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Can Hindutva Terrorists Provoke India-Pakistan War?


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has warned in New Delhi today that Al-Qaeda is trying to destabilize the whole of South Asia hoping to provoke a deadly war between India and Pakistan, according to the BBC. In addition to Al-Qaeda, he has pointed the finger at the Taliban in Afghanistan and in Pakistan, and the Pakistan-based group Lashkar-e-Taiba as groups seeking to spark conflict between India and Pakistan, or to provoke instability in Pakistan.

Mr. Gates is only partially correct. Conspicuously absent from his list of the region's "bad guys" are the Hindutva terrorist outfits who are implicated in a series of bombings designed to fan the flames of hatred between Hindus and Muslims and then blame Pakistan for their handiwork.

In a new book titled "Who Killed Karkare?"(published by Pharos Media), the author and former Maharashtra police chief S.M. Mushrif says a nationwide network of Hindutva terrorists that has its tentacles spread up to Nepal and Israel is out to destroy India's secularism and to reshape it into a theocratic state like Afghanistan under the Taliban.

Mushrif believes that it is not Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh or Rahul Gandhi who actually run India on a day-to-day basis. Rather, it is a "power establishment" that is in charge of India, and it does not want to expose the Hindutva terrorists. One example is the blasts in Samjhauta Express, which the IB said was carried out by Pakistan’s ISI. Mushrif quotes a report in The Times of India that said, “the Center had blamed the ISI on the basis of the IB’s findings.” However, during a narco-analysis test under Karkare, Lt. Col. Purohit had admitted having supplied the RDX used in the blast. The IB, which draws its power from its proximity to the Prime Minister (its director briefs the PM every morning for half an hour), did not want Karkare’s investigation that blew the cover off the IB’s shenanigans, to continue.

Recently, India's Vice President Hamid Ansari has called for greater "oversight and accountability" of the operations of the nation's intelligence agencies by the Indian parliament. Ansari also said that, just like in other democracies like the US and the UK, the “concerned agencies should make public their mission statement, outlining periodically their strategic intent, vision, mission, core values and their goals”.

As India constantly highlights the terror of green variety, it must not ignore its own homegrown terror dressed in saffron. The terror of both of these hues have the potential to spark a deadly conflict in South Asia that can easily spin out of control, and completely devastate the region.

Haq's Musings: Hindutva Terror to Spark India-Pakistan War?

Haq's Musings: Terror in India--Who Killed Karkare?
Kandhmal violence has been the most ghastly communal violence in the Adivasi areas in India. Close to two years after the violence the tragedy of the area continues, the victims of violence, the rehabilitation, the justice to victims, most of these are no where close to what they should be.

Debaranjan Sarangi, a social activist and writer has effectively caught the Kandhamal carnage in his short but comprehensive film with great amount of sensitivity and objectivity. He presents the whole event with the help of field interviews, the shots of burning of houses and churches and the pathetic condition of the refugee camps. His subtitling and comments not only make the theme more understandable to non-Oriya audience but also connect up different aspects of the material presented by him. The commentary in the form of text is very coherent making the film a powerful analysis of the events of Orrisa. The director weaves the picture with great precision without intruding into the flow of events as told by the perpetrators of the crime and the victims of the same.

The film begins with the event of murder of Swami Laxmandnand, Maoists state it has been done by them as he was spreading Hate in the area. Praveen Togadia of VHP takes out the procession of his body through sensitive areas of Kandhmal, the rumor is spread that Christians are behind the murder of Swami, as it is at their behest that Maoists have murdered him. One striking parallel which emerges from this account is that even in Gujarat Modi permitted the procession of the victims of Godhra train burning through Ahmedabad, accompanied by rumor that Muslims have burnt the train and this in turn incited the feelings of the people leading to carnage. VHP’s Praveen Togadia does the same. The methods of RSS combine have so much of a parallel.

The victims of ‘RSS combine’ violence come through the film with their pain and anguish. Director has taken care to edit the interviews to the most relevant parts. From amongst victims many say that those who have killed the Swami should be punished, why are we and our children being punished. The attacker’s were shouting the slogans of Jai Bajarang Bali.

The state, since Biju Janata Dal had BJP as an ally, soft peddled towards the criminals indulging in communal riots. This is the same story in most of the carnages, be it the anti Sikh pogrom, Mumbai violence or Gujarat carnage, state devices kid gloves to deal with the perpetrators of the crime. Also on the ‘expected’ pattern state gave no protection to victims. The VHP supporters worsened the situation by asserting that Christianity is a foreign religion, Christians should leave or they will be killed unless they convert into Hinduism. The hysterical pitch of the mob has been caught well in the camera.

Krishna Majhi, leader of Kui samaj, Adivasis, points out that Adivasis are not Hindus and the ‘Home coming’ campaign, conversion of Adivasis into Hinduism, is a forcible one. This home coming was conducted by Laxmandnand, at big scale. The Christians were tonsured and given a Hanuman locket. Hanuman has a central role in Hinduising the Adivasis. Most of the interviewees point out that Christian missionaries were involved mainly in health and education work. The VHP propaganda that dalits have grabbed Adivsai land is false as no such complaints were ever filed, nor do dalits have substantial land holdings. The interesting point is if it was a land issue, why the campaign for and rights was not taken, and why Hate was chosen as weapon. Clearly land issue was made a pretext for dividing the communities.

The violence is done by VHP for its political goals. Laxmananand indulged in lot of unchecked ‘hate speech’ against Christians. As a matter of fact his and RSS combines ‘Hate other’ speech against Christians laid the foundation of the violence.

