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Can today's India compare to China around 15 years ago?

India is an country who have great dream. Many countries in this world do not even dream. Many Chinese people go overseas to work. They find that many communities have no confidence and ideals for development. They are content with the status quo. India is not the case So, I hope to stop this boasting

Yes ...I think this sums it up ..we Indians have great dreams , yes the execution is shoddy ....but if we aim for the stars , then at least we can land on the moon. The Chinese in fact should be happy that India considers China a role model for growth and development. It may not seem obvious , but the defining relationship of this century will not be the US -China or India -China ones , but the India-China relationship ...the Indians and the Chinese are far more alike than what either India or China cares to accept ...
I don't think they have the tradition and mindset to revolt, otherwise they would not have been under colonial rules for thousand years.
You cant be serious right now? You were no United Kingdom either. Because I know some history and China was ruled by European colonial powers as well, no? Living in US makes you think you are white huh.

Edit: There was Japan as well in the mix.
Yes ...I think this sums it up ..we Indians have great dreams , yes the execution is shoddy ....but if we aim for the stars , then at least we can land on the moon. The Chinese in fact should be happy that India considers China a role model for growth and development. It may not seem obvious , but the defining relationship of this century will not be the US -China or India -China ones , but the India-China relationship ...the Indians and the Chinese are far more alike than what either India or China cares to accept ...
I can tell you there was a short time both chinese and indians cheered for each other‘s achievements and both see each other as the same league against the west,but those good old days has long gone.With nationalist sentiment rapid growing in both countries,every country will fight for its own interests,this is the sad reality
You cant be serious right now? You were no United Kingdom either. Because I know some history and China was ruled by European colonial powers as well, no? Living in US makes you think you are white huh.

Edit: There was Japan as well in the mix.
You know some history? Is that a fact? :crazy: Apparently you don't know that much. Please provide any legal sources where it clearly states that European powers including Imperial Japan ever ruled China. Just making sure of it but do you understand what the word "ruling" means? Maybe you have a totally different definition than most of us here.
And about urban population and Hukou, you do count these slum dwellers as urban people, right?

The debate has achieved yet another incredible milestone when the SP12 people argued that slum development equal to urbanization hence India is more urbanized and has a greater chance to become a rural-driven, consumption-based economy.

For the SP12 people, lack of slums in China equals to lack of development in rural China, however, they seem to forget the amount of infrastructure that is being built up and how much money is invested there.

But, again, for SP12 people, that investment is also wrong because it may not reflect the immediate needs but also includes future needs.

I wonder how much money SP12 will need when/if they really wanted to build an equal infrastructure that China has now. And where the hell will the money come from?

Like @Dungeness and @GS Zhou say, on the one hand, this sort of thinking is a strategic blessing to us. On the other hand, it is terrible.
The first and biggest reason is that when India transitions from a HDI of 0.64 to 0.8+, India's GDP will be growing at well over 8%. No country in the world that has transitioned from 0.7 to 0.8+ has done it in an era of very high growth.

So this is stuff we are doing in India long before China is. So you can imagine how quickly India's HDI will grow in comparison to other countries.

India has to climb up from 0.64 all the way to 0.8+ with a far younger and very fast growing economy. You see, it's simply not the same. And you can't compare India to any other country in the world due to these advantages.

India's HDI is going to ramp up really quickly in a really short amount of time.

You're bragging about something which hasn't even happen and speak as if India's system is vastly superior to China's or other countries'. Here's the composite for HDI:


If you're going to match China's HDI with a far lower GNI per capita, your life expectancy and years of schooling must be far superior than China's.

But of the matter of fact is India's life expectancy and years of schooling remains far below China's.




Which dimension is India near a 0.8 HDI country, let alone all three dimensions?

Brag again when India reaches a HDI of 0.8 or grows 'well over 8%'.
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You're bragging about something which hasn't even happen and speak as if India's system is vastly superior to China's or other countries'. Here's the composite for HDI:


If you're going to match China's HDI with a far lower GNI per capita, your life expectancy and years of schooling must be far superior than China's.

But of the matter of fact is India's life expectancy and years of schooling remains far below China's.



Brag again when India reaches a HDI of 0.8 or grows 'well over 8%'.

