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can Russia & China resolve Kashmir issue to succeed OBOR project?

Mr ambassador

Nov 24, 2017
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Peace dialogues between Pak-India start from proxy war and end at Kashmir issue without any result. India trusts on Russia and Pakistan trusts on China .so is it possible for Pakistan and India to resolve Kashmir issue in this way to minimize the western influence in Asia.?
The UN is a toothless organisation and has failed to bring peace in the world. Kashmir and 'EGO' are core issues between two the nuclear states. Wars & hostilities are not solution to survive for a long time

. Europeans have fought hundred years wars, yet they are living together .There are countless territorial and ethnic disputes within European union ,but they have managed to tolerate each other .

is it so hard to make economic union with stronger currency in Asia to let BRICK bank an alternative of IMF ?
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Peace dialogues between Pak-India start from proxy war and end at Kashmir issue without any result. India trusts on Russia and Pakistan trusts on China .so is it possible for Pakistan and India to resolve Kashmir issue in this way to minimize the western influence in Asia.?
The UN is a toothless organisation and has failed to bring peace in the world. Kashmir and 'EGO' are core issues between two the nuclear states. Wars & hostilities are not solution to survive for a long time

. Europeans have fought hundred years wars, yet they are living together .There are countless territorial and ethnic disputes within European union ,but they have managed to tolerate each other .

is it so hard to make economic union with stronger currency in Asia to let BRICK bank an alternative of IMF ?
Who helps us to solve south Tibet issues? We have several scores to settle with India, how can we help others make peace while we can't have peace.
India does not want peace. Need to look beyond that now be proactive in war time strategy.
India does not want peace. Need to look beyond that now be proactive in war time strategy.

Keeping emotion aside, the politics of peace and violence goes by economics...
If India give away Kashmir valley and keep remainin parts of JK which is not so Pro Pakistan, what is the tangible benifit India will get for supporting this move.

In the same way, If Pakistan drops away Kashmir issue and agrees for status quo, what economic benifit Pakistan will get in return of this initiatives?

So when the cost and answer of these questions are answered and beneficial to both parties, solution is possible. Otherwise, it seems, the status quo is working out well for Pakistan, India and rest of the world, to screw India and Pakistan in the name of Kashmir issue...

Peace dialogues between Pak-India start from proxy war and end at Kashmir issue without any result. India trusts on Russia and Pakistan trusts on China .so is it possible for Pakistan and India to resolve Kashmir issue in this way to minimize the western influence in Asia.?
The UN is a toothless organisation and has failed to bring peace in the world. Kashmir and 'EGO' are core issues between two the nuclear states. Wars & hostilities are not solution to survive for a long time

. Europeans have fought hundred years wars, yet they are living together .There are countless territorial and ethnic disputes within European union ,but they have managed to tolerate each other .

is it so hard to make economic union with stronger currency in Asia to let BRICK bank an alternative of IMF ?

Thank you for such a positive thread...
Again, i love to see these non sensical India Pakistan political issues to be sorted out in our generation...But, not sure OBOR or CPEC will be any driving factor for India...
I hope and wish India and Pakistan and its people will soon realize in the insanity of the hate and then we preach for each other, and try to sort out the mess one day...
Peace dialogues between Pak-India start from proxy war and end at Kashmir issue without any result. India trusts on Russia and Pakistan trusts on China .so is it possible for Pakistan and India to resolve Kashmir issue in this way to minimize the western influence in Asia.?
The UN is a toothless organisation and has failed to bring peace in the world. Kashmir and 'EGO' are core issues between two the nuclear states. Wars & hostilities are not solution to survive for a long time

. Europeans have fought hundred years wars, yet they are living together .There are countless territorial and ethnic disputes within European union ,but they have managed to tolerate each other .

is it so hard to make economic union with stronger currency in Asia to let BRICK bank an alternative of IMF ?

It is not that simple like you said .
Because the one party in here is not an usual one . She already demonstrated her capability by directly invading in to China Bhutan disputed land on the behalf of the Bhutan.
Forget Russia China ,Even NATO and US combined cant force us .

What would be our response when Russia and China tried for something like that ?

Plain answer .Mind your own business.
Simple as that.
. She already demonstrated her capability by directly invading in to China Bhutan disputed land on the behalf of the Bhutan.
She has her chicken neck to be at mercy of the Chinese knife hanging over her. It's not about Bhutan, its about India's chicken neck to be cut off at China's will.
It is not that simple like you said .
Because the one party in here is not an usual one . She already demonstrated her capability by directly invading in to China Bhutan disputed land on the behalf of the Bhutan.
Forget Russia China ,Even NATO and US combined cant force us .

What would be our response when Russia and China tried for something like that ?

Plain answer .Mind your own business.
Simple as that.

your ally Russia will be with you in such peace treaty .

