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Canada foils 'al-Qaeda inspire' terror attack on train


Jul 9, 2012
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Canada's authorities say they have arrested and charged two people with conspiring to carry out an "al-Qaeda inspired" attack on a passenger train.

At a news conference, the authorities said the suspects Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, and Raed Jaser, 35, were arrested in Montreal and Toronto on Monday.

The attacked was allegedly planned on a VIA passenger train in the greater Toronto area. It was not clear when.

The two men will now appear in court on Tuesday for a bail hearing.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said the surveillance operation leading to the arrests of the two suspects was "a result of extensive collaborative efforts".

They said the two men were not Canadian citizens and were supported by "al-Qaeda elements in Iran" without providing further details.

At the same time, the RCMP said they believed the alleged plan to attack was in the planning stage and "there was no imminent threat to the general public".

BBC News - Canada foils 'al-Qaeda inspire' terror attack on train
Having a terror attck has become status symbol for many western countries.
Now that big daddy USA had one,every little copycat is tryimg to chip in.

rather than pointing finger at others , one should realize that these very same countries give freedom of speech/expression to the oppressed who in result give them the taste of their death cult.
Having a terror attck has become status symbol for many western countries.
Now that big daddy USA had one,every little copycat is tryimg to chip in.

That's a weird comment. Pakistan has been at the receiving end of islamist terror more than anyone else recently. Trust me we fully support you in defeating, arresting, prosecuting and convicting those terrorists too.
Canada's authorities say they have arrested and charged two people with conspiring to carry out an "al-Qaeda inspired" attack on a passenger train.

At a news conference, the authorities said the suspects Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, and Raed Jaser, 35, were arrested in Montreal and Toronto on Monday.

The attacked was allegedly planned on a VIA passenger train in the greater Toronto area. It was not clear when.

The two men will now appear in court on Tuesday for a bail hearing.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said the surveillance operation leading to the arrests of the two suspects was "a result of extensive collaborative efforts".

They said the two men were not Canadian citizens and were supported by "al-Qaeda elements in Iran" without providing further details.

At the same time, the RCMP said they believed the alleged plan to attack was in the planning stage and "there was no imminent threat to the general public".

BBC News - Canada foils 'al-Qaeda inspire' terror attack on train

WTF AlQaeda elements in Iran.Looks like some oxymorons wrote this article.
They almost had me believing unltill I saw this "alqaida elements in Iran" ......but above all I feel for all the retards who got excited at the sight of this hoax. :tdown:
How is that an epic fail? They said the state wasn't involved.

Its Oxymoronic.No Iranian with som of self esteem will ever join Al Qaeda.Read the Reuters,they haven't added that BS.And both suspects seem to have came from Tunisia.

Canada thwarts "al Qaeda-supported" passenger train plot

(Reuters) - Canadian police said on Monday they had arrested and charged two men with an "al Qaeda-supported" plot to derail a passenger train.
"Had this plot been carried out, it would have resulted in innocent people being killed or seriously injured," Royal Canadian Mounted Police official James Malizia told reporters in Toronto.

The RCMP said it had arrested Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal, and Raed Jaser, 35, of Toronto in connection with the plot, which authorities said was not linked to the Boston Marathon bombings, but likely had connections to al-Qaeda.

Neither is a Canadian citizen.

"The RCMP is alleging that Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser were conspiring to carry out an al Qaeda-supported attack against a VIA passenger train," Malizia said.

VIA is Canada's equivalent of Amtrak, operating passenger rail services in Canada.

U.S. officials said the attack would have targeted a rail line between New York and Toronto, but Canadian police did not confirm that.

Police said various Canadian security forces had conducted joint operations in the two cities.

The arrests follow not only last Monday's Boston Marathon bombings in which three people were killed and more than 200 injured but revelations that Canadians took part in an attack by militants on a gas plant in Algeria in January.

It also recalls the arrests in 2006 of a group of more than a dozen Toronto-area men accused of planning to plant bombs at various Canadian targets. Eleven men were eventually convicted of taking part on the plot.

"Today's arrests demonstrate that terrorism continues to be a real threat to Canada," Public Safety Minister Vic Toews told reporters in Ottawa.

"Canada will not tolerate terrorist activity and we will not be used as a safe haven for terrorists or those who support terrorist activities."

(Reporting by Mark Hosenball, Louise Egan, David Ljunggren and Alastair Sharp, writing by Cameron French; Editing by Janet Guttsman, Philip Barbara and Eric Walsh)

Canada thwarts al Qaeda-supported passenger train plot | Reuters
Why do people respond with denial to everything? Well that was a rhetorical question and we know the answer.

Strange bedfellows -- Iran and al Qaeda - CNN.com

I don't understand some trolls here, we almost became to victims to another terror attack and some people are calling false flaggs on that, it is disgusting the nature of some people here, no sense of respect what so ever but remember lets not paint the same brush on everyone!
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