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Can India and Pakistan ever make it to football world?

Add Goa to that list.... I guess Culcutta, Northern Kerala and Goa combined would make more than half of the die hard football fans.....
Not quite. Please remember that in order for soccer to take off in India, we need maximum eyeballs to look at the television screens.

Sponsors will come only when they know that people are watching the match.

Otherwise to them, there is no attraction to the sport.
If you see, entire Asia is rather weak in soccer. They don't have enough facilities for athletes and players to train in anything other than a few specific sports like cricket. Tell me, how much of effort does the government put in encouraging sports like Olympics, hockey, soccer, rugby, track and field and other such games?


Why? Because everyone is obsessed with cricket and cricket promoting corporate are smart enough to see how to promote their game.

What sponsors does hockey have? Does it have cricket's viewership?

There is an Olympic medallist selling chat outside the houses to make her ends meet. When India women's team won the hockey world cup, there was no one to welcome the back home.

Same thing for soccer.

It is a rage only in kerala, bengal and the northeast. North, West and rest of South India is not even looking at it.

The is no shortage of talent in either India or Pakistan. But there is just no incentive for them.

If its a question of facilities, sponsors etc then what explains better performance by Ghana and Cameroon as compared to India and Pakistan , do you think they have better facilities ?
Whats the point, the most you can expect to achieve is a first round exit in a World Cup.

There is no winning.

Just focus on cricket.
Why do you want to climb the star in the first go?

Let the first step be taken and then judge. Qualifying for soccer world cup itself is a big deal.

Norway International Football player Harmeet Singh:
View attachment 38623
He's a Norwegian national. Has nothing I do either India except his genetics.
Don't know about India but Pakistan sure can... the Street kids of Layari Karachi make it to top 3 in Brasil remember just train them we need better coach and focus just like we focus on cricket provide funds and we can sure qualify :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
If its a question of facilities, sponsors etc then what explains better performance by Ghana and Cameroon as compared to India and Pakistan , do you think they have better facilities ?

They have only soccer. So we cannot know. There is something called encouragement there. Soccer is like a religion on Africa and South America. If they are not killing reach other, they play soccer there.

We on the other hand are involved on politics or job or cricket or bollywood. Except a handful of African countries tries there is no local film industry there. So all the attention goes to soccer.

When you got only one thing to do day in and out, then you will naturally be damn good.
All of these medals where physical sports like boxing and wrestling which is good for football. And no medals for 200 million people?

lol ... indians are not built for physical sports , the weight category that these silver and bronze medals were won in wrestling show that to be the case
On this topic we two nations are on the same side. Can we ever produce footballers to be on top 50 countries ever? I mean in our life time, say in 50 years?

Or is it something that has to do with Genetics, tradition, culture etc.?

@levina @gslv mk3 @gslv @JD_In @rockstar08 @nair @Ravi Nair @Indischer @HariPrasad @JonAsad @Spring Onion @Jaanbaz @Jazzbot @Tshering22 @Sidak and other Pakistani and Indian members. Time to ponder!!
where are we ..
The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking - Ranking Table - FIFA.com

Why we are like that ?
- Sports culture ... Criket as legacy from british
- football
need more space ....than crickrt ...(gully cricket ..)
- need mor athaletic stamina than cricket ..
- no support from people and govt..

Silver lining
in goa and wb football still have good mas base ...
On this topic we two nations are on the same side. Can we ever produce footballers to be on top 50 countries ever? I mean in our life time, say in 50 years?

Or is it something that has to do with Genetics, tradition, culture etc.?

@levina @gslv mk3 @gslv @JD_In @rockstar08 @nair @Ravi Nair @Indischer @HariPrasad @JonAsad @Spring Onion @Jaanbaz @Jazzbot @Tshering22 @Sidak and other Pakistani and Indian members. Time to ponder!!

I am sure that football has much potential in South Asia... with each WC more and more people here have access to the game s and do watch them.

On of the reasons (though a very minor one) for hosting the cup in Qatar was also to be closer to India. (I heard this from a FIFA official on TV)

Considering how to promote football quality here:

1.) Get money through sponsors. Once the corporate world realizes the enormous economic potential in football, they might start investing in our foot ball league and start looking for experienced foreigners to manage things there.

2.) We need to develop our football league and Cooperation with local education ministries to promote a proper sports culture and easier access to better football

3.) One has to build up a training infrastructure from scratch. Promote football classes and start training potential talents from a young age. This not only needs money, but also experienced training staff.

4.) Get a new national trainer and his entire staff with much international experience.

5.) Start praying that we manage to make it through the qualifications, which already would be a gigantic triumph for us :D

6.) Time and patience
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India has potential but not Pakistan. India won six medals in the last Olympics while Pakistan couldn't win a single one.

In a interview he said that if he couldn't get into the Norweigan team, then he would happily join India. He even said that he will set up a facility in India once he retires.

Winning 6 medals from a country of 1.237 billion is nothing to brag about.
where are we ..
The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking - Ranking Table - FIFA.com
View attachment 38624

Why we are like that ?
- Sports culture ... Criket as legacy from british
- football
need more space ....than crickrt ...(gully cricket ..)
- need mor athaletic stamina than cricket ..
- no support from people and govt..

Silver lining
in goa and wb football still have good mas base ...

Looking and searching the list reminded me my school days when i used to search my result in notice board.... Always used to start searching from bottom....
A more interesting question would be, can India and Pakistan would make it to football worldcup final .
Winning 6 medals from a country of 1.237 billion is nothing to brag about.
it takes time to build sports infra and change people's mindset towards sports in general. We have a huge untapped potential, coming years would be bright for India.

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