, so even this year's 6.2 is nothing, shrink 10% grow 6%. Azerbaycan is getting very rich, you must be blind not to see it.

Azerbaijani economy grew by less than 2% last quarter.

Also, I was unable to gather ANY information from these incoherent statements: "shrieked", "alottttt" "shrink 10% grow 6%".

Suffice to say, they can't. :) It took them a week in Georgia. They are much too rusty to take on Turkish armed Forces.

And you bring up how big and bad russians are in every converstation :D there's a saying for that :)

And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same. Actions of Armenian terror organizations, actions of armanian army all prove that. We aren't any worse than you, we are just phucking stronger than you :)

Ara, we have had this conversation countless effing times. What do you mean "rusty"? Russia has nuclear weapons and, while they probably will not use them, it does not change the fact that they can wipe your capital off the face of this planet. There are several new generation aircraft from Sukhoi and Mikoyan companies that will be introduced in coming years, while Turkey submits to American superiority and buys F class.

"And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same"...I suggest that you keep your mouth shut about such matters. Do not speculate on what Armenians would or would not have done. All that matters is reality. If this forum had half-decent moderators, they would ban your @ss for making such an inhumane statement.
"And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same"...I suggest that you keep your mouth shut about such matters. Do not speculate on what Armenians would or would not have done. All that matters is reality. If this forum had half-decent moderators, they would ban your @ss for making such an inhumane statement.

Moderators told you to not bring AG claims here. But you did it anyways now you are whining about it and telling people to keep their mouth shut...

I recommend you to seek that 'reality' elsewhere, pal. If not, get used to such responses.
Moderators told you to not bring AG claims here. But you did it anyways now you are whining about it and telling people to keep their mouth shut...

I recommend you to seek that 'reality' elsewhere, pal. If not, get used to such responses.

"And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same."

Please explain your basis for this statement.
Ara, we have had this conversation countless effing times. What do you mean "rusty"? Russia has nuclear weapons and, while they probably will not use them, it does not change the fact that they can wipe your capital off the face of this planet. There are several new generation aircraft from Sukhoi and Mikoyan companies that will be introduced in coming years, while Turkey submits to American superiority and buys F class.

Yes, they are rusty. We've been in countless NATO exercises and many of our officers are terror veterans we have more combat experience. And you should be worried about what we might do to you before Russia can mobilize their forces. We finish you off before they can pass Georgia.

And they cannot dare using nuclear weapons, they have no idea where the closest trident submarine might be :) And they certainly won't take that risk over god-forsaken lands of armenia. And you know what? Phuck it, even if they launch nuclear weapons we still own you!

I won't even talk about air assets, thread is derailed enough.
Yes, they are rusty. We've been in countless NATO exercises and many of our officers are terror veterans we have more combat experience. And you should be worried about what we might do to you before Russia can mobilize their forces. We finish you off before they can pass Georgia.

And they cannot dare using nuclear weapons, they have no idea where the closest trident submarine might be :) And they certainly won't take that risk over god-forsaken lands of armenia. And you know what? Phuck it, even if they launch nuclear weapons we still own you!

I won't even talk about air assets, thread is derailed enough.

I could care less about your BS. It would probably take nothing less than for Russia to drop Tsar Bomba on Istanbul for "nationalists" such as yourself to understand how much weaker you are.

"And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same."

Please explain your basis for this statement.
"And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same."

Please explain your basis for this statement.

He is doing the best thing and avoiding a pointless arguement with you about whether AG happened or not.

And i think same with him, if Armenia had the same power as we do, they would commit genocide against Turks without a second thought. It is an opinion, you may disagree of course but demanding a ban? :disagree:

I could care less about your BS. It would probably take nothing less than for Russia to drop Tsar Bomba on Istanbul for "nationalists" such as yourself to understand how much weaker you are.



Tell them to mount a machine gun to tip of the bonba, so that it can fly while shooting...
@TurAr u're killing me bro :D I've almost forgot about that comic :lol:

I could care less about your BS. It would probably take nothing less than for Russia to drop Tsar Bomba on Istanbul.

Wet dreaming... We could bomb you back to stone age but you aren't much far from it anyway :D

We hit you with dumb bombs do you understand!?

You even have any air assets? Some mig25 or su25 junk maybe ? Does any of them worth an AIM120c or a TURAF AIM9X?

The irony is, this little bast*rd threatens me with a thermonuclear bomb to a 12-million city.
I am a genocidal maniac, what are you then? You dream of this, while you play the innocent, the victim. You are no different than your tracherous ancestors.

You are pathetic.
@TurAr u're killing me bro :D I've almost forgot about that comic :lol:

Wet dreaming... We could bomb you back to stone age but you aren't much far from it anyway :D

We hit you with dumb bombs do you understand!?

You even have any air assets? Some mig25 or su25 junk maybe ? Does any of them worth an AIM120c or a TURAF AIM9X?

The irony is, this little bast*rd threatens me with a thermonuclear bomb to a 12-million city.
I am a genocidal maniac, what are you then? You dream of this, while you play the innocent, the victim. You are no different than your tracherous ancestors.

