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Can Iran and America be friends?


Who are you to tell as non-Iranian or non-American if this is possible or not. Fact is that the Iranians are the most America-loving people in the Middle-East and that is only the governments who have problems with each other. America has always (although their reputation took a great damage after they supported the coup against Mossadegh) seen by most of the Iranians as a great country, unlike Russia, which most Iranians today even hate.

And look how the Iranians and the Americans worked together in 2001 in Agfhanistan:

2001 uprising in Herat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As long as US will insist Iran should be run but its puppets, friendship will never happen. Friendship should start with mutual respect and on equal relationships basis. US sees everyone as subordinates, and if some country doesnt bend to US will, Americans brings the hammer - coup d’état, sanctions, sabotage or "democratic bombs". You dont build friendship on that, nor anyone can expect good will from Iranians with such extensive hostility from US.
Yes we can......when the fundamentalists in power over there gets toppled.

Democratic Iran !
You see? That's one of US major problems.you always want to decide who should rule in other countries.But you are in no place to say that.if you look at the past,before or after revolution,you will see US has caused much more harm to Iran than Iran to US.if Iran needs to be democratic (however i don't believe in American kind of democracy) the those warmongers and neocons in white house should be toppled too and influence of Jewish lobby in your country should be minimized.Now most of Americans believe that Israel has too much influence on their country and they don't like it.
Iran has proposed better relations with US specially when Khatami was president,but Bush administration didn't even reply to their requests.It seems everone here tries to show US as a saint and Iran as a devil.That's not fair by any means.
One of the reasons that prevent countries from becoming friends is border disputes...and Iran has nothing with US. They can become friends and was in the past during the times of the Shah.The current Mullahs are using US as a bogeyman to scare the population to submission.
And right now US is not trying to make bogeyman of Iran?US is not trying to show Iran as a threat to whole world who wants attack everyone with nuclear weapons?You are a joke.
One of the reasons that prevent countries from becoming friends is border disputes...and Iran has nothing with US. They can become friends and was in the past during the times of the Shah.The current Mullahs are using US as a bogeyman to scare the population to submission.
Fact is that the Iranians are the most America-loving people in the Middle-East and that is only the governments who have problems with each other.

Say what? I doubt you know much, if anything about Iranians and their history. Quick recap:

1. US toppled democratic Iran's government and put in power brutal dictator, who brought a lot of suffering to Iranians, till they finally got rid of him.

2. US not only supported Hussein in his war against Iran, but also provided with chemical weapons of mass destruction, a lot of Iranians died from it. When few countries in UN proposed resolution to condemn Hussein, US veto'ed it, and said its Iran who is using chemical weapons, not Hussein.

3. US shot down civilian Iran's Air Flight 655 and killed 290 people. Not only US refused to apologize for it (remember Bush words "I'll never apologize for the United States. Ever. I don't care what the facts are"), they gave honorary medals to marines who did it.

4. US has Iran under sanctions for over 30 years, and is using all leverage it has to choke Iran's economy completely.

5. US committed so many atrocities in the region (including support to Israel in its terror against Palestinians), that along with a bitter history of US crimes against Iran itself, in the demonstrations you can often see banners "death to US", etc. Its not happening because of some whim, its a reaction to what US does. Much like you can see Jews hating Nazis, it didnt happened on a whim either.
Say what? I doubt you know much, if anything about Iranians and their history.

Almost every Middle-Eastern expert know Iranians are the most America-loving people in the Middle-East. Have you ever been to Iran? If there a one people who are treated with great hospitality their is the Americans.
And right now US is not trying to make bogeyman of Iran?US is not trying to show Iran as a threat to whole world who wants attack everyone with nuclear weapons?You are a joke.

When your president says that he 'will wipe off Israel from the face of the earth' and shows an unhealthy obsession with Israel to extent of supporting Hezbollah & Hamas..what does US supposed to do?
Almost every Middle-Eastern expert know Iranians are the most America-loving people in the Middle-East. Have you ever been to Iran? If there a one people who are treated with great hospitality their is the Americans.
100% nonsense. I would react the same if you would claim Jews love Nazis the most. Its just stupid.
100% nonsense. I would react the same if you would claim Jews love Nazis the most. Its just stupid.

You as European don't have to tell me what is nonsense or not. You never have been to Iran and clearly don't know what a special relationship Iranians and Americans have with each other. I'm Iranian and I clearly know what my own people think about Americans. Well, you just begin with typing 'Iranians love America' in Google.
They can be friends...provided US stops playing dirty games....
Almost every Middle-Eastern expert know Iranians are the most America-loving people in the Middle-East. Have you ever been to Iran? If there a one people who are treated with great hospitality their is the Americans.
Maybe saying the American-loving is not the good word.But i agree most of Iranians don't have any problem with Americans and see them like other people in other countries.That applies to Americans too.it's never about People.It's about governments.
You as European don't have to tell me what is nonsense or not. You never have been to Iran and clearly don't know what a special relationship Iranians and Americans have with each other. I'm Iranian and I clearly know what my own people think about Americans. Well, you just begin with typing 'Iranians love America' in Google.

You say you are Iranian, but just a short while ago you wrote these posts:

You're right, its the barbaric nature of Islam. We all know how Muhammad ordered to kill some writers because they wrote something negative about him.

This kind of things is the reason why the Middle-East is mentally centuries behind Europe.

Maybe our other Iranian members here like Abii and Era_923 can tell if you really are Iranian or not?
You say you are Iranian, but just a short while ago you wrote this post:

Also, I very much doubt that Iranians love Americans. According to the polls, it is the exact opposite.

So, that I'm Iranian doesn't mean I'm necessarily a Muslim. Besides that, those polls are nonsense. How can you take a serious poll in Iran when the government doesn't even allow critic on their policy. You and all those other first watch this documentary about a American who visited Iran:

IRAN Documentary Yesterday and Today : Rick Steves - YouTube
I think this can happen once there is a regime change in United States and when Americans give up their support for global terror and stop invading countries and stealing their resources. Otherwise I do not see any change.
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