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Can we Chinese make good friend with Indian?

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India also knows that the West is using them but, as long as the West is pouring money and technology into India, why not play along?

Just wanted to make clear that Its PAKISTAN not India who is living on the charity of the west.:pakistan:
Because we believe Indian 'consulates' in Afghanistan are funding insurgent movements within Pakistan.

And because your puppet-dork Karzai has double-crossed us and gone back on his word far too many times.

World don't move on what you "believe." Prove it to world.No body is stopping you. :azn:
Hi Indian friends now I am at Mumbai India.

I am a Sri Lankan. From Sri Lanka, I came to Mumbai India with my Chinese Business partners from Shanghai China to promote a long term business expansion with Indian companies.

Monday (Tomorrow) we will sign business agreements with Indian Companies.

From next week Me & Sri Lankan & Chinese business team, we will travel across India with our Indian business partner for business enlargement across India.

Can any one here from India tell me nice places to visit in India?

Talk to eve706 :rofl:
Are you guys travelling together? :rofl:
someone please close this thread.it was started by a "residual brain" who is pretending to be a "chinese" girl,clearly chinese can't make friend with indian for now,there is border issue,there is dalai issue,not to mention india's ambition in this region ,have you seen any american member here joint the quarrel between chinese and indian?india is already falling into someone's trick
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I doubt if Pakistan and China would ever be friendly to India.Even if,
-Kashmir is resolved to Pakistan's satisfaction
- AP is given by India to China

The anti-India bias not only in these two countries is all pervasive (in terms of culture, political systems, intentions...). They dont have any 'respect' for Indians and therefore India...You could easily include Srilanka, Bangladesh to this list.While Indians are flawed and has many issues and problems (societal, social, economiuc, political), this animosity to Indians means it will be difficult if not impossible to resolve these issues....Lot of these perceptions seem to be racist in their overtones...

While Im no fan of Amercians, but it seems to be a rare country that seems to allow every race...some sort of an opportunity (even if its not equal)...its sad that its in decline and there attitudes are also changing...

So..there is...no hope

Yes, yes.
China Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, everybody is ganging up against poor little India....:cry::cry::cry:
REDIFF. com ? Get real man!!

What a JOKE!!

Try Times on Line, you will have better luck there:smitten:


Thats great.. What about the other links provided? You conveniently pick the source in one link and try to discredit the message. I can provide 100's of sources if u really want to or you yourself can do some simple research and do a Google search to find out. But we both know it'll do no good as far as you or people of your kind getting convinced, right..??:hitwall:
I have made my point and backed it up. I don't want to discuss any further on this.:argh::sick::angry:
Thats great.. What about the other links provided? You conveniently pick the source in one link and try to discredit the message. I can provide 100's of sources if u really want to or you yourself can do some simple research and do a Google search to find out. But we both know it'll do no good as far as you or people of your kind getting convinced, right..??:hitwall:
I have made my point and backed it up. I don't want to discuss any further on this.:argh::sick::angry:

Let me give you a good advice, speculations=rumors

Get a life before you make a fool out of yourself:smitten:

'China tested Pakistan's first nuclear bomb in the 90s'

Posted on Sun Jan 04 2009 05:52:35 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time) by MyTwoCopperCoins

WASHINGTON: China had tested for Pakistan its first nuclear bomb as early as in 1990, enabling Islamabad to respond within weeks to the Indian atomic tests eight years later, a top US nuclear expert has claimed.

“The Chinese did a massive training of Pakistani scientists, brought them to China for lectures, even gave them the design of the CHIC-4 device, which was a weapon that was easy to build a model for export,” former US Air Force Secretary Thomas Reed told American news magazine ‘US News and World Report’.

Reed, who worked at Livermore National Laboratory as weapons designer, had co-authored a book — The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and Its Proliferation — with Danny Stillman, the former director of technical intelligence division at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Pakistans Nuclear Weapons program

Pakistan's dependence on China grew as Western export controls and enforcement mechanisms have grown more stringent. China's nuclear assistance predates the 1986 Sino-Pakistani atomic cooperation agreement, with some of the most critical transfers occurring from 1980 through 1985. China is reported to have provided Pakistan with the design of one of its warheads, as well as sufficient HEU for a few weapons. The 25-kiloton design was the one used in China's fourth nuclear test, which was an atmospheric test using a ballistic missile launch. This configuration is said to be a fairly sophisticated design, with each warhead weighing considerably less than the unwieldy, first-generation US and Soviet weapons which weighed several thousand kilograms. As of 1989 it was suggested that Pakistan had a workable bomb weighing only 400 pounds. Pakistan Foreign Minister Yakub Khan was present at the Chinese Lop Nor test site to witness the test of a small nuclear device in May 1983, giving rise to speculation that a Pakistani-assembled device was detonated in this test.

Evidently the jump-start provided by A.Q. Khan's trove of documents was an insufficient basis for a dependable Uranium program. Chinese assistance in the development of gas centrifuges at Kahuta was indicated by the presence of Chinese technicians at the facility in the early 1980s. The uranium enrichment facility began operating in the early 1980s, but suffered serious start up problems. In early 1996 it was reported that the A.Q. Khan Research Laboratory had received 5,000 ring magnets, which can be used in gas centrifuges, from a subsidiary of the China National Nuclear Corporation.

Perhaps in response to the persistent problems with the Uranium program, around the time of the signing of the 1986 Sino-Pakistani atomic cooperation agreement, Pakistan evidently embarked on a parallel Plutonium program. Built with Chinese assistance, the heavy water reactor at Khushab is the central element of Pakistan's program for production of plutonium and tritium for advanced compact warheads. The Khushab facility, like that at Kahuta, is not subject to IAEA inspections. Khushab, with a capacity variously reported at between 40 and 70 MWT, was completed in the mid-1990s, with the start of construction dating to the mid-1980s
Let me give you a good advice, speculations=rumors

Get a life before you make a fool out of yourself:smitten:


Thanks but no thanks. But you can keep your wise advice to yourself.
If you want to live in your own fools paradise and stick to your own dellusions, its your choice. Enjoy..:cheers::victory:
Times of India=crap

Nice try for PASTE 10% of the whole acticle.

Thanks for wasting my time reading it.

Evertyhing was base on speculations=B.S.

If you are on a mission, do a better job!!

Until then you are just another Indians spreading B.S.:hitwall:

Yes, yes.
China Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, everybody is ganging up against poor little India....:cry::cry::cry:

'Poor'.....Yes...'Little'...No.No one's sad about it !!!. Just stating an opinion.Ofcourse, boorish behaviour by some of us doesnt help.
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