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Can Pak ban China?

IMHO That still doesn't justify leaving thousands unemployed. Pakistani industries must be protected and encouraged to grow. Giving a foreign nation monopoly over local industry at the expense of Pakistani workers is in no way favorable to Pakistan in the long term.
Once again I totally agree but we must not forget the situation that the corrupt politicians have left us in. To become independent, we must first become self-sufficient and self-sustaining, which I think is a bit far off.... So completly banning a friend like China at a time like this would be very unwise. We must stand side-by-side with China because it along with Pakistan is a victim of the 'Powers that be' at the moment. Just my opinion brother
I actually agree. A few years back I would have completely disagreed with this statement.

Some level of protectionism must be maintained, especially with local industries that are highly successful within Pakistan. The biggest example of the disaster of zero protectionism within Pakistan is the local solar panel industry; When Pakistan started importing solar panels from China, Pakistan's increasingly popular local solar industry virtually collapsed. Now only a few serious players exist, all of whom barely survived the competition against China. If Pakistan had protected this industry, it would have been quite a big industry within Pakistan.

And that would result in hundreds of low quality substandard products that pakistani consumers are forced to buy and no incentive for local industry to improve their game
I actually agree. A few years back I would have completely disagreed with this statement.

Some level of protectionism must be maintained, especially with local industries that are highly successful within Pakistan. The biggest example of the disaster of zero protectionism within Pakistan is the local solar panel industry; When Pakistan started importing solar panels from China, Pakistan's increasingly popular local solar industry virtually collapsed. Now only a few serious players exist, all of whom barely survived the competition against China. If Pakistan had protected this industry, it would have been quite a big industry within Pakistan.
Exactly! And that's just one industry that has been effected by Chinese imports.

And i don't want the Chinese members to take this in the wrong way, but this is strictly speaking from the long term interests of Pakistan, which as Pakistanis we should be concerned about. Every Pakistani should want that their country becomes an exporter and innovater rather than a importer/consumer.

Once again I totally agree but we must not forget the situation that the corrupt politicians have left us in. To become independent, we must first become self-sufficient and self-sustaining, which I think is a bit far off.... So completly banning a friend like China at a time like this would be very unwise. We must stand side-by-side with China because it a long with Pakistan is a victim of the 'Powers that be' at the moment. Just my opinion brother
No i definitely don't think we should "ban" (whatever that means in this context) China, however i do think these deals could have been made on better terms. On the contrary they are one sided and only benefiting China at the expense of Pakistani workers. But like you said, corrupt Pakistani politicians strike again, leaving the people in the lurch as always.
Um isn't that how the market economy works?

If you are competitive, you get orders. If you are not competitive, you don't get orders.

Nobody buys Chinese because they like China. They buy Chinese because it makes the most profit for them.

You make it sound like blackmail. If someone is not benefiting from a deal why are they making the deal?

China has what, $3-4 trillion in currency reserves, that have been built up from all of our trade surpluses. Canceling some deals isn't going to cause some political storm.
Not at all, if Pakistan was in China's position, Pakistan would be doing the exact same thing, and should be.

Nation's should look after themselves first, so I will never blame China for doing what is in Chinese interests.

Having said that, the issue exists, whether we like it or not. Importing foreign goods, instead of local goods, may be good for importers, but exporters and local industries suffer due to the increased competition, especially if the foreign supplier is far superior in both quality and scale.

So yes, I do agree that nations do benefit from importing from China, but depending on how the trade relationship is, those benefits may not be enough to offset the disadvantages, especially for local suppliers.
How idiot you are comparing China with India there is no comparison between them China always helped us in technology so our engineers scientist grow one way or other China helping us grow in science and technology

At other hand india wants business but don't emwant to share any technology which is understandable
Exactly! And that's just one industry that has been effected by Chinese imports.

And i don't want the Chinese members to take this in the wrong way, but this is strictly speaking from the long term interests of Pakistan, which as Pakistanis we should be concerned about. Every Pakistani should want that their country becomes an exporter and innovater rather than a importer/consumer.

