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Can Hindutva Terrorists Provoke India-Pakistan War?

India is run by mafias. Whether its the media, bollywood, or politics, or governance, or military, or even the BCCI. All of the close knitted institutions are mafias with massive right-wing influence.

Like boy who the hell are u to call names to our president?
Take care of ur little hair ball manu and shut up

I was responding to FF.

Oh FF can say that India is run by mafias but we can't tell the truth that AA Zardari is termed as one of the most corrupt politicians in Pakistan.

Put mr. 10 percent in google and search. you will get this page of wiki and many more... I'm not the only one :P

Asif Ali Zardari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is there any list of terror activities of 'Hindutva terrorists' in Pakistani soil?

Try bagrang dal etc...who burnt samjhota express killing pakistanis...also ur army officiers are involved in serveral terrorism activities apart from RAWs proxy wars...examples col. bastard proshit and lt tht provided explosives to terrorists.
Peace!!! Do we not all dream about this also!!!!

By the way for peace can you give some great examples of these Hindutva attacking or creating a terrorist attacks in Pakistan, even further, to create all out war between them. You talk to much Elite Memeber, but you are afterall full of hot air,,, because you will not be able to provide for what I have asked.


:what: i dont even understand your question lol
Try bagrang dal etc...who burnt samjhota express killing pakistanis...also ur army officiers are involved in serveral terrorism activities apart from RAWs proxy wars...examples col. bastard proshit and lt tht provided explosives to terrorists.

I dont understand your statement "Try bagrang dal etc". Try what? Did you mean baJrang dal? what about it?
As far as I know samjhota express blast happened on an Indian train on Indian Soil. I didn't know Bajrang dal was involved in Samjhota express train blast. Can you provide some link please.
The rest of your post is incoherent. Can you please elaborate what you want to say. Thanks.
Try bagrang dal etc...who burnt samjhota express killing pakistanis...also ur army officiers are involved in serveral terrorism activities apart from RAWs proxy wars...examples col. bastard proshit and lt tht provided explosives to terrorists.

You are wrong. Try google it and you will have the answer.

How can "Hindu terrorist" provoke a war. It is not existing on any foreign location. They are not involved in killing of any foreigner. No country ever accused any of them. If you think that they can do a false flag operation, I would say wake up.
India is run by mafias. Whether its the media, bollywood, or politics, or governance, or military, or even the BCCI. All of the close knitted institutions are mafias with massive right-wing influence.

Wow.. i didnt knew that mafia was involved in running the nation.. if so, its the best mafia in the world, which made the country among the best in the world.

Pakistan also need some kind of mafia which can take it to the path of a successful nation.
Yes. I will be happy if it is. But nothing like Hindu Terrorist.

If anything like that MF hussain would not have survived. He would have been beheaded long back.
You guyz can discuss all you want about Muslim terrorists, but Hindu terrorist also exists and in majority but its just too hard for you to swallow, WE ARE ALSO HUMANS AND FEEL BAD WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT MUSLIMS ALL THE TIME, and one thing is certain TERRORISTS HAVE NO RELIGION:cheers:
You guyz can discuss all you want about Muslim terrorists, but Hindu terrorist also exists and in majority but its just too hard for you to swallow, WE ARE ALSO HUMANS AND FEEL BAD WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT MUSLIMS ALL THE TIME, and one thing is certain TERRORISTS HAVE NO RELIGION:cheers:

Agree with you. But check who the thread starter is. He is the only who associated religion with terror.

And check how many Indians said that they don't believe in muslim/hindu terror.
India is run by mafias. Whether its the media, bollywood, or politics, or governance, or military, or even the BCCI. All of the close knitted institutions are mafias with massive right-wing influence.

I swear..... someone is really not living on this planet.He might have came from Mars/Jupiter.

India in its 60+ year after being independant from brits, has/had/having democratically elected persons for respective ministries. Only in a nutshell case,emergency has been put in place due to dire political situation.Afterall,if you ask the free world to name a most democratic gov ruled by people---They only name India (not pakistan or china)

I presume that you donno the meaning of democracy or how people run the gov since you came from other planet or pakistan being ruled by dictators most of the time after its split from India in 1947.
either go read western books which are more pakistani biased or Indian books,you can accumulate a lot of stuff.
Terrorists are there to satisfy their own lust for power. When the west thinks of terrorism , they picture a bearded Muslim in a turban and robed in middle eastern attire. That terrorist to them will kill perhaps 100 to 300 people in either a shopping mall or an airplane and possibly himself with a bomb to ensure that the westerners who do not subscribe to Islamic teachings are butchered. To the west that is the profile of a terrorist.

Little attention is given to the thousands of Iraqis , Afghanistanis , Pakistanis etc who are killed by the western government to ensure that the people of these nations are kept in check. The profile of a terrorist would never fit people such as a western president or army general who orders troops to carry out such attacks.

Christian terrorism was a much hyped about subject in the west before the German Olympics when Muslim gunmen attacked Jewish athletes and gave birth to the notion of Islamic terrorism. Even thereafter (until the late 80's) , Christian and White Supremists terrorism was the spin of the media and the average terrorist was projected as being a redneck white guy who hated the establishment. Thanks mainly to Osama Bin Laden, the "redneck" lost his number 1 place on the terrorist profile.

Indian or Hindu terrorists cannot be discounted. They probably do exist and are probably planning attacks on the Indian establishment or non-Hindu communities in the event that they get the needed support. As a Hindu, I cannot deny that bigots exist in my religion as they exist in all religions. Obviously some politicians in mainly India will use the Hindu jhanda to spur on a mob to do their biddings. They are equally terrorists and should be treated as such.

Unfortunately for now, it is the notion of the Muslim terrorist whom the world is preoccupied with since it is mainly the Muslim terrorist who for a variety of reasons has a bone to pick with the west and with certain Muslim nations. The Christian , Hindu , Sikh , Jewish terrorist shall remain cloaked and shielded while the Muslim terrorist occupies the spotlight
At the moment there is no imminent threat of such incident,because there are many other things that can lead to war, be it territorial dispute or water dispute,So lets not worry about it for now, though it has a potential but to realise that it would take at least 10-15 years.

Terrorism cant be associated with any religion,its a hatred philosophy that has a good numbers of ardent followers, So instead of linking Terrorism to any faith , we need an effective strategy which can counter this menace.

Lets educate our youth, give them employment and that would serve as a deterrent to spread of terrorism.

I hardly see any war between India and Pakistan because both sides posses nuclear weapon which has prevented major conflict (not to mention Kargil,as the scale and magnitude of it was like a battle not a war) in last 12 years and hope they continue to do so .
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Try bagrang dal etc...who burnt samjhota express killing pakistanis...also ur army officiers are involved in serveral terrorism activities apart from RAWs proxy wars...examples col. bastard proshit and lt tht provided explosives to terrorists.

Whatever happened in that Samjhauta express blasts was condemnable, but it was the closest any Pakistani came to being affected by "Hindutva terror". Now if that did not provoke a war, I don't think anything else will. If a war has to even be considered, it should have been a provocation on foreign soil like 26/11 and even then India was sensible enough to keep a cool head. But then again, Pakistan's current leaders are not the epitome of composure.

On a lighter note, I am sure flame threads like these can provoke an India-Pakistan war between members on PDF!
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