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Can Indonesia Lead ASEAN?

Actually Chinese businesses control 8 ASEAN economies, Vietnam and Brunei are two exceptions. So that answers the question who will lead ASEAN, either like the German guy Götterdämmerung says it will be "China", or it will be Vietnam. Brunei is too small. LOL

To be serious, I see Singapore is the only one who is qualified for the role. Multicultural Singapore is rich, it is very strong in economics, defence and last but not least in cultures and custom (because Chinese). The country can serve as a bridge to China.

Vietnam has the potential to become something like four tigers in next a few decades. But Vietnam economy is not big enough to give you such weight to be qualified as the leader. Your chances would come till China upgrades economy structure from labor intensive type to tech intensive type. Now you can see Nike factories shifting production line from China to Vietnam, same happens in other industry as well. You can get substantially rich, but not the real leader of ASEAN.
If Singapore is big enough, it can lead ASEAN, now Indonesia is the biggest economic of ASEAN, and it has well relation with nerely all of the world: US, China, Islamic countries and others
Indonesia $845.6 billion
Thailand $345.6 billion
Malaysia $278.6 billion
Singapore $259.8 billion
Philippines $224.7 billion
Vietnam $122.7 billion
Burma $82.7 billion
Brunei $15.5 billion
Cambodia $14.2 billion
Whole $7.9 billion

The gap is incredibly huge. Except Indonisia, all the other economies could even not surpass the level of a small county in east China. How could they challenge China's leadership?
True, they control the essential or majority part of local economy, maybe more than 50%. Most of them are excluded from politics, Thailand is an exception.
Take the Pinoys for example, Chinese account for 2% of their population, but control more than 1/3 of the economy.

Yes, Thailand is an exception. Historically, Chinese played a major role in Siam struggle against Myanmar. The Chinese general who defeated the Burmese troops was made the King of Siam.
Most of the Thai Prime Ministers were Chinese or half chinese.

In Indonesia, it was said that chinese control 95% of the economy, even they are just 5% of the population. Not sure about now though.
Yes, Thailand is an exception. Historically, Chinese played a major role in Siam struggle against Myanmar. The Chinese general who defeated the Burmese troops was made the King of Siam.
Most of the Thai Prime Ministers were Chinese or half chinese.

In Indonesia, it was said that chinese control 95% of the economy, even they are just 5% of the population. Not sure about now though.

Gotcha~Chinese obtained the upper position in Thailand through the war. So in ASEAN, Thailand could be the most friendly to Chinese, rarely heard anti Chinese things happened in Thailand.
Gotcha~Chinese obtained the upper position in Thailand through the war. So in ASEAN, Thailand could be the most friendly to Chinese, rarely heard anti Chinese things happened in Thailand.

Yes, I would say Thailand is most receptive of Chinese people.
The gap is incredibly huge. Except Indonisia, all the other economies could even not surpass the level of a small county in east China. How could they challenge China's leadership?
China's leadership? I´m not aware that China has become a member of ASEAN. :welcome:
By the way, who believes to the VN official GDP number is a fool.
1,China has become a member of ASEAN.
2,the VN official GDP number

You have a sense of humor man. Not leadership, but economy dominance.

What do you mean by VN official GDP? Any thing on GDP ignore list?
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Actually Chinese businesses control 8 ASEAN economies, Vietnam and Brunei are two exceptions. So that answers the question who will lead ASEAN, either like the German guy Götterdämmerung says it will be "China", or it will be Vietnam. Brunei is too small. LOL

To be serious, I see Singapore is the only one who is qualified for the role. Multicultural Singapore is rich, it is very strong in economics, defence and last but not least in cultures and custom (because Chinese). The country can serve as a bridge to China.

Vietnam Economy are also "controlled" by the Chinese. You should check the amount of investment that got poured into Vietnam by the Chinese government. They own the country both economically & politically.

Singapore is the playground for the rich and they're more likely to let ASEAN be devoured by China. As long as its existence is not threatened in anyway they won't give 2 shit what happens to their perceived "lesser countries in the region." Also Singapore runs it government like its the private sector. It has no experience or even the motivation to lead the Clusterfuck of group known as ASEAN.

China's leadership? I´m not aware that China has become a member of ASEAN. :welcome:
By the way, who believes to the VN official GDP number is a fool.

