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Can Muslims take criticism of the Prophet?

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For Muslims Prophet and GOD are like shock absorbers in their life problems, so they cannot take any insult on any of the two. These guys get strength by saying it is GOD's willing and so it happened just in case of trouble.
Which person doesnt? When a person dies on the hospital bed even the doctor says we did our best it was GOD's or whoever's will....SOMETHING along those lines....Or some say hope for the best....Well, for us our hope lies in GOD...

Interesting thing is they openly criticize others beliefs who also think the same as muslims. People like Zakir Naik openly say that Lord Ganesh is not GOD and roam freely in India.
Ahhh traumatized by Dr.Zakir Naik are we? Well you want to pride about SECULARISM tou bhukto!
This is stupid. Jesus is also a prophet of Islam. Reza is not speaking on Jesus as a muslim, but as a religious scholar who got degrees right here from USA.

Even "innocence of Muslim" was a creative work of a creative director and not as "non-Muslim". (going by ur logic)
Wrong, Blasphemy laws are based on Religion not based on ethnicity or culture.

Show me from the Quran what you uttered is true or forever zipp it about ISLAM :D
No,the real question should be;
Which muslims can take criticism of the prophet?
There are muslims(confident) you can talk to and there are those you cant talk(insecure)to.
Not all that call themselfs muslim are in fact muslim.
And thats the problem wit you Gambit,for you all are the same.
Im guessing the word Muslim in your vocabulary means BAD.
you can criticize the prophet all you want but if you insult him just for the sake of insulting then you will have have to deal with the consequences of your actions.
Then I propose that Christiandom should behave as the Muslims does. I propose the Christians broadened the scope of what is an 'insult'. If anyone question the Virgin Birth, then off with his/her head. If anyone question the divinity of Christ, then off with his/her head. Deal with the consequences.
No, they can't. Why else the blasphemy laws?

If you are talking about Pakistani Blasphemy laws they cover other religions too, so your claim for exclusiveness is trash

Guardian: Pakistani mullah arrested for 'framing' Christian girl accused of blasphemy.

On the contrary your country bans cow slaughter and enforces it on Non Hindus, do look in your backyard before you swipe your ignorant rhetoric on others.


Why do you see everything in "Black & white", you keep using the line "Muslims do this,Muslims do that,Will Muslims do that, How did Muslims Do that". There are 1.6 Billion of them, 1 out 4 Humans on earth WITHOUT a central authority. Do you think that all of them behave in the same way, all of them have been "programed" to think the same way, when they have more than 48 countries, hundreds of languages and social/sub social structures. Why do you keep painting Muslims as one group of people when that not only defies logic, but also is plain stupid!
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Just a cartoon on Mohammed and Muslims went on rampage, just like they are mad.

And IS THAT IN THE QURAN? NO why? Because it WAS AND IS cultural practice to show anger...Mind you THERE were EQUALLY number of PEACEFUL PROTESTS...but of course media was busy showing the mad mullahs!
For Muslims Prophet and GOD are like shock absorbers in their life problems, so they cannot take any insult on any of the two. These guys get strength by saying it is GOD's willing and so it happened just in case of trouble.

Interesting thing is they openly criticize others beliefs who also think the same as muslims. People like Zakir Naik openly say that Lord Ganesh is not GOD and roam freely in India.

well its up to the people i guess, people said all sorts of stuff to the prophet and his followers did nothing, so all this extremism is something new.
how ever one should not expect muslims or anybody to not get angry after you insult their figures in religion, just as you like to use your freedom to insult, they can use their freedom to protest(not violent).
i mean for example look at the more educated muslim countries, people use their heads and refrain from violence while in poor and uneducated countries like india, pakistan you get violence.

the other thing is that long as peoples stomachs stay full they are fine, but when they are empty they will riot for every little thing, not just muslims but all people.
May I know who accepts a religion to be change it?[/b] Usually people accept it because they see truth and like its principals...Unlike those who like to weight out on the basis of WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING....
You seems to misunderstood what I said. When a person convert from one religion to another, HE CHANGED HIS CORE PRINCIPLES, NOT THAT HE CHANGED THE RELIGION'S CORE PRINCIPLES. Get it?