No i definitely don't think we should "ban" (whatever that means in this context) China, however i do think these deals could have been made on better terms. On the contrary they are one sided and only benefiting China at the expense of Pakistani workers. But like you said, corrupt Pakistani politicians strike again, leaving the people in the lurch as always.
Yeah if we have a proper Federal structure in place and everyone does what they are supposed to do then in the long-term, it would be very beneficial to promote the Industries at home first. But we all know that most of the Pakistan industries are controlled by a handful of elite families. That is also the case around the world now; we live in a capitalist global village, so in either case, the average person will suffer because thats just the way that this 'Matrix' is designed.
Not at all, if Pakistan was in China's position, Pakistan would be doing the exact same thing, and should be.

Nation's should look after themselves first, so I will never blame China for doing what is in Chinese interests.

Having said that, the issue exists, whether we like it or not. Importing foreign goods, instead of local goods, may be good for importers, but exporters and local industries suffer due to the increased competition, especially in the foreign supplier is far superior in both quality and scale.

So yes, I do agree that nations do benefit from importing from China, but depending on how the trade relationship is, those benefits may not be enough to offset the disadvantages, especially for local suppliers.

I agree that Pakistan should protect their own industries, we do the same thing. And I don't think the losses would hurt China too much, the main component of the Sino-Pakistani relationship is strategic rather than economic.

But in the market economy it is all about competitiveness. America and India don't have collossal trade deficits to China because they like us. They make deals with us because they see it as the most profitable option for themselves. Once a more competitive option comes along they will jump ship immediately, that's just business.

So the way ahead for Pakistan is to become more competitive, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to improve infrastructure (which Pakistan is doing now).

If Pakistan has to restrict imports in the short-term to be able to gain future competitiveness (as China has done), then they should go for it. China has reaped the rewards from such a strategy, today almost all of our industries are dominated by local companies. National interests must come first.
I agree that Pakistan should protect their own industries, we do the same thing. And I don't think the losses would hurt China too much, the main component of the Sino-Pakistani relationship is strategic rather than economic.

But in the market economy it is all about competitiveness. America and India don't have collossal trade deficits to China because they like us. They make deals with us because they see it as the most profitable option for themselves. Once a more competitive option comes along they will jump ship immediately, that's just business.

So the way ahead for Pakistan is to become more competitive, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to improve infrastructure (which Pakistan is doing now).

If Pakistan has to restrict imports in the short-term to be able to gain future competitiveness (as China has done), then they should go for it. China has reaped the rewards from such a strategy, almost all of our industries are dominated by local companies. National interests must come first.
That's not necessarily true.

The thing is, the US is primarily a consumer based economy, which practically all advanced economies are, so they'll naturally import more than they export. So, in the end, having a trade deficit doesn't hurt the US all too much, because their main source of revenue is domestic, not foreign.

India offsets its trade deficit by inviting Chinese investments into the country, which practically negate any trade deficiencies that it has with India. This is the approach that Pakistani government is taking with CPEC, which is why Pakistan has not complained about the huge trade deficit it has with China. Pakistan is also scared that any attempt to re-balance trade with China, could very well upset Chinese corporations, which could lead to a decrease in Chinese investments.
Protecting incompetent industries is a socialist crap that needs to be washed out of pakistani psyche
How do you think all of the leading exporters become exactly that, exporters? Through protectionism (including China, they are still socialist in many aspects).

You need to first create a favorable environment for local industries so they can flourish.

I agree that Pakistan should protect their own industries, we do the same thing. And I don't think the losses would hurt China too much, the main component of the Sino-Pakistani relationship is strategic rather than economic.

But in the market economy it is all about competitiveness. America and India don't have collossal trade deficits to China because they like us. They make deals with us because they see it as the most profitable option for themselves. Once a more competitive option comes along they will jump ship immediately, that's just business.

So the way ahead for Pakistan is to become more competitive, and one of the easiest ways to do that is to improve infrastructure (which Pakistan is doing now).

If Pakistan has to restrict imports in the short-term to be able to gain future competitiveness (as China has done), then they should go for it. China has reaped the rewards from such a strategy, today almost all of our industries are dominated by local companies. National interests must come first.
Exactly! And someone here said protectionism is socialism, as if its an evil thing :lol: . Every major exporter today implemented protectionism to allow its local industries room to expand and establish themselves. There is nothing wrong with that.
How do you think all of the leading exporters become exactly that, exporters? Through protectionism (including China, they are still socialist in many aspects).

