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Can we Chinese make good friend with Indian?

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TOTAL RIDICULOUS PROPAGANDA BEING PROPAGATED IN INDIA. :disagree: How many times before you understand? I'll highlight your concerns one by one:

(a) Who will be "major" superpower?

This is an Indian obsession, NOT Chinese. Yes there is a saying that two tigers cannot occupy the same mountain, but it's not necessarily a rigid rule. A mountain can contain all sorts of animals - pandas, elephant, tiger, wolves, birds, etc. If in future India is the tiger, great - if not, also okay. Being so obsessed with competitors is not helpful. Chill & enjoy life! :)

(b) Sino-Pak relationship is bad for India.

This is bad thinking. Only if India intends to annex Pakistan do I see resistance from Sino-Pak alliance. Otherwise, this adds to stability to all of Asia. Best if we have Sino-Indo-Pak-Nippon-Korea-ASEAN-BD-Iran-Russia-etc partnership.

(c) China is surrounding India to weaken India.

If you look at the map, China's territory has been stolen by most of her neighbors and is now reduced. Even worse is China's access (and throughput) in sea lanes. It is obvious that Supremacist Powers are strangling China, this is merely China unstrangling herself.

The main reason for India is they know the McMahon line is both ILLEGAL and UNSUSTAINABLE. Massive internal people's resistance in those regions, and their affirmative support to be part of China threatens India gravely. China hopes for peaceful return of stolen land, and NOT annexation of India's land. Just like with Taiwan in 1990s where a power-sharing offer was made (and reject then), India is offered an extremely fair Land-Swap (land east of Kashmir for southern Tibet) but India rejected.

Life is unfair for India, while China has huge land up north (Siberia) - but India's expansion is kept in check. In the west by Pakistan, up north by China, and to the east by Myanmar. Hence the 'conflict' with these nations. It is unfortunate for hundreds of millions of Indians.

My personal remedy is that Indians emigrate to EU, GCC, Africa, Oz, USA, Canada, South America by the hundreds of millions. If each country that has sparse land takes a few dozen million Indians then India will have more room to breath. :smitten:

a) Who will be a major 'super-power'?

This is a Chinese obsession, to one up the Japs and Americans, the people who've tormented you lot for so long. The Indian media tries to sell anything and everything, don't read too much into it. China's obsession with its 'self image' betrays your country's inherent lack of pride/self consciousness. There are plenty of examples from the Beijing Olympics.

b) Sino-Pak is bad for India

The Sino-Pak relationship exists solely to counter India. The Chinese have no particular affinity for Pakistanis, just that the both of you share an inimical view of India. To the Pakistani's, India is it's large and belligerent 'Hindu' neighbor, to the Chinese, India is the only credible threat to its influence in South Asia and the Indian ocean.

c) China is trying to surround India.

China is trying to secure it's lifeline, this involves negating the threat the IN poses.

Sadly for the Chinese, this is impossible, simply because of our location. India will have a world class blue water navy before the Chinese can get their logistics in place. Besides, China is already bottled up by Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and USN. Hardly any country in South East Asia is comfortable with China's growing power. This is where India has room to maneuver, India's influence comes as a welcome balance to China's. (Its called the 'Look-East' policy by the way)

China has always been ahead of India, India isn't the one that's being contained its China, life is unfair for you lot because some of the most powerful countries in the world are trying to hinder your growth while they're giving us free rides. Like the free ride we got a free ride into the N5. China's sudden rise has come as a blessing in disguise, there are many who would like to see your check your growth, China has helped India make some powerful friends who are eager to help us become a world power. India will chip away at your influence in the same way China has been chipping away at Western influence.

India, as every other country, wants its fair share of the pie.

My advice to the Chinese is to recognize the rights of Taiwan and Tibet. Maybe then the world will be more comfortable with you.
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My advice to the Chinese is to recognize the rights of Taiwan and Tibet. Maybe then the world will be more comfortable with you.
Yeah, my advice to Indians is to give freedom to Kashmir and China does not need Pakistan to counter India.They whipped your ***** alone in 62 and can do it again.
Jeet, finally I got it.

In this forum, I got to know the one who disputes and condemns nations relation are popular and true.

The one who trys to repair and establish peaceful and good relation with countries will be regarded as fake and idiot.

That say, they don't like to see the scene of good relation between us.

It seems that some Chinese think anyone who make friends with you is idiot.

you can make friends with anyone ,you can say whatever you like,but you should be proud of your own country,it will make people despise your personality if you pretend to be someone with google
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To be frank, there are truely some disputes between India and China, but I can't understand why these 2 countries regard each other as enemy?

Yes there are desputes, but those are old disputes that will go one forever. Now of 21 the century India and China has become more of an rival of economics more so then the disputes you are mentioning. Since you are in business you will se lots of Indian and Chinese companies battling it out in the global market, since both the countries have not created certain niches.

Yeah, my advice to Indians is to give freedom to Kashmir and China does not need Pakistan to counter India.They whipped your ***** alone in 62 and can do it again.

Word, and my advice to Pakistan is that confrontation with India is hurting Pakistan much more than it is hurting India. Everything can be sorted out once Pakistan resolutely alters its policy of confrontation with India.

50% of your land, international reputation, and the WoT later, one would imagine that Pakistan would realize the dangers of playing with this vicious ideology of Islamic terrorism, but alas, those same leaders that embarrass Pakistan on the international stage are powerless to do anything in that right mess of a country you have.

