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Can Nukes save pakistan?

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EzioAltaïr;3474514 said:
Now, now, I didn't say India will be saved by nukes did I? I know the meaning of MAD, which is why I ask this question. Because many Pakistani trolls say stuff like, "We will nuke India to stone age"

Then you should have rephrased your question :azn: ... Asking if Pakistan will be saved implies that somehow your country will continue to exist ... That is good you do , kindly explain it to a couple of your countrymen here ... And Indians the same , the point being ?
Then you should have rephrased your question :azn: ... Asking if Pakistan will be saved implies that somehow your country will continue to exist ... That is good you do , kindly explain it to a couple of your countrymen here ... And Indians the same , the point being ?

Oh well, I'll be specific next time, and end my post with, "I know the meaning of MAD". ;)

Ok, I extend the question to everyone, if it pleases you Maharaja Secur.
EzioAltaïr;3474533 said:
Oh well, I'll be specific next time, and end my post with, "I know the meaning of MAD". ;)

Ok, I extend the question to everyone, if it pleases you Maharaja Secur.


What was the question again though ? :lol:
Stupid question nukes have saved pakistan and pakistan is saving the nukes too. both are parallel to each other and incomplete is one without the other!!

What was the question again though ? :lol:

The question was, what good would nukes do to Pakistan/India during a war. I know nukes are meant to prevent a war, but still, I'm just asking it as a hypothetical scenario.

Will Pakistan have the guts to use the nukes first instead of just asking for peace?
To answer your question, Nukes are the only thing saving Pakistan right now. If Pakistan didn't have them, it would be a very different place right now.
EzioAltaïr;3474514 said:
Now, now, I didn't say India will be saved by nukes did I? I know the meaning of MAD, which is why I ask this question. Because many Pakistani trolls say stuff like, "We will nuke India to stone age", "India's nukes are no match for us", etc, etc, etc (not necessarily on this forum, but there are hundreds of examples outside here). So I just wanted to know the honest opinion of a few Pakistani members here.

But won't it result in the conditions of the NFU policy being fulfilled, allowing us to nuke them back? So who's the winner here? Just 2 losers who nuked each other to stone age. Nukes didn't save anyone here.

Pakistan nuclear policy is very clear first use if they fill the danger to their sovereignty.
right now we don't have the capacity to strike back when pakistan has already use its nuke ,do you think they will nuke only one city they try their best to destroy our 2nd strike capability.
if we develop submarine base nuclear missile then only we have 2nd strike.
Pakistan nuclear policy is very clear first use if they fill the danger to their sovereignty.
right now we don't have the capacity to strike back when pakistan has already use its nuke ,do you think they will nuke only one city they try their best to destroy our 2nd strike capability.
if we develop submarine base nuclear missile then only we have 2nd strike.

But how many nukes can Pakistan fire? How much nuclear material does it have? India supposedly has enough plutonium for 1000 warheads if need be, can Pakistan destroy every single nuclear warhead? Can it destroy all our missiles? How will the nukes save anyone?
India tested its first device in 1974, did we attack pakistan?
After pakistan had it's first nuclear test, they did kargil?

shows the difference in attitude.
Nukes have been saving Pakistan from 14 years and would hopefully continue doing that.

I'm sure I need not say anything more, remember ADA activities March 1998.
Nukes can,t make a country rich or free from terrorism,,
And exactly when is it going to happen ? :azn: ... The same old Indian wet dreams , your leaders thought the same at the time of partition :lol: ... Take care of your own country , it isn't exactly doing well ... You got more secessionist movements than us ...

Yes Yes.. We have more separatist movements than Pakistan.. It was we who broke up into 2 pieces, 30 years into our existence, and its us who is being invaded by a foreign power every other day on the grounds that there are terrorists on our soil in the area where the writ of our govt and military is useless.... And its India where every other day, a bomb explodes in a busy market or a bunch of loonies stop a bus and shoot dead a bunch of people on the grounds of not following Islam (or their interpretation of it) :disagree:
Nukes purpose was to achieve parity and create a balance of power with arch rival india, which was going out of its pajamas after its nuclear tests of May 98. Overnight indians language changed to that of a newly recruited mafioso who had felt like on top of the world after getting his first fire arm.

Unfortunately this flight didn't last long as Pakistan tested its own nukes shortly and then that famous indian million man march forward, stand still for two years and march backward to their rat holes.......since then the BRAVE indain mafioso are preaching peace and prosperity in the region.

No go figure whether Pak nukes can deter a war and save the region from a worst kind of catastrophe.
Nukes purpose was to achieve parity and create a balance of power with arch rival india, which was going out of its pajamas after its nuclear tests of May 98. Overnight indians language changed to that of a newly recruited mafioso who had felt like on top of the world after getting his first fire arm.

You guys played into our hands. We knew for a long time that Pakistan had nukes, but Pakistan didn't detonate any, so we detonated 5 and gloated about it very openly to Pakistan. Then Pakistan detonated 6, and while both earned sanctions, it was Pakistan that suffered all the more for it. We already had nukes since 1974. If we had any intention of attacking with nukes, it would have been done back then.

Unfortunately this flight didn't last long as Pakistan tested its own nukes shortly and then that famous indian million man march forward, stand still for two years and march backward to their rat holes.......since then the BRAVE indain mafioso are preaching peace and prosperity in the region.

It still didn't stop us from kicking A$$ at Kargil did it?

No go figure whether Pakk niukkes can save Pakistan or the region from a worst kind of catastrophe.

I'm asking a simple question. If the preventive measure fails, what good will Pakistan's nukes do? Can they completely eliminate our second strike capability? Do they have the guts to use it, and risk losing their nation along with ours? Are they suicidal or sensible? If it is used, does Pakistan have any way to stop themselves from being wiped out along with us? Have you guys even considered that the radiation from a blast over India can affect Pakistan as well?
Man pakistan has nothing to loose from nukes. No industry, no metros, no rails and skyscrapers.
I am more scared if Indian abm will save India from Pakistani nukes???:undecided:
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