If you cannot match quality of imported goods at home , how do you hope to do that in international market??
We need to compete fair and square....
These protections are for short term gains leading to long term misery
Pakistan is also scared that any attempt to re-balance trade with China, could very well upset Chinese corporations, which could lead to a decrease in Chinese investments.

Countries have to do what is best for their own national interests first.

See how Western multinationals cry and moan about how it is impossible for them to do business in China (from Google to Apple etc).

We have decided it is in our best interests that local Chinese companies dominate our industries instead of foreign ones.

So we understand this sentiment perfectly well, of not wanting foreign dominance in our markets. The only difference is we have actually implemented it.
Should Pak do ban trade with China????? by imposing heavy taxes?As China are eating up local Pak industry slowly and gradually ? Ban on China will definitely help Pak. As Pak has ban on Indian goods that are helping Pak to large extent ...
Though India did ban trade with Pak to protect her Industry..

Why Pak exports are falling while Imports are increasing???
Over the past few months, several parts of the PAk economy, the steel/Garments/leather/shoes/sports/hardware industry, has been grabbing the news headlines , but for all the wrong reasons.

Yes it seems stupidity to put question in that way but Pak should impose very heavy taxes on chines imports to protect falling exports of Pak.

Understanding the China Factor on Pak. Sleeping with friend, can spread large scale poverty in Pak, may middle class urban internet users of Pak cannot understand it. As there is two kind of people in Pak one those are rich/middle-class and other those with no haves. (Social Inequality Leading to Exclusion and Marginalization , as only 8 million people have English Schools in pak and they are on internet too while rest of low quality urdu Schools pupils are not on internet to explain there views)

I was checking the pattern of your posts and have serious doubt about your nationality. Whatever infractions given to you in past under the context gave me an impression as you are from most likely Afghanistan or else India.

If you truly are a Pakistani, please do help out yourself and start thinking positively as many of your posts have been against the spirit of common Pakistani
Countries have to do what is best for their own national interests first.

See how Western multinationals cry and moan about how it is impossible for them to do business in China (from Google to Apple etc).

We have decided it is in our best interests that local Chinese companies dominate our industries instead of foreign ones.

So we understand this sentiment perfectly well, of not wanting foreign dominance in our markets. The only difference is we have actually implemented it.
The difference between you Chinese and us Pakistanis is that your leadership is patriotic and looks out for the best interests of the Chinese nation. Unfortunately Pakistan has been blessed with sh!tty Democratic leaders who only want to get elected to fill their own pockets.
Unfortunately, geopolitics and trade don't work like that. The reason why Pakistan's trade relation with China is worse that the US is because the US trade policy has clauses that benefit poorer nations, while China's trade policy treats every nation as business first. This is why Pakistan's trade relation with the US is heavily in favor of Pakistan, while its trade relation with China is heavily in China's favor.

Pulling out of a trade deal can have dire ramifications, when it comes to geopolitics and trade relations.

There you go there is a good lesson for Pakistan and something that I have said a few times that whatever difference China, US may have or China-India, they don't let political difference take precedence over economics. While China continues to get benefit by dealing with India, Pakistan is shooting herself in the foot by continue to deny trading with India and also keep Afghanistan and CAR hostage as well.
We are going to find an alternative route for trade [ expensive as it maybe ] but by following these polices you are ruining the entire region.

That is what you get when let Army Generals run your foreign and economic polices [ cant blame the Generals, its their mindset to look at everything from military point of view and continue to treat Pakistan as a security state.] but people like yourself should not following blindly the status quo.
Pakistan can do whatever they want in order to improve the lives of their own citizens.

The reason that people and companies buy from China is that they think we are the most competitive option (best value overall), which means they benefit the most.

If anyone thinks they are not benefiting from a business deal, they should cancel the deal. That's just common sense, China knows that best of all, and we won't take it personally.
To be honest, it is more about cost-related considerations (from a strictly Business perspective). Pakistani traders can visit China and buy stuff from there directly, without much hindrance. They are also not much quality-conscious. In the end, importing stuff from China is convenient and profitable. Why bother with manufacturing?
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