Life expectancy at birth 1990-2013.png

Sub-Sahara Africa should be india's competitor in the next century....in order to achieve better hunger index score than North Korea

Unfortunately, due to the low life expectancy of PDF RSSers. they won't see too much.
I can tell you there was a short time both chinese and indians cheered for each other‘s achievements and both see each other as the same league against the west,but those good old days has long gone.With nationalist sentiment rapid growing in both countries,every country will fight for its own interests,this is the sad reality

See,I believe relationships between countries are very dynamic and very complex ! Deep down , ,the border issues aside and political fear mongering aside, every Indian admires the Chinese for what they have achieved in the past 20-30 years. But unfortunately, India , with a fledgling manufacturing ecosystem and other sectors which are very young as compared to China's ,has no other option but to maintain a status quo and develop its service industry, whose biggest clientsare the Americans ....I expect this to continue for the next decade or decade and a half ...by then , Indian manufacturing , domestic IT demand and other sectors will be much more mature than they are today , and these can power the economy based on their own strengths...naturally the Indian reliance on the US will come down a lot. I think the start of that era will signify the beginning of the Indian-Chinese alliance ..I mean , come on , we are neighbours after all...and our demographics are similar , we have old, rich and vibrant cultures that no Western country can boast of ...

Bottom line - To expect Indians and Chinese to become friends today is kind of improbably . But Good friends 20 years down the line-definitely possible, in fact that ought to be the natural course of things ...so till then , we have to bear with the frenemy status ...

Both the politburo in Beijing and the central government in New Delhi realize this , that's why they limit their aggression to mere rhetoric and dick waving
See,I believe relationships between countries are very dynamic and very complex ! Deep down , ,the border issues aside and political fear mongering aside, every Indian admires the Chinese for what they have achieved in the past 20-30 years. But unfortunately, India , with a fledgling manufacturing ecosystem and other sectors which are very young as compared to China's ,has no other option but to maintain a status quo and develop its service industry, whose biggest clientsare the Americans ....I expect this to continue for the next decade or decade and a half ...by then , Indian manufacturing , domestic IT demand and other sectors will be much more mature than they are today , and these can power the economy based on their own strengths...naturally the Indian reliance on the US will come down a lot. I think the start of that era will signify the beginning of the Indian-Chinese alliance ..I mean , come on , we are neighbours after all...and our demographics are similar , we have old, rich and vibrant cultures that no Western country can boast of ...

Bottom line - To expect Indians and Chinese to become friends today is kind of improbably . But Good friends 20 years down the line-definitely possible, in fact that ought to be the natural course of things ...so till then , we have to bear with the frenemy status ...

Both the politburo in Beijing and the central government in New Delhi realize this , that's why they limit their aggression to mere rhetoric and dick waving
But the trend is not bright,you can‘t just say china and india are neighbours so let us be friends,that‘s not going to work.

Even we ignore the trolls on international forums, China and india still lack common interests and common enemies in reality ,I saw india lack interests to support China's OBOR and CPEC,I saw india is falling into western league when west showing goodwill to india to counter china.I saw the chinese public views of india turned from positive to nagetive in the past few decades especially after Doklam issue,with all this issues on the table I can't be as optimistic as you.

I can make friends with indians in real life but when it comes to national interest I will defend china without a doubt ,I think so will you
You know some history? Is that a fact? :crazy: Apparently you don't know that much. Please provide any legal sources where it clearly states that European powers including Imperial Japan ever ruled China. Just making sure of it but do you understand what the word "ruling" means? Maybe you have a totally different definition than most of us here.

If you think China was never ruled by foreign powers then I have nothing to say to you.

You sounded uneducated.

Seems like the educated ones have pretty sh** grammar lol. It is fun to see how some of you guys think India was under foreign occupation and at the same time China was the ruler of the world? You are no UK lol. BTW what was opium wars? And what happened to Taiwan? Also welcome to the ignore list!
If you think China was never ruled by foreign powers then I have nothing to say to you.

Seems like the educated ones have pretty sh** grammar lol. It is fun to see how some of you guys think India was under foreign occupation and at the same time China was the ruler of the world? You are no UK lol. BTW what was opium wars? And what happened to Taiwan? Also welcome to the ignore list!
you said european powers ruled us, you are wrong
But the trend is not bright,you can‘t just say china and india are neighbours so let us be friends,that‘s not going to work.

Even we ignore the trolls on international forums, China and india still lack common interests and common enemies in reality ,I saw india lack interests to support China's OBOR and CPEC,I saw india is falling into western league when west showing goodwill to india to counter china.I saw the chinese public views of india turned from positive to nagetive in the past few decades especially after Doklam issue,with all this issues on the table I can't be as optimistic as you.

I can make friends with indians in real life but when it comes to national interest I will defend china without a doubt ,I think so will you
india, in a development level no better than Sub-Sahara Africa, should first rank better North Korea, then talking about supa powa 2012.


Life expectancy long-term estimation .png

Sadly, in the lifetime of PDF RSSers, they will never see india to
even reach China's today's level of life expectancy.

I hope I can donate 5 cents I have earned from this comment (according to @Nilgiri )
to hungry PDF RSSers so that they could have better chance to surpass North Koreans in health.
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