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Can Pakistan become a developed and Peaceful Country?

Turn the clock back & undo all the wrongs. Go back to being a social security state.

Only if Imran Khan comes to power to make Naya Pakistan.
All IK wants at the moment is power rather than changes. He is not settling for anything less than that. He had a chance to make a greater jmpact by forcing government to do necessary electoral reforms. & government was willing to accept all the conditions apart from NS's resignation. He should have taken that & helped Pakistan by bringing necessary reforms. But no...he himself wants to become PM & then bring changes...that too with the blessings of vested interests within the army & outside. Not a promising start to a positive outcome.
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Your army generals won't let go.

Your prime minster is under pressure from your generals
is there any other option ? whole world have to move forward including pakistan . even worse animals like taliban also can't stay away from modern tech modern equipment modern world . its just matter of time man .
InshaALLAH it will.
No matter how worse the country's situation becomes ill never leave it at any cost !
Hassan nisar views on Pakistan's future
This man talks sensible and i totally agree with him
Dont know about you guys

Sure it can there is no question of that- every nation has this potential, or it can descend even further into darkness.... the ingredients are there for both.
Society will always continue to progress,Social order is more effective than democracy.Economy is the foundation of a democratic society.Ballots also can be bribed.As ordinary people speaking,Survival is the first and only then the other.What is now sorely lacking in Pakistan?
Change the word "CAN" with "HOW", It will be more productive and useful.....
There are two kinds of Peace as i have observed.
1. You keep the people busy in entertainment or keep their attention diverted from the actual issue. Result = (Apparent) Peace.
2. True form of Peace, as in, people happy with their Government. Basic human rights not being violated, and more control over security situation of country.

As long as our people 'willingly' choose the corrupt lying bastards as our PM, this country will never change. As long as the public will keep quiet about the injustice, Pakistan is going nowhere.

So to answer the question. YES, there is a possibility that it may become a peaceful country. Can't say its going to happen anywhere in near future. Especially seeing that much of the general public still has a retarded mentality of "bitten by a snake multiple times, thinking it'd yield a different result" ... i.e. Lakeer k Faqeer ... OR, the "Definition of Insanity". :\

@dexter! Keeping all things aside, Hassan Nisar bisti fit karta hay in Ganjon ki :D

Our army is a professional military that does not involve itself or run the government. Our generals are not in politixs and dont undermine our leaders.

Just like the USA or most modern democracies our military are trained to defend the land on orders of the leaders and it's people.

In your country the army runs everything it's a military dictatorship the democracy is answerable to your general's and isi.

Thats why you are doomed

yeah, we're such laymen that dont even know how to carry a gun. let alone defend a country.
Well, the mighty superpower india might show us the light, right?
Turn the clock back & undo all the wrongs. Go back to being a social security state.

All IK wants at the moment is power rather than changes. He is not settling for anything less than that. He had a chance to make a greater jmpact by forcing government to do necessary electoral reforms. & government was willing to accept all the conditions apart from NS's resignation. He should have taken that & helped Pakistan by bringing necessary reforms. But no...he himself wants to become PM & then bring changes...that too with the blessings of vested interests within the army & outside. Not a promising start to a positive outcome.
Until Nawaz mafia is in power no change is going to happen ever PPP PML N MQM and all others are part oft this they will never let it happen
I always wondered , Pakistanis respect china, why don't you try to emulate them , you can use Communism mixed with dictatorship with military, atleast till the time, pakistan is on the right track.

I m sure chinese will be more then glad to help you in this regard.
Whether its dictatorship, democrazy, or something else ... it falls flat on its face whenever there is huge corruption involved.
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