Kandhmal was no flash in the pan. It was systematically built up from 1970 since the swami began his activities there. He had opened Sanskrit schools and Bhajan Mandali (group singing devotional songs), through which hate campaign was conducted. After the violence the major sectors of state were apathetic to the plight of Christians. Currently even their children are looked down in schools. The anti Christian atmosphere prevails till the day.

Film ends on a sad note, the reality of minorities in Orissa today is well depicted. Probably the efforts to get justice and relief done by civil society groups could have been highlighted by Sarangi. The film is a very good contribution by Pedestrian Pictures to draw our attention to the phenomenon of Kandhamal. It gives enough hints about the method of working of VHP, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram and RSS combine in the Adivasi areas. Bringing out these linkages with RSS combine’s methods in unleashing violence in other areas would have enriched the quality of the film. The title does not much convey the theme of the film. It is a must watch for all social activists and citizens at large.

Film: From Hindu to Hindutva
Debaranjan Sarangi, Pedestrian Pictures ,
Language: Oriya with English Subtitles
Duration- 44 Minutes

Film Review: From Hindu to Hindutva | TwoCircles.net

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^^^ Your ignorance doesn't mean Hindu Terrorist doesn't exist. Try following some of the links to enlighten yourself.

Yahoo News - "BJP soft on saffron terror"
MSN News - "Anti- terror squad to unmask saffron link of terror"
MSN News - "Hindu terror outfit targeted saffron leaders: Report"
IBNLive - "Army in crisis over saffron terror stain'
NDTV.com - "Corporate links to saffron terror being probed"
The Times of India - "Gujarat cops silent on links with saffron terror"
IBNLive - "Saffron terror links grow deep, more arrested"

Source: Wikipedia
^^^ Your ignorance doesn't mean Hindu Terrorist doesn't exist. Try following some of the links to enlighten yourself.

Yahoo News - "BJP soft on saffron terror"
MSN News - "Anti- terror squad to unmask saffron link of terror"
MSN News - "Hindu terror outfit targeted saffron leaders: Report"
IBNLive - "Army in crisis over saffron terror stain'
NDTV.com - "Corporate links to saffron terror being probed"
The Times of India - "Gujarat cops silent on links with saffron terror"
IBNLive - "Saffron terror links grow deep, more arrested"

Source: Wikipedia
Maybe you might not be aware of this that," The whole world is worried more about muslim terrorists rather than so called hypothetical hindu terrorists."
And I dont have to provide any links.Just put TERRORISTS in google.
For those of you who claim ignorance about "Hindu Terrorism", none other than Indian home minister Chidambaram has talked about it in his speeches in and out of the Indian parliament.

Indian police have also filed terrorism charges against several Hindu groups such as Abhinav Bharat.

SM Mushrif, the author of "Who Killed Karkare?" and former police chief of Maharashtra state, has raised some very serious questions about the role of the Indian intelligence in the increasing violence committed by Hindutva outfits against India's minorities, and how India's Intelligence Bureau diverts attention from it by falsely accusing Indian Muslims and Pakistan's ISI, as was done in Malegaon and Samjutha Express blasts.

Haq's Musings: Terror in India--Who Killed Karkare?
India is run by mafias. Whether its the media, bollywood, or politics, or governance, or military, or even the BCCI. All of the close knitted institutions are mafias with massive right-wing influence.
India is run by mafias. Whether its the media, bollywood, or politics, or governance, or military, or even the BCCI. All of the close knitted institutions are mafias with massive right-wing influence.

Than why not destroy them??????????

with babur OR International pressure?????:hitwall::hitwall:
^^^ Your ignorance doesn't mean Hindu Terrorist doesn't exist. Try following some of the links to enlighten yourself.

Yahoo News - "BJP soft on saffron terror"
MSN News - "Anti- terror squad to unmask saffron link of terror"
MSN News - "Hindu terror outfit targeted saffron leaders: Report"
IBNLive - "Army in crisis over saffron terror stain'
NDTV.com - "Corporate links to saffron terror being probed"
The Times of India - "Gujarat cops silent on links with saffron terror"
IBNLive - "Saffron terror links grow deep, more arrested"

Source: Wikipedia

Is there MUSLIM terrorism :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

Only fools, without having correct knowledge of religion, associate religion with terrorism. :tdown:

Do Koran teaches to kill innocents :no: still people kills others on name of JIHAD...
Do Koran allows to suicide, as far as I know :no: still suicide bombers are killing innocent peoples...

If there is something like HINDU terrorism, it's there to ensure that we are paying back to MUSLIM terrorists

I strongly disagree that there is anything like Hindu/Muslim terrorism
ohh why did you have to come back lol not again, there was so much peace on this forum when you were not here, now we start the same old rhetoric again.

Peace!!! Do we not all dream about this also!!!!

By the way for peace can you give some great examples of these Hindutva attacking or creating a terrorist attacks in Pakistan, even further, to create all out war between them. You talk to much Elite Memeber, but you are afterall full of hot air,,, because you will not be able to provide for what I have asked.

India is run by mafias. Whether its the media, bollywood, or politics, or governance, or military, or even the BCCI. All of the close knitted institutions are mafias with massive right-wing influence.

First put your house in order... Take care of Mr. 10%...

Our Mafias are working fine... Because of them we have secured borders, booming economy...

Ask ICC to throw out BCCI (mafias, as per your comment) from their pool :sick: :tdown:
First put your house in order... Take care of Mr. 10%...

Our Mafias are working fine... Because of them we have secured borders, booming economy...

Ask ICC to throw out BCCI (mafias, as per your comment) from their pool :sick: :tdown:

boy who the hell are u to call names to our president?
Take care of ur little hair ball manu and shut up
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Is there any list of terror activities of 'Hindutva terrorists' in Pakistani soil?
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