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Can Nukes save pakistan?

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After having nukes what have u done to india,only sending some untrained young gays to mumbai to attack hotels ,
India tested its first device in 1974, did we attack pakistan?
After pakistan had it's first nuclear test, they did kargil?

shows the difference in attitude.

Even your 98 tested devices were not good for operational deployment, by the way remember the sabre rattling of your politicians after the tests?
that means You accept that those gays were from pakistan..good
Even your 98 tested devices were not good for operational deployment, by the way remember the sabre rattling of your politicians after the tests?

The nukes are fine. There are pictures of a villagers house that cracked because of the test which happened faaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr away.

They certainly are better than the sub-kiloton nukes you guys make.

Those young untrained gays were enough to lock down your biggest city for three days, we dont need anything better to attack the sissy cunts.

This is what I never get. 2 things:

1. Deny that you send terrorists, then show pride in their deeds. Paradox?

2. Be so proud that the terrorists managed to pin down a poorly equipped police force?

Where was their bravado when the NSG came in? They all got killed with a day or 2 once the NSG stepped in, they were only able to kill innocent civilians, and poorly equipped policemen. But when the real fight came.....
EzioAltaïr;3475014 said:
You guys played into our hands. We knew for a long time that Pakistan had nukes, but Pakistan didn't detonate any, so we detonated 5 and gloated about it very openly to Pakistan.

In the real world and not your dream one ... Sanctions were applied on both nations :azn: Are you saying that somehow it was an Indian plan to get sanctions ? :lol: Everyone knew from way back that Pakistan had nukes , why do you think your troops dare not cross the border in '87 ?

After having nukes what have u done to india,only sending some untrained young gays to mumbai to attack hotels ,

And what exactly has India done to Pakistan after having them ? Deployed troops and backed off each time if you read the history :azn:
In the real world and not your dream one , Sanctions were applied on both nations :azn: Are you saying that somehow it was an Indian plan to get sanctions ? :lol:

It turned out to be very good indeed, we inched closer to make our own weapons and super computers, need I remind you Param was developed due to the sanctions, what good did it do for Pakistan?

And what exactly has India done to Pakistan after having them ? Deployed troops and backed off each time if you read the history :azn:
do we need to do anything while the monkey trap is still operational?

Pick your answer...
The world knows that india never attack first.....we hit hand to hand,eye to eye.......and nukes to nukes

Get over yourself
The world does not care about you or me.

Seriously, it's like talking to a self righteous elementary kid who's only defense is "well everyone knows I am right and you are wrong"

The only thing the world "Knows" about India is extreme poverty
and the only thing people know about Pakistan is that it is a dangerous place.

Seriously man, no one cares!
EzioAltaïr;3475036 said:
The nukes are fine. There are pictures of a villagers house that cracked because of the test which happened faaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr away.

They certainly are better than the sub-kiloton nukes you guys make.

This is what I never get. 2 things:

1. Deny that you send terrorists, then show pride in their deeds. Paradox?

2. Be so proud that the terrorists managed to pin down a poorly equipped police force?

Where was their bravado when the NSG came in? They all got killed with a day or 2 once the NSG stepped in, they were only able to kill innocent civilians, and poorly equipped policemen. But when the real fight came.....

Well it's Indian scientists who claimed that indian tests fizzled out.

for your information all tested devices were not Sub-kilo ton, secondly sub-kilo ton devices were deployable tactical devices.

Brave NSG commandos came out 3 days later when the "Atak Vadi" ran out of ammo, what a shame stop calling them commandos.
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