China doesn't need Pakistan to fight India, but why would you expect them to do any of the fighting when they're arming you to do it? Pakistan needs China more than China needs Pakistan, they know this, and they will leverage the advantage they have if push comes to shove.

IMO Pakistan is making the same mistake with the Chinese as it did with the Americans.
Word, and my advice to Pakistan is that confrontation with India is hurting Pakistan much more than it is hurting India. Everything can be sorted out once Pakistan resolutely alters its policy of confrontation with India.

50% of your land, international reputation, and the WoT later, one would imagine that Pakistan would realize the dangers of playing with this vicious ideology of Islamic terrorism, but alas, those same leaders that embarrass Pakistan on the international stage are powerless to do anything in that right mess of a country you have.

China doesn't need Pakistan to fight India, but why would you expect them to do any of the fighting when they're arming you to do it? Pakistan needs China more than China needs Pakistan, they know this, and they will leverage the advantage they have if push comes to shove.

IMO Pakistan is making the same mistake with the Chinese as it did with the Americans.
You know i can only laugh at fools like you who say Pakistan should not have good relations with China.You are clearly forgetting the fact that unlike US we pay china for every damn thing we purchase from them...They don't give Military aid like US used to give back in 60's..In fact unlike the US China helped us setup domestic arms industry.All the small and other arms we are producing today are because of China.Why should China not sell weapon to us like us?We're paying china everything and they want good relations with other countries.Pakistan-China relations are more like Soviet-Indo Relations.Yeah any country who sell us weapons is arming us..you indians are so jealous that is is just startling.I see US is also arming India to fight China.They don't want to fight them directly as they have India to do their dirty work. Kashmir comment was reply to your Tibet and Taiwan comment...not related to Pakistan.
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China doesn't need Pakistan to fight India, but why would you expect them to do any of the fighting when they're arming you to do it? Pakistan needs China more than China needs Pakistan, they know this, and they will leverage the advantage they have if push comes to shove.

IMO Pakistan is making the same mistake with the Chinese as it did with the Americans.

let's back to the topic....there is not friendship between china and india as long as you still enjoy the dirty play like this,we call it"离间计" since 2500 years ago,your play is like a joke in front of chinese,time will tell us everything,it's pakistan being with china when the world against us,why we would do anything hurt our most trusted friend.Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them
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^^ Yeah that's a pretty heart warming quote right there. China only looks out for China. As does every other country in the world. There are no friends in today's world, only mutual interests.
^^ Yeah that's a pretty heart warming quote right there. China only looks out for China. As does every other country in the world. There are no friends in today's world, only mutual interests.

you are right,it's the theory for most countries,but china have two friends we can always trust
You know i can only laugh at fools like you who say Pakistan should not have good relations with China.You are clearly forgetting the fact that unlike US we pay china for every damn thing we purchase from them...They don't give Military aid like US used to give back in 60's..In fact unlike the US China helped us setup domestic arms industry.All the small and other arms we are producing today are because of China.Why should China not sell weapon to us like us?We're paying china everything and they want good relations with other countries.Pakistan-China relations are more like Soviet-Indo Relations.Yeah any country who sell us weapons is arming us..you indians are so jealous that is is just startling.I see US is also arming India to fight China.They don't want to fight them directly as they have India to do their dirty work. Kashmir comment was reply to your Tibet and Taiwan comment...not related to Pakistan.

And I can only laugh at emotional fools like yourself. I never said Pakistan shouldn't maintain good relations with China, only Pakistan is putting all its eggs in one basket. Pakistan is coming to rely on the Chinese much like it did on the US back in the day. I read a good article on the affect Chinese goods are having on Pakistan's domestic market. No body can compete with China's manufacturing capacity yet Pakistan has given them close to open access to their own markets.

Pakistan has come to rely on Chinese support on almost everything, investments, military equipment, diplomatic support.

Will Pakistan be able to independently choose what is best for itself if it is left with no choice but to play ball with the Chinese?

The more you depend on them, the more leverage they have.

Pakistan has big enemies and so it needs big friends. It's simplistic to think that the other guy doesn't have his own agenda.

---------- Post added at 02:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 AM ----------

you are right,it's the theory for most countries,but china have two friends we can always trust

Pakistan and ?
let's back to the topic....there is not friendship between china and india as long as you still enjoy the dirty play like this,we call it"离间计" since 2500 years ago,your play is like a joke in front of chinese,time will tell us everything,it's pakistan being with china when the world against us,why we would do anything hurt our most trusted friend.Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them

Friend would you like to remind me when did china helped its most trusted friend pakistan in a war??? What is the meaning of 'trusted friend'??? There is no trusted friend in this world. Countries looks what's benefiting to its own country rather than helping other country. China needs pakistan to keep india busy. But its very sad that america wont let that happen now. Infact they told india to keep talking with pakistan on kashmir and keep them busy while focus on china. Didnt u saw indian moves just after talk between pakistan and india accurd? Cant u see china woken up india friend. In 5years check from where to where india would be. 30 billion dollars in line. America eye'ing atleast 15 billion dollars. India from junk would be turn into brand new. China have no option than making india friend. They might oppose india more 3years but after that china wont dare to make india angry friend. Indian moves around indo-china border already shivring china's spine. imagine after 5years when india would be leathel military (do check whats on india's shopping list).
Cuba? really? Never heard that before.

And China isn't our enemy, we are competitors. Only in today's world there are no rules to the competition.
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