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Can Iran be relied upon?

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You're own government admitted back in the 90's that they acquired x,y,z from Pakistan, Iran snitched on Pakistan. Pakistani nuclear scientist was in Iran helping to put up the facility and get the machines running...

Is that suppose to be "evidence"?
Pakistan could not even make their bombs without China and now you say you helped Iran?
Iran got centrifuge technology from the Russians not some backward failed state.
Everything you said is false. Iran send oil to china alot by using tankers, and even then Pakistan would not ruin it's relationship with China but now allowing Iranian oil to reach china via your soil.
You second point is nonsense, Iran is isolated? Iran is currently the president of the NAM, Iran has very good relation with China and Russia and vast majority of the country's on this planet. You need to stop watching Fox news.

Iran can export oil to China using the chinese supertanker, Pakistan is not significant, I am sorry.

hey i have heard about a agremment between pakistan and iran governments that pakistan will not drill oil from balochistan and in in response iran will give pakistan oil for its millitary use back in 1960s? and i have also heard that that agrement is till 2020 has anybody heard about that?...is it true...
The current Iranian regime has helped the PKK against my nation,dont come with the proof bsss.
We have provided enough evidence.
Iran with this government becoming nuclear is a threat to my country to.
@Aryan Nation

Get the f*ck off this defence forum.This is not a place for people like you.I already told you to watch your mouth.

I got excited when I first saw your avatar...even more excited when I saw the first part of your handle...and then came your capital 'L'... :( :(
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I like to point out that it was actually Shah that re-established China and Iran relationship!

Empress Farah Pahlavi and Prime Minister Hoveyda during a state visit to China in 1972
No matter what you think,Shah Reza Pahlavi was a real leader,Iran did better then.
Iran is India's best friend!!:smile:

Okay I am back and don't know what I was banned for. . .Thanks to PDF BTW for lifting it!!!

"HUSH to bht ho ge tm thakur" hum main larai karwa kar,,,, :sniper::butcher:
I am talking about India,moron.

by the way,Iran of 1600 is way ahead of Pakistan of 2013 as hell.dont be so proud.under the sanctions -with no oil income- our GDP is two times greater than yours and in case of science production,we are 100 times better.

Plus,Iran and US are going to normalize the relation and as the result the sanctions will be lifted.so instead of 400 years,we will be ahead of you for 1000 years.

Obviously , your abusive language is a proof of your great PERSIAN CIVILIZATION just like rest of your bogus claims.

You may think Sanctions are over but here is what 76% of US 'Senators are saying:

WASHINGTON -- 76 Senators signed a letter sent to President Barack Obama on Friday calling on the White House to toughen sanctions on Iran, despite the election of Hassan Rouhani, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

In the letter, the large Senate group tells the president that time for diplomacy is quickly running out.

Related: •
Netanyahu: US House sanctions send 'clear message' to Iranian regime

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"Iran has used negotiations in the past to stall for time," the senators warn the president, noting Rouhani's former role as the regime's nuclear negotiator. "And in any event, Khamenei is the ultimate decision-maker for Iran's nuclear program."

"Mr. President," the letter continues, "we urge you to bring a renewed sense of urgency to the process. We need to understand quickly whether Tehran is at last ready to negotiate seriously. Iran needs to understand that the time for diplomacy is nearing its end."

The letter was sent to the president on the last day of the Senate session before summer recess— two days before Rouhani's inauguration in Iran— and was penned on July 30th, just a day before the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly, 400-20, in favor of a punishing new sanctions package targeting what remains of Iran's oil sector.

Earning significant bipartisan backing in just four days, the letter signals strong Senate support for the House bill, which aims to bring Iranian oil exports essentially down to zero by no longer providing exemptions to purchasing companies in allied countries.

The senators assert that the US "must toughen sanctions and reinforce the credibility of our option to use military force at the same time as we fully explore a diplomatic solution to our dispute with Iran."

Senators Robert Menendez, a Democrat and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Lindsey Graham, a Republican member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, spearheaded the letter.

