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Can Pakistan reach out to India’s estranged ally, Russia?


Sep 21, 2011
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Russia, the largest arms supplier to India has reportedly decided not to supply arms to India in future questioning the transparency of deals. These deals, according to Russia are, not transparent and fair and the Indian officials manipulate the multi-billion dollars tenders in such a way as to keep Russia out of competition. Indian daily Hindustan Times has quoted Russian ambassador as saying that gimmicks are used to manipulate deals and sometimes terms of tenders are crafted specifically to get the required results. Russia has questioned New Delhi’s fairness and transparency in awarding multi-billion dollar military contracts, and warned that it may have to reconsider doing business with India.
Russia, heretofore the number one defense supplier to India is losing its business to Israel and the US. In order to keep pace with the requirements of modern warfare, India is forced to go for a superior technology which is obviously available in the US. Russia may be losing its business more on the quality of its products than manipulation. But this gives a clear picture of how India is dumping its long-time friendship for realpolitik. India needs state-of-the-art modern fighter jets, mid-air re-fuellers, heavy-lift helicopters and attack choppers for its military.
Russia’s frustration at losing business in India is quite understandable as it reportedly wanted to bypass the tendering process and sell its military equipment through government-to-government deals. This is not an innovation as India has already ordered American equipment worth $8 billion though foreign military sales (FMS) program which does not go through the process of tendering. According to statistics, Russia’s current defence portfolio in India is worth $20 billion.
Russia’s reaction shows that rejection of its equipment through tenders renders its technology as inferior which creates an adverse perception. This hurts Russia which stood by India in its testing times when it was facing sanctions after its nuclear tests and never stopped its sensitive equipment from export to India. The US normally does not allow all its equipment to be exported and each and every deal is subjected to export controls. Russia even leased its nuclear submarine to India which no country would dare to do.
Russia’s frustration with India has created many a ripples in the emerging diplomatic scenario. A long-time ally getting estranged is real-life lesson in realpolitik but with Russia’s efforts to regain its international status and converting the world back to bipolarity; this loss of economic and diplomatic space in South Asia would be very dear. Will Pakistan fill the vacuum created by India in Indo-Russian relations is a question agitating the minds of those watching the development with interest and with fingers crossed.

Can Pakistan reach out to India’s estranged ally, Russia? | Pakistan Express
not in near future.even russia lost some deals to u.s,french and isreal we're still the largest arms traders with them.so thats that
lol....its time again that Pakistani ppl start eating grass to match up India's military orders.
BTW, last time i heard, Pakistanis were quite upbeat about the outdated, sadak-chhaap armaments that india had procured from Russia. wonder how the same materials became so awesome that pakistani press is speculating abt "reaching out to russia" replacing india.:yahoo:
Of course they can...But it depends on what are you offering to Russia in place of India...There is nothing called a family deal between India and Russia since 1990...I feel that it is one kind of failure of Pakistan diplomacy that they could not reach out to Russia till now....

I think Afganistan is a best service place for Pakistan to serve it for Russia...If somehow, Pakistan encourage and fascilitate entry of Russia and in turn Russia get some benifit out of it, then Russia may look after Pakistan interest....
Rather amusing piece there in "Pakistan Express". Laced with unbounded optimism bordering on Fantasizing.

While the Soviet Union had an unfettered and monopilistic access to the Indian weapons market; Russia does not. There are many resons for that changed scenario. The primary one being India's access to other sources of weaponry and technology; which simply did not exist before. On the Russian side too, things have changed: research had stalled for some time, orders from its domestic customers i.e. Russian forces dried up; thing are not the same. It is infact Indian orders and Indian infusion of funds that has kept some sectors of the Russian Defence Industry alive.

Now any body who can cough up the "shekels" or Dollars can hope to get supplied by the Russians. Because the Russian Defence sector still needs a great deal of funding. Can Pakistan do that?
No never in near future.................Money..........Money...........
First get Pakistan's economy right, then countries will come pouring in for friendship. Just like EU, South Korea, Australia, South East Asian Nations and many others are now doing with India.
Two important points-

1) Wide gap between Pakistan's and India's defence budget.
2) To buy Russians weapons to counter India Pakistan will have to stop dependence on Chinese weapons which is impossible.

So, its impossible for Pakistan to replace India.
Why Indians suddenly have a butt hurt when they hear the word Pakistan-Russia. Its like that Russia is a girl and you are her boyfriend and you become jealous when someone mention RUSSSSSIA
i dont see this happening,atleast in short term...
First get Pakistan's economy right, then countries will come pouring in for friendship. Just like EU, South Korea, Australia, South East Asian Nations and many others are now doing with India.

Economy, education and finishing tallibunnies off should be Pakistan's priority.

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