Oh please, Vietnam GDP is the lowest of the Six.
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You have a sense of humor man. Not leadership, but economy dominance.
What do you mean by VN official GDP? Any thing on GDP ignore list?
if you as either a stranger or foreigner ask a millionaire in China and Vietnam, then you will get two different answers. The Chinese boasts that he has one million on a bank account, while the Vietnamese says he has enough money to affort 3 meals per day.

You can think of the rest. Clear for you?

No? if not then I recommend you to check the socio-economic data of Vietnam and compare to other countries with similar official GDP per capita. As you know, Vietnam is classified as low middle income country (Worldbank).

Vietnam | Data
Vietnam Economy are also "controlled" by the Chinese. You should check the amount of investment that got poured into Vietnam by the Chinese government. They own the country both economically & politically.

Singapore is the playground for the rich and they're more likely to let ASEAN be devoured by China. As long as its existence is not threatened in anyway they won't give 2 shit what happens to their perceived "lesser countries in the region." Also Singapore runs it government like its the private sector. It has no experience or even the motivation to lead the Clusterfuck of group known as ASEAN.
China´s investment in Vietnam is virtually nonexistent until recently. To claim, China controls our economy is risky assumption. Same goes to politcal control.

Though Singapore is a small island, but it makes a huge footprint in Vietnam. So it is one of the top 5 investors, it manages many industrial parks, it cooperates with us in defence (submarines), etc... Last but not least Singapore is an inspiration giver to the VN government. For me, Singapore is a model. She can lead ASEAN. Singapore can stand up to China.
Oh please, Vietnam GDP is the lowest of the Six.
That is VN goal. Other nations can boast of their wealth, Vietnam wants to be seen as poor. Understatement is our character.
if you as either a stranger or foreigner ask a millionaire in China and Vietnam, then you will get two different answers. The Chinese boasts that he has one million on a bank account, while the Vietnamese says he has enough money to affort 3 meals per day.

You can think of the rest. Clear for you?

No? if not then I recommend you to check the socio-economic data of Vietnam and compare to other countries with similar official GDP per capita. As you know, Vietnam is classified as low middle income country (Worldbank).

Vietnam | Data

What's your point here? Vietnamese millionaire is more materially qualified than Chinese millionaire who is just boasting? .....Just check the background of top rich men in ASEAN countries.

Not sure about socio-economic data, only I know is world bank data is reliable. Lower middle income is not a good grade.
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The entire south east asia, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia.
Singapore not counted as Chinese are majority there.
What's your point here? Vietnamese millionaire is more materially qualified than Chinese millionaire who is just boasting? .....Just check the background of top rich men in ASEAN countries.

Not sure about socio-economic data, only I know is world bank data is reliable. Lower middle income is not a good grade.
Most of the rich peoples in Vietnam are Chinese or half Chinese. I have relatives there and go there quite often.
If the Philippine economy grew at 8 or 9% like that of China's economic boom of the 80's and 90's, the economy could, and theoretically, pass Indonesia's in the coming years, and we could possible lead ASEAN in terms of economy, but such idea is far-fetched.

But anyway, Indonesia, having good relations with China and the West, strong economy and strong military, in terms of Southeast Asian standards, could lead ASEAN.
China´s investment in Vietnam is virtually nonexistent until recently. To claim, China controls our economy is risky assumption. Same goes to politcal control.

Though Singapore is a small island, but it makes a huge footprint in Vietnam. So it is one of the top 5 investors, it manages many industrial parks, it cooperates with us in defence (submarines), etc... Last but not least Singapore is an inspiration giver to the VN government. For me, Singapore is a model. She can lead ASEAN. Singapore can stand up to China.

I'm just replying in your logic that when a country "invest" in another country they technically "own" said country :P

You seems to forgot to check that the US is still the biggest investor in Indonesia. So does that mean we're the property of the US? :whistle:

Singapore is not a leader material in many ways. Singapore for once is a city state so their political reach is extremely limited, they can help a country financially, but other than that you're pretty much asking a banker to be leader.

Beside I haven't seen Singapore step up to help the organization.

That is VN goal. Other nations can boast of their wealth, Vietnam wants to be seen as poor. Understatement is our character.

You must be out of Vietnam for some time. The Country really is poor. Its labor force is much cheaper than anything in the region. My uncle even set up a factory there to escape the labor strike in the country demanding fair wages. God bless Communism for Cheap labor.
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