Let me give you an example you may understand better...If I say you mom is soo fat she shakes the earth when she walks...What form of criticism is that? It is not...it is A CLEAR INSULT!
It may be an exaggeration, but usually such has basis in truth. May be my mother is obese. But that is my point, an insult is the most intellectual shallow and most emotionally base of criticisms. An insult deserves no response. What if I say to you: Muhammad is no prophet of God? How can I be assured that YOU will not take that as an insult to Muhammad? Did I say anything about Muhammad's appearance? His body odor? His teeth? His beard, if he had any? No. I questioned his claim to a relationship with a god.

Christians TOLERATE EVERYTHING....they have allowed anything and everything to enter into the bible (by editing be it addding or deleting verses based on how they want it instead of accepting it as it is...what form of tolerance is that?) and STILL CALL IT WORD OF GOD?!
So what if the Quran has been unchanged? How do you know it has remained unchanged? Any outside verification? If I point to a rock and call it God, I can say that since the rock has remained unchanged since the dinos walked the Earth, will you accept my claim that the rock is a god?
Majority of muslims cannot take the criticism. Some will respond with outright violence, some with intent to do so. Majority will think violence is bad but the guy asked for it.

I have no statistics to prove it, so yeah, it all came out of my as*. But then my as* is more truthful than many here.. :rofl:
Then I propose that Christiandom should behave as the Muslims does. I propose the Christians broadened the scope of what is an 'insult'. If anyone question the Virgin Birth, then off with his/her head. If anyone question the divinity of Christ, then off with his/her head. Deal with the consequences.

fine with me.
you can protest as much as you want, but if you harm me or my family or anyone i know, then expect a one 1/2 inch hole in your forehead.

as i said protest as much as your want because along with insulting it is also a freedom of speech, how ever you shouldnt be harming or attacking people, our prophet set a good example i believe to when people insulted him, by doing nothing about it and ignoring them.
Even "innocence of Muslim" was a creative work of a creative director and not as "non-Muslim". (going by ur logic)

Which part is even close to HISTORICAL FACTS?

Creative and VERY INSULTING:

Most references to Islam have been overdubbed, added after the filming over the original spoken lines. Sarah Abdurrahman, a producer for WNYC's On the Media program, watched the trailer and concluded that all of the religious references had indeed been overdubbed after filming. The film's 80 cast and crew members have disavowed the film: "The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer. [...] We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred."
The script was originally written about life in Egypt 2,000 years ago and was titled Desert Warrior. It was a story about a character called "Master George". Several actors were brought in to overdub lines. They were directed to say specific words, such as "Muhammad". The video opens in a present-day setting, in which Egyptian security forces are depicted doing nothing as a mob of Muslim characters destroy Egyptian Christians' homes and property. Hiding from the attack, a doctor and his family take shelter in their home where the doctor takes up a pen and begins writing on a whiteboard: "Man + X = BT". "BT" is overdubbed as "Islamic terrorists". The young woman asks what "X" is. He tells her that she needs to discover that for herself.
The video continues with scenes set in the past. Some scenes depict the main character referred to in overdubbing as "Muhammad". In one scene, the "Muhammad" character's wife, "Khadija", suggests mixing parts of the Torah and the New Testament. In another scene, the "Muhammad" character is seen speaking to a donkey.[

The New York Times stated: "The trailer opens with scenes of Egyptian security forces standing idle as Muslims pillage and burn the homes of Egyptian Christians. Then it cuts to cartoonish scenes depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a child of uncertain parentage, a buffoon, a womanizer, a homosexual, a child molester and a greedy, bloodthirsty thug."
A Vanity Fair article described the video as "Exceptionally amateurish, with disjointed dialogue, jumpy editing, and performances that would have looked melodramatic even in a silent movie, the clip is clearly designed to offend Muslims,portraying Mohammed as a bloodthirsty murderer and Lothario and pedophile with omnidirectional sexual appetites."

Now that is insulting! Maybe you can take such CRITICISM about your family but we cant take them about our Prophet!
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And IS THAT IN THE QURAN? NO why? Because it WAS AND IS cultural practice to show anger...Mind you THERE were EQUALLY number of PEACEFUL PROTESTS...but of course media was busy showing the mad mullahs!

Showing anger and cultural practice are different. Not every thing humans follow in present day is in Quran it is just a basic guide for Muslims, people has to evolve.
This is stupid. Jesus is also a prophet of Islam. Reza is not speaking on Jesus as a muslim, but as a religious scholar who got degrees right here from USA.
Sorry, but Jesus is the Son of God, and as part of the Trinity, Jesus is also God. Any diminishing of His stature is an insult. Off with your head. :lol:
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