India is in the eastern side of globe and should work with easterners instead of taking side of west. Make allies according to Geo-strategic position.

let me explain how china-Russia can play role in Kashmir issue .

after demilitarization of Kashmir , Russia and China will keep military police to avoid any sort of aggression .

Declare Kashmir a friendly land zone of India-Pakistan.

The guarantors of this treaty China and Russia will deploy there military police in Kashmir for security and possible future military aggression. In my personal view, Russia is not reliable for Pakistan at this time as much as China is reliable for India. Russian ministers never visited Pakistan as much as top Chinese authorities landed on India. Both India and Pakistan will have to trust on Russia and China to move forward. I am 101% sure that China will never ever back stab India in this treaty. China will also prefer peace treaty to create more business opportunities in the region.

it is too simple.
It will be a smarter option for India to find a peaceful Resolution also the Business sense behind it.

But she is suicidal.
Currently, India is not facing any debt repayment problems. So it makes Business sense to maintain status quo.:D
your ally Russia will be with you in such peace treaty .

India is in the eastern side of globe and should work with easterners instead of taking side of west. Make allies according to Geo-strategic position.

let me explain how china-Russia can play role in Kashmir issue .

after demilitarization of Kashmir , Russia and China will keep military police to avoid any sort of aggression .

Declare Kashmir a friendly land zone of India-Pakistan.

The guarantors of this treaty China and Russia will deploy there military police in Kashmir for security and possible future military aggression. In my personal view, Russia is not reliable for Pakistan at this time as much as China is reliable for India. Russian ministers never visited Pakistan as much as top Chinese authorities landed on India. Both India and Pakistan will have to trust on Russia and China to move forward. I am 101% sure that China will never ever back stab India in this treaty. China will also prefer peace treaty to create more business opportunities in the region.

it is too simple.

All these will happen only if we allow us .
Russia is not USSR and not in a position to force us .
China,forgot them,they would think twice before they provoke us .

These Russia China ally is just an imagination.
We know our strength and capability .
We had already cross all those threshold .

She has her chicken neck to be at mercy of the Chinese knife hanging over her. It's not about Bhutan, its about India's chicken neck to be cut off at China's will.

And what happened to that knife when we occupied your piece of land except some whining?
All these will happen only if we allow us .
Russia is not USSR and not in a position to force us .
China,forgot them,they would think twice before they provoke us .

These Russia China ally is just an imagination.
We know our strength and capability .
We had already cross all those threshold .

And what happened to that knife when we occupied your piece of land except some whining?

where was your capability and strength when Chinese entered in your border ?o_O

Peace wish should not be considered our weakness.
Peace dialogues between Pak-India start from proxy war and end at Kashmir issue without any result. India trusts on Russia and Pakistan trusts on China .so is it possible for Pakistan and India to resolve Kashmir issue in this way to minimize the western influence in Asia.?
The UN is a toothless organisation and has failed to bring peace in the world. Kashmir and 'EGO' are core issues between two the nuclear states. Wars & hostilities are not solution to survive for a long time

. Europeans have fought hundred years wars, yet they are living together .There are countless territorial and ethnic disputes within European union ,but they have managed to tolerate each other .

is it so hard to make economic union with stronger currency in Asia to let BRICK bank an alternative of IMF ?

Your compatriot has written most practical piece.

It is not about Kashmir anymore.

WE are way way beyond that, and really I do not see any solution anywhere nearby.

First: There is no compulsion for India to end Kashmir issue, forget about in or against favor. It's working very well for India to keep you draining your resources because hawks on our side also knows Kashmir solution won't end animosity.

Second, There is no need for China and Russia. Both don't benefit in ending Kashmir issue and West doesn't either.

Third, Both Indians and Pakistanis haven't experienced war on scale of Europe. Therefore, no one gives second thought to fire nukes or invasion in online forums.

In short, Until and unless Pakistan becomes a rich nation like Singapore or UAE that every Indian looks forward to visit or wants open borders with, India wouldn't be interested. Right now your country seems to be drifting into bankruptcy and radicalization as per outsider view. So we are more interested in securing/closing borders than opening. This is point 0 or pre-condition for resolution of Kashmir issue, in current/modern times. Rest all is bogus.
Lol.. will Russia really want to end Sino-Pak hostilities towards India.... and that too for OBOR?

Do you guys even know how much worth of defence equipment India purchases from Russia. Resolution of Kashmir means lesser threats to India and lesser arms sale for Russia.

Also there isn't much benefits for Russia with the success of OBOR. Russia already has major oil pipelines running to China through the Northeastern China, and for everything else it has North-South corridor running through Iran.

So it really doesn't make sense for the Russian to piss off India by medeling in a bilateral issue.
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