Congressional sources tell the Post that the two-month window while Congress is out for summer, through an anticipated vote in late September on a Senate sanctions bill, will be pivotal for both the White House and the Iranian regime.

The message: Rouhani must prove his seriousness in this brief window, or else punishing new sanctions are coming, sources say.

"We share your conviction that Iran must not be allowed to have a nuclear weapon," it concludes, adding, "we want you to know that you will have our support in doing all you can to resolve on an urgent basis this most pressing challenge to international security."

The White House told the Post this week that it awaits talks at the "earliest opportunity" following Rouhani's inauguration on Sunday, adding that it has "some concerns over the specific contents of the legislation" but that it expects to work with Congress in the melding process.

"Following his inauguration, we hope President-elect Rouhani and the Iranian government will engage substantively with the international community to reach a diplomatic solution," National Security Council spokesperson Bernadette Meehan said. "We and our international partners remain ready to meet at the earliest opportunity once Iran is prepared to do so."
Pakistan need to make sure that Shia's do not torpedo national interest of Pakistan which is an overwhelmingly Sunni country (around 85%), just to do a favor for Iran, the country that is closest to the heart of all Shia of the world, as it is their main base of power in the world.

Shah was a moderate, but unfortunately he was a Western puppet and then the Mullah's are extremist per excellence, not being Western puppets does not help their cause one bit. One of the biggest advantage the Iranians going for themselves is that they are nationalist and Imperialist first and foremost, even before being Muslims or Shia. So they use whatever ideology they follow to advance their Persian imperialist agenda. Using their Shia faith is good for this agenda, so they use it and even the Zoroastrians or Seculars or atheist Iranians will support these mad Mullah's as long as they see Persian imperial agenda being advanced.

Arabs on the other hand are relative simpletons compared to Iranians, and they are not united in one country, after the breakup of Ottoman. So even if they have the advantage with numbers and resources, they seem not to do well. One very pertinent example I will give is the spat between Gulf Monarchs and Muslim Brotherhood, and sneaky Iranians sure enough find a way to take advantage of this Arab disunity with their support for MB and Hamas.

And the West, Chinese, Russians and Hindu's all, powers of any consequence would love nothing more than to see their enemies fighting and exhausting their resources, so Shia-Sunni fight is of greatest benefit to all of them. Iran-Iraq war, post-Saddam ongoing sectarian war in Iraq and ongoing Syria sectarian conflict are good examples.

What Sunni's of the world need to understand is that Iran will not cease and desist, till it is thoroughly humiliated and defeated in its imperialistic agenda. Only after their total failure, the Iranian people may rise up and remove the Mullah's from power. In this fight, Sunni's should ally with whoever is willing to help the Iranian people remove this curse from their country - the West, Israel etc. Sometimes it is better to ally with enemies to remove a more immediate and manageable threat.

China and Russia should be warned to stay out of this fight to help the Iranian people remove the curse that has befallen on them.

Here comes the PDF resident anti shia troll..
Is that suppose to be "evidence"?
Pakistan could not even make their bombs without China and now you say you helped Iran?
Iran got centrifuge technology from the Russians not some backward failed state.

Pakistan gave centrifuge technology to a desert kingdom called Iran, thats a fact Russia wouldnt give you a damn thing you sad desperate fool, like they would risk giving you nuclear tech. That is evidence your own government admitted you half-wit, you're an idiot for asking for actual tangible evidence over the Internet.

So the million dollar question is will Iran give up on Nuclear enrichment ? Yes or No ?

If No, then more Sanctions are on their way......

That means Future does not look too bright.....

Go call an Iranian embassy don't ask people here who cannot answer this question of yours...
so how many sighed up for kalu mian's sunni ummah yet. ? Seems lots of pakistanis like the idea.
It seems "kalu mian" suffered some sort of childhood trauma at the hands of some evil shia.. otherwise such hate ?
His earlier posts never had that.. this is a recent change to his foreign policy. @kalu_miah sir, can you tell us why you are more anti shia now a days, compared to few months ago.
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