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Can Pakistan and Bangladesh form a union like EU

I say we have an Economic Union SAARC. Use it. Include China into it...it is bigger than EU then!

Since politics nowadays is more economic based hence as we see the problems the Muslim world is facing is due to the fact that Muslims are divided and they don’t have their own forum.

Lets take an example of OIC it was made for the Muslims and to protect and safeguard the interests of Muslims and India is trying to get its membership but it doesn’t make any sense because it is a Muslim Union.

Maintaining normal relations with India or any other non-Muslim country is good but we have to look after ourselves as well. I am a advocate of PAK-BD Union b/c it will be beneficial for both the countries and will boost the moral of Muslims and will increase our respect in the world because if I m not wrong than PAK and BD in terms of population are equal to Europe more or less.
Yes we have SAARC but I don’t understand that what is the harm if PAK-BD forms their Union?

I have posted this thread to gain an understanding of policies and protocols from you senior and more experienced people and I think it will be better if we discuss the road map and steps.

Pakistan Peoples Party (which gained most seats in National assembly in 2008 Elections) has the “Special relations with Bangladesh” point in their manifesto as well.
Since politics nowadays is more economic based hence as we see the problems the Muslim world is facing is due to the fact that Muslims are divided and they don’t have their own forum.

Lets take an example of OIC it was made for the Muslims and to protect and safeguard the interests of Muslims and India is trying to get its membership but it doesn’t make any sense because it is a Muslim Union.

Maintaining normal relations with India or any other non-Muslim country is good but we have to look after ourselves as well. I am a advocate of PAK-BD Union b/c it will be beneficial for both the countries and will boost the moral of Muslims and will increase our respect in the world because if I m not wrong than PAK and BD in terms of population are equal to Europe more or less.
Yes we have SAARC but I don’t understand that what is the harm if PAK-BD forms their Union?

I have posted this thread to gain an understanding of policies and protocols from you senior and more experienced people and I think it will be better if we discuss the road map and steps.

Pakistan Peoples Party (which gained most seats in National assembly in 2008 Elections) has the “Special relations with Bangladesh” point in their manifesto as well.

You are off by 4 decades. Some foolish politicians did try it in 1960s but as you said it doesn't make sense.

India is not a Muslim country and for a secular Hindu majority country to be a part of a sectarian outfit based on religion (which is not even the majority religion) makes no sense at all.

It would have been a huge mistake to be part of the OIC. No one takes it seriously anyway including its members.
'Secular Hindu Majority' country. Ironies abound!

UK, Australia, Canada , USA are secular Christian Majority Countries...
so are you suggesting Hindus are hypocritical? or you can't accept India being secular?
I would have to agree with Stealth Assassin on this - rather than a union, attempt FTA's - the two countries share economic benefits, develop relationships, and from those relationships comes trust. Energo once mentioned an idea of Pervez Hoodhboy in which he suggested that Pakistan overcome its educator shortfall by "importing surplus Indian educators". Since Indian educators are not feasible at this point, educators can be imported from Bangladesh (similar economies/salaries) if the education sector there is much more developed.
'Secular Hindu Majority' country. Ironies abound!

In fact there is no irony. Turkey is a secular Muslim majority country (perhaps the only secular country with Muslim majority).

It is another matter that the generals need to intervene to keep it secular. Your general Musharraf idolizes the country. It banned the headscarves long before the French did so!

A country may be secular but the majority population of the country does follow a particular religion. Only difference is that secular countries try to give equal opportunities to all citizens and don't discriminate on the basis of religion.

So India is a secular country but with majority Hindu ethos. There is no irony at all. Irony would be when followers of a theocratic state try to define secularism and expect others to be perfect without looking in the mirror.
Pakistan and bangladesh are only connected via sea.

If we have safta in the region and if we are allowed to give transit to every country then we can have a very integrated economy!!
India is not a Muslim country and for a secular Hindu majority country to be a part of a sectarian outfit based on religion (which is not even the majority religion) makes no sense at all.

It would have been a huge mistake to be part of the OIC. No one takes it seriously anyway including its members.

sectarian outfit ??? what a hypocrate you are.

Why India tries twice in the first place to get into OIC???

Just go and read your media just few days backs the Indian newspapers cried like anything over role of Pakistan blocking Indian entry into OIC.

Indeed it would be a huge mistake by India if it became part of OIC beacuse during all the OIC conferences India would not have the Guts to crtiticize own-self over brutal killings in Kashmir.
And also being part of OIC, what would have Indian response if OIC had taken up plight of Mulsims in India for discussion.
Why not they should.

the union B/w pakistan and Bangladesh will be a very good thing.

Both countries can benefit enormously.

pakistan can find a big market for Defense,IT,cement and many other exports.

Bangladesh too can reap many benefits.

India should better be kept out because of lack of trusts and the Continued disputes of India with both nations(Farakkha barrage,Wullar barage,Baglihar dam,Kishen ganga dam)

sectarian outfit ??? what a hypocrate you are.

Why India tries twice in the first place to get into OIC???

Just go and read your media just few days backs the Indian newspapers cried like anything over role of Pakistan blocking Indian entry into OIC.

That's what I am saying Jana. It would have been a grave mistake on the part of some foolish politicians to get India to be part of OIC. It is a sectarian outfit for Islamic countries only.

Indeed it would be a huge mistake by India if it became part of OIC beacuse during all the OIC conferences India would not have the Guts to crtiticize own-self over brutal killings in Kashmir.
And also being part of OIC, what would have Indian response if OIC had taken up plight of Mulsims in India for discussion.

Let's get the facts straight here. Does anyone take OIC seriously? Including it's members?

Has OIC had the guts to condemn terror unequivocally? Did it criticize the brutal killings in Bangladesh in 1971? What about the sectarian killings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Darfur? Has it been able to move a tiny straw on any matter in the Islamic world till now?

Don't try to act holier than thou!

Threre are huge problems affecting our countries. I will not shy away from that. You should not too.
What about the sectarian killings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Darfur?

There was never a mass sectarian violence in Pakistan. Individually committed acts cannot be called Sectarian violence.

Any of you know about if such a step is to be taken (like PAK-BD Union) than what should be the steps to follow by the Governments?
There was never a mass sectarian violence in Pakistan. Individually committed acts cannot be called Sectarian violence.

Any of you know about if such a step is to be taken (like PAK-BD Union) than what should be the steps to follow by the Governments?

An economic union without India would never benefit Bangladesh in any sense.

Bangladesh needs access to the huge markets of India as well.

Its no suprise that the Bangladeshi TOP General the man behind the present Govt. visited India recently.

I doubt Bangladesh will form a union with Pakistan at risk of its relationship with India.

An economic union without India would never benefit Bangladesh in any sense.

Bangladesh needs access to the huge markets of India as well.

Its no suprise that the Bangladeshi TOP General the man behind the present Govt. visited India recently.

I doubt Bangladesh will form a union with Pakistan at risk of its relationship with India.


I think Bangladesh still don’t have very friendly relations with India and as I have said on other thread that it would be better for them to interact with an average sized economy because there will be equity in their trade rather if they go for India where there will be no balance of trade.

And there is a religion factor also.;)
^^^The religion factor is 'only', not 'also'.

Oh and Salman, trade agreements don't mean that smaller countries suffer. If that were the case, most small countries would be poor.
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