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Can India and Pakistan ever make it to football world?

This is not a question of money. Some of the best players in the world are nurtured in the slums of Brazil. All they need is ball and game is on. Even without shoes. But Pakistani culture is too lazy and young avoid physical exertion. Instead opt for the lazy game of cricket ....
Whats makes you think cricket is a lazy game as compared to football?
Possibly, the Indian Super League seems to be a bit of a failure though. Not enough people seem to be interested in Football in India or Pakistan although I see more kids are playing Football these days...

The only way I can see Football flourishing in the sub-continent is if there is enough commercial interest in order for international level players to be interested in playing in local leagues. That way, South Asian players will get the experience of playing against the most talented and accomplished players in the game and cross-pollination can occur.
Possibly, the Indian Super League seems to be a bit of a failure though. Not enough people seem to be interested in Football in India or Pakistan although I see more kids are playing Football these days...

The only way I can see Football flourishing in the sub-continent is if there is enough commercial interest in order for international level players to be interested in playing in local leagues. That way, South Asian players will get the experience of playing against the most talented and accomplished players in the game and cross-pollination can occur.
I think India will struggle. You guy's don't have the genetics for it. In Pakistan expect K-Pk, Balochistan and or the Afro community in Karachi to produce some talent. Hazara's are ace football players.
I think India will struggle. You guy's don't have the genetics for it. In Pakistan expect K-Pk, Balochistan and or the Afro community in Karachi to produce some talent. Hazara's are ace football players.

Is that why PAK is ranked 201 in the World? Just behind SL while IND is at 97 (nothing to be proud of, I know). 'Dem genetics eh.

Don't get me wrong, you won't ever find me saying genetics don't play a role in sport but you can always adapt your play-style depending on your abilities. Japan (ranked 60th) beat Poland (#8) and nearly beat Belgium (#3) owing to the fact that they played to their strength, ie. cardiovascular training. Investment and interest in any given sport are just as important if not more.
Is that why PAK is ranked 201 in the World?
I said some regions of Pakistan have potential. Most of India has genetics that predispose men to lots of adipose fat and low muscular %. In particular they tend to not have the right frames and often are small. This leads to tubby fat short guys standing on skinny legs. This is opposite to football where very strong legs but low fat% in the upper body is a must. In Pakistan we have the righ potential in K-Pk, Balochistan [including Hazaras] etc. Of course non of this talent is being used because damned cricket is in the way. Also football is poor man's game. Cricket is elitest.
Cricket appear lazy sports but still you need physical fitness to excel in cricket . Bowling especially fast bowling and fielding is not lazy task ..It may not appear as fast as hockey or football but it has long duration

Indeed, pace bowling requires a high level of athleticism. Not sure I agree about fielding though, I think that's the laziest part of Cricket. However, fielding does require a high level of concentration. Batting isn't exactly easy either when you're trying for singles, 2s and 3s as you have to run ~18 metres between the wicket not to mention batting itself is a high impact task, much like pace bowling.
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I said some regions of Pakistan have potential. Most of India has genetics that predispose men to lots of adipose fat and low muscular %. In particular they tend to not have the right frames and often are small. This leads to tubby fat short guys standing on skinny legs. This is opposite to football where very strong legs but low fat% in the upper body is a must. In Pakistan we have the righ potential in K-Pk, Balochistan [including Hazaras] etc. Of course non of this talent is being used because damned cricket is in the way. Also football is poor man's game. Cricket is elitest.
Well strong legs also needed for field hockey where our teams were doing fine ..There is variation of height, skin, weight within single ethnic groups ..If you look at those Chinese who take part in swimming then they are very tall as compare to average Chinese
I said some regions of Pakistan have potential. Most of India has genetics that predispose men to lots of adipose fat and low muscular %. In particular they tend to not have the right frames and often are small. This leads to tubby fat short guys standing on skinny legs. This is opposite to football where very strong legs but low fat% in the upper body is a must. In Pakistan we have the righ potential in K-Pk, Balochistan [including Hazaras] etc. Of course non of this talent is being used because damned cricket is in the way. Also football is poor man's game. Cricket is elitest.

It's more to do with dietary habits. Too many foods involving carbohydrates . Indians generally don't get the correct ratio of protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. Especially vegetarians. Not to mention amino acids which accounts for the difference between complete and incomplete proteins.

Well strong legs also needed for field hockey where our teams were doing fine ..There is variation of height, skin, weight within single ethnic groups ..If you look at those Chinese who take part in swimming then they are very tall as compare to average Chinese

Variation in skin tone and stature can occur amongst immediate family members so I'm not sure what makes people think it doesn't happen in countries with a multi-racial population.
Some of them are worse !

Ps. Google 'favellas'.
I have been to favellas in Rio , fast in and out , a few years back. Considered violent and unsafe , but not really tin structures or the narrow slums of the movies.
All they need is ball and game is on. Even without shoes. But Pakistani culture is too lazy and young avoid physical exertion.
Since i belong to the young generation i would agree to an extent, especially in the cities. But the real issue is drugs and smoking, every other kid here is smoking here, they literally have no stamina of any sort. I play Basketball and Football with some friends and those who smoke are on the ground after 2 minutes. This is the biggest problem i have seen. Thanks

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