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Can Muslims sing "Vande_Mataram"?

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dont worry we dont!!. and please be out of the misconception that we Indian Muslims dont know the meaning and preachings of islam .being from a muslim country dose not make you a better Muslim. we have a very big muslim community over hear and pious Muslims too,so please dont bother teaching us what right and what wrong. judging, who is better is not up to you its upto Allah Tallah.

He won't understand this. Don't bother. Already 16 pages have been spent teaching him this. Maybe you should show a video of how Japanese greet their elders to make it simpler.
a simple question ,if islam states that you should not bow to anything other than allah......do you guys never salute your national flag?..... dont your jawans salute their superior officers?...because everytime you do you are bowing to something......this is what happens when everything is taken literaly......pakistan will never understand the difference between nation and religion .....coz it created because of the same confusion.....while the idea of india was clear from the begining.....
During a salute you look straight in the eye. Head held high. Islam has not barred out respect.

Untill unless thier is a FORM/BODY/STATUE is associated with word 'Maan', here in this translation, it will remain Un-ISLAMIC!

Arif Mohammad Khan is no SCHOLAR of Sanskrit, by any yardstick. His political views were always questioned by muslims many time before. His political career is still what is best summed up by urdu phrase 'THALI KA BAIGAN' in Indian political circus. His (mis)-adventures with Vande-Matram is nothing more than failed political f*rt, to be polite with him! Word 'Vande', till date, remain associated with Hindu diety. Respecting it as a religious symbol is one thing and PRACTICING it in the name of respect is quite different. Indian Muslims, or for that matter any muslim worldover, will always oppose to bow to other than ALLAH.


Thank you, I appreciate your point of view and I have more respect for you as an Indian Muslim now than before. May God keep you on the right path. As a Muslim, you and every other Indian who is on the path of God is close to heart of other Muslims. May you all be at peace and prosper being citizens of India.
The song has it's history and has a role to play in Indian independence struggle and a lovely song as well. It's true at the time of inception Bankimchandra Chaterjee did portray 'maa' as Durga maa because Durga is the main deity of Hindu Bengalis. So it's expected Muslims, Christian, Sikhs would have problem with the song and that's why it hasn't been made National Anthem. You may or may not sing you, singing a song doesn't make you more patriotic than others, but respect the song which is dear to so many people.

The core of Vande Mataram is a hymn to goddess Durga: this is so plain that there can be no debate about it. Of course Bankimchandra does show Durga to be inseparably united with Bengal in the end, but no Mussulman [Muslim] can be expected patriotically to worship the ten-handed deity as 'Swadesh' [the nation]. This year many of the special [Durga] Puja numbers of our magazines have quoted verses from Vande Mataram - proof that the editors take the song to be a hymn to Durga. The novel Anandamath is a work of literature, and so the song is appropriate in it. But Parliament is a place of union for all religious groups, and there the song cannot be appropriate. When Bengali Mussulmans show signs of stubborn fanaticism, we regard these as intolerable. When we too copy them and make unreasonable demands, it will be self-defeating.
Bengali Hindus have become agitated over this matter, but it does not concern only Hindus. Since there are strong feelings on both sides, a balanced judgment is essential. In pursuit of our political aims we want peace, unity and good will - we do not want the endless tug of war that comes from supporting the demands of one faction over the other.

This an extract of letter written by Rabindranath Tagore to Subhash Chandra Bose.
After this incident, the US media ate him alive.

Nope... he survived and then bowed later to the Japanese emporer and British queen.

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Obama is not Muslim and his bowing is not a guideline for the other Muslims.
PS: Even if some Muslim had bowed before another, he would have done something that is forbidden in Islam. One man's mistake is not a guideline even he was Kind Abdullah himself.

Muslims follow none but Allah and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Anybody who deviates from the teachings of Islam doesn't become a new role-model. Hope this clears many things in your mind.

Obama is not Muslim and his bowing is not a guideline for the other Muslims.
PS: Even if some Muslim had bowed before another, he would have done something that is forbidden in Islam. One man's mistake is not a guideline even he was Kind Abdullah himself.

Muslims follow none but Allah and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Hope this clears many things in your mind.

I was debating "bowing' as an act of respect without the context of religion.
Bowing is common in certain parts of the world just like a warm handshake .

Even while people sing shayariss they bow their heads after the recital.

We all know bowing is a sign of respect.. im just checking how much people ignore this and keep on debating it for just the sake of arguing.
Oh geez yes they can. Bring on your Indian National Anthem vande mataram sharam is not Indian National anthem.

Why Muslim Indians should praise and offer total submission to a hindu godess ????????

Why Indians are forcing a religious song on Muslim instead of Indian Anthem ??????

Muslims do NOT bow to any worldly thing. Period

Didn't they bow infront of empirores and sultans ?
I was debating "bowing' as an act of respect without the context of religion.
Bowing is common in certain parts of the world just like a warm handshake .

Even while people sing shayariss they bow their heads after the recital.

We all know bowing is a sign of respect.. im just checking how much people ignore this and keep on debating it for just the sake of arguing.

"Bowing" before other than Allah is forbidden. Simple.
I was debating "bowing' as an act of respect without the context of religion.
Bowing is common in certain parts of the world just like a warm handshake .

Even while people sing shayariss they bow their heads after the recital.

We all know bowing is a sign of respect.. im just checking how much people ignore this and keep on debating it for just the sake of arguing.
Again you're combining things that have no impact on Islam or validate anything Islamically. The question was not whether or not bowing is respectful or not, but the question here is can Muslims do it? Anyone CAN they should be free to do so, but I believe Muslims should not.
"Bowing" before other than Allah is forbidden. Simple.

Read the wordings in my avatar. Simple.

At this time of the year when we both nations are celebrating our independence day, if by any chance had our forefathers who have fought for the independence of our lands had seen this thread, they should have stopped their freedom struggle and handed over the rule back to British saying that" you guys are better than us'..
What a shame we throw dirt at each other at this time of the year.
Read the wordings in my avatar. Simple.

At this time of the year when we both nations are celebrating our independence day, if by any chance had our forefathers who have fought for the independence of our lands had seen this thread, they should have stopped their freedom struggle and handed over the rule back to British saying that" you guys are better than us'..
What a shame we throw dirt at each other at this time of the year.
How is it in any way throwing dirt at India? It's a question of freedom. The Pakistani interest is obvious, as I said this was contributing factor to the Tehreek-e-Pakistan since the issue rose up back then too.
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