You are pathetic.

I literally have no idea what you are talking about or what you are referring to.
All I know about Armenia-Turkish dispute history, is that Armenians were used as a proxy by imperial Russia as a stagger in Ottomans side, and when Ottomans fed up with their constant betrayal, they acted against them.

Think about what you saying....you do know that the Armenians who fought on the side of Russia were Russian Armenian citizens living in the Russian empire right?

If you want to keep it simple then think this way...
After the Turkish defeat at Sarikamish by the Armenian forces under Russian flag Turkey decided to erase its own Armenian population in Ottoman Empire, who like you said, did stay loyal to Turkey (despite being mistreated, seen as third class citizens, and taxed the most) and had no idea what is going on.
Most fighting age men were already in Turkish military where they were disarmed and worked to death. All community leaders were executed in a single day (April 24th 1915).
But really Eagle, you should do more research outside of Turkish or even Armenian views, also look up the eight stages of genocide.

Betrayal?....Turks betrayed Armenians after we built their empire for them (look for hidden Armenian marked stones inside your buildings). They tried to finish off Armenians in Ataturks time and Karabakh, both times they were stopped dead cold. Now they have built a monument in Canada of one of their diplomats whose mission was to bury the Genocide Hatchet in the international community.

The final stage of Genocide....bury the truth and make the victim look like the perpetrator.
Think about what you saying....you do know that the Armenians who fought on the side of Russia were Russian Armenian citizens living in the Russian empire right?

If you want to keep it simple then think this way...
After the Turkish defeat at Sarikamish by the Armenian forces under Russian flag Turkey decided to erase its own Armenian population in Ottoman Empire, who like you said, did stay loyal to Turkey (despite being mistreated, seen as third class citizens, and taxed the most) and had no idea what is going on.
Most fighting age men were already in Turkish military where they were disarmed and worked to death. All community leaders were executed in a single day (April 24th 1915).
But really Eagle, you should do more research outside of Turkish or even Armenian views, also look up the eight stages of genocide.

Betrayal?....Turks betrayed Armenians after we built their empire for them (look for hidden Armenian marked stones inside your buildings). They tried to finish off Armenians in Ataturks time and Karabakh, both times they were stopped dead cold. Now they have built a monument in Canada of one of their diplomats whose mission was to bury the Genocide Hatchet in the international community.

The final stage of Genocide....bury the truth and make the victim look like the perpetrator.

So we killed you because of Sarıkamış? Are you mad or something? At Sarıkamış, I think it was stupid Enver Paşa who gave the command sent 90,000 into the freezing cold, when it was seen before by napoleon and others that you have to be prepared very good against Russian cold weather. Sometimes you guys are great jokers, also why did we kill Armenians of they never back stabbed? You do remember Armenian thugs, gangs terrorist way before 1915 killing innocent? The real thing should be Armenian terrorism and hocalı genocide.
I literally have no idea what you are talking about or what you are referring to.

You don't? You moron, read again. You wish for Russians to drop a Tsar bomb to 12-million İstanbul while you constantly cry for your so called million victims of so called genocide. You again proved me right with my judgement on the previous post.

First thing, unlike you little worms, Russians have always been honorable enemies throught the history this is the last thing they'd do.

And second, as long as i breathe you will never have another opportunity to massacre my people. You could be respected citizens of Turkish Republic instead you've chosen to become dogs of Russia and you will remain that way. Some small pathetic colony.

The final stage of Genocide....bury the truth and make the victim look like the perpetrator.
Which is exactly what you have done for all these years.
You don't? You moron, read again. You wish for Russians to drop a Tsar bomb to 12-million İstanbul while you constantly cry for your so called million victims of so called genocide. You again proved me right with my judgement on the previous post.

First thing, unlike you little worms, Russians have always been honorable enemies throught the history this is the last thing they'd do.

And second, as long as i breathe you will never have another opportunity to massacre my people. You could be respected citizens of Turkish Republic instead you've chosen to become dogs of Russia and you will remain that way. Some small pathetic colony.

Which is exactly what you have done for all these years.

OK...clearly that kind of scenario would not even unfold, given that Tsar Bomba is decommissioned.

"And second, as long as i breathe you will never have another opportunity to massacre my people" ... lol gtfo no Armenian is scared of some armchair warrior in Istanbul. Besides, massacring of Turks did happen, but only as retaliation to the Genocide. What did you expect?

Honestly, I'm done with this bilateral argument. 21 prominent countries recognize the Genocide, while only Turkey (the perpatrator) actively denies it. In the USA, in 2007, the House of Representatives passed an AG recognition bill, DESPITE the fact that Turkish lobby spent MILLIONS and Armenian lobby spent next to nothing. Even prominent pro Tur authors, such as Svante Cornell, refer to "systematic massacres of Armenians."

The whole world knows the truth, it is simply a matter of time before it is recognized.
Typical Armenian response. "Turks can't do anything to us, big daddy Russia will nuke one of its biggest export markets and save Armenian ****."

Please wake up an the smell the coffee.
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