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Can Pakistan become a developed and Peaceful Country?



New Recruit

Oct 10, 2014
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There are many problems at current like terrorism, unemployment, lake of educational institutions and Health facilities and most importantly the corruption in all our govt. departments is on its peak. Our export ratio is nameless. Pakistan has one of the lowest tax collection rates in the world. International investors are hesitant to invest in Pakistan due to our decreasing economy and off course because of unsafe environment all over the country. Azadi and Inqilab March have added their contribution and started a protest against the government claiming that this govt. is not capable to cope up with current issues which is actually a reality because throughout the Pakistan history; no democratic govt. has ever tried to think about the development of Pakistan.

This is something which goes under the responsibilities of Govt. and its authorities and how this all can be tackled; here are some principles to solve all above problems.

· The first and most important step is to meet the requirement of Electricity, Gas and water immediately.

· Spend on Transportation facilities with up-gradation of roads and railways network.

· Make it possible to collect the actual income tax and arrange to increase it to minimum 20% of GDP.

· Make all the Law enforcement agencies independent with zero influence of political parties or personalities. There should be internal forces like Pak Army (MP) each security department should have such force to monitor the performance and also to control the bribes activities which is the main cause of increase in the crimes. Additionally we can introduce the rewards scheme for best performers of the Month and year to motivate them for getting more good results. Under this category we have following major forces. This is a fact that a positive role of Police is the main requirement of our country and it should be given a priority to stabilize this system and make it a corruption free area. Without doing this we will never be able to even decrease the crimes in our country.

· We have rules but “Non-Functional” so the requirement is to Advertise through Television, News papers, Posters, banner, Billboards and every other source of advertisement about the rules and regulations with penalties and punishments in case of violations. Initially with little relaxation it should become stricter so that people should follow the rules. Invite public to work voluntarily for law enforcement agencies which will help you to reduce the crimes.

To be continued………..
A nations's pschye is based on singularity and single religion and culture, it is a challenging task to be at peace always..This is fact where you can see the example throughout the world..As long as you are not rich nations like Gulf of USA, you have to be at peace with your people and have a peaceful environment inside your own nation...When your internal unity is at stake, then you are in deep trouble....Pakistan and its admiration of Islamic radical element by Gov and its people is playing havoc in your society...As long as your nation, just moves and does everything based on religion, you will be always in the lurch for peace...Just take example of other Muslim majority nation...Like Turkey , Indonesia and BD...They are peaceful and developing nations at their own merit(I am ignoring Gulf nation as they have Oil to feed them) ....They have a society which are not fanatical and they do not hate people just because they are from other religion..So you can see how they are respected by their people internally and globally too....And again...this same rule is applicable to every one including Indian too...
Its very possible..I hope that it does....we/you owe this for the next generation.
Yes, it can and will.
And to all those talking about the present government etc, how long do you think the people will take it? They're waking up. The whole Pakistan is. And when it does, no one can stop it from developing, no politicians, not even America Chacha or Saudia baba.
The day your secret service and army hand over 100% of the reigns to a fully fledged democracy that is interested in bettering the lives of average Pakistani then you will prosper.

If you let your army dictate your policies.

No chance

A Dictatorship that clamped out opposition by offering economic growth.

Unicameral legislative branch, lessen feudals.

Judicial Branch is trial by appointed judges, no trial by jury, with mandatory death penalty for murder, drugs/ human trafficking, and firearms.

British English law that rejects certain liberal "western" values.

A ridiculously powerful anti-corruption branch, reporting to the PM, with powers to arrest, interrogate, seize and hold without legal proceedings.

Spitting gum into the street gets you a bamboo cane whipping.

S. Korea.
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There are many problems at current like terrorism, unemployment, lake of educational institutions and Health facilities and most importantly the corruption in all our govt. departments is on its peak. Our export ratio is nameless. Pakistan has one of the lowest tax collection rates in the world. International investors are hesitant to invest in Pakistan due to our decreasing economy and off course because of unsafe environment all over the country. Azadi and Inqilab March have added their contribution and started a protest against the government claiming that this govt. is not capable to cope up with current issues which is actually a reality because throughout the Pakistan history; no democratic govt. has ever tried to think about the development of Pakistan.

This is something which goes under the responsibilities of Govt. and its authorities and how this all can be tackled; here are some principles to solve all above problems.

· The first and most important step is to meet the requirement of Electricity, Gas and water immediately.

· Spend on Transportation facilities with up-gradation of roads and railways network.

· Make it possible to collect the actual income tax and arrange to increase it to minimum 20% of GDP.

· Make all the Law enforcement agencies independent with zero influence of political parties or personalities. There should be internal forces like Pak Army (MP) each security department should have such force to monitor the performance and also to control the bribes activities which is the main cause of increase in the crimes. Additionally we can introduce the rewards scheme for best performers of the Month and year to motivate them for getting more good results. Under this category we have following major forces. This is a fact that a positive role of Police is the main requirement of our country and it should be given a priority to stabilize this system and make it a corruption free area. Without doing this we will never be able to even decrease the crimes in our country.

· We have rules but “Non-Functional” so the requirement is to Advertise through Television, News papers, Posters, banner, Billboards and every other source of advertisement about the rules and regulations with penalties and punishments in case of violations. Initially with little relaxation it should become stricter so that people should follow the rules. Invite public to work voluntarily for law enforcement agencies which will help you to reduce the crimes.

To be continued………..

Possible, but currently Pakistan is going on the wrong direction. You guys should:

1. Stop.

2. Turn back.

3. Come back to pre-Zia era, preferably to Jinnah's era.

4. Change direction.

5. Start again.

All the best. :tup: :)
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