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Can China repeat its 1962 military humiliation of India?

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Chinese getting a hard on for a war fought without missiles or fighter jets.
China is much much weaker than 1962....They can not even attack to Japan to take their islands......Chinese are good in giving warning
You better mind your language kid. What the fcuk do you mean "Chinese looking" and "low caste"?

What's wrong in my statement? They look like Chinese and so I called them Chinese looking. I just called a spade a spade... why did you get angry?
Um no you guys lost as simple as that. Perhaps you should do some research as to why the Chinese called a ceasefire in the first place? Why did they RETURN the lands in NE India? You guys did not take any lands they vacated it when they called the ceasefire. Also why oh why did the Chinese maintain their hold over Aksai Chin and the strategic importance of that land?? Why did India begin militarizing after that war if they were not defeated?? Last but not least why Mao Zedong was a military genius and what have we learned from the 1962 war?

Who returned lands? China? When?

Chinese forces just advanced a bit and then retreated in a battlefield. China called a ceasefire because they did not want to lose Tibet and Xinjiang to India.
I feel pity for Indians. You are really our weakest neighbour. We want make peace with you but should not invite us to humiliate you a second time.

You are much poorer, less developed, not respected as G8 or UN5, largest importer of weapons, worlds' focus of toilet problems...

Let the Chinese play the 21 century and Indians the 22 century...

Still India will capture and annex Tibet. For that reason only, India is still spending tax payers' money giving shelter to the Tibetans in India and their exiled govt. Well, there is no free lunch for the Tibetans because they will have to fight for India in times of war. They know it very well. Annexing Tibet and Xinjiang will give India an unparalleled status in Asia. US and Russia will support India in its mission which could not be completed in 1962 war.
It will be humiliation for china this time around. I see lot of chinese and their cheerleader girls still stuck in 1962. Wake up and smell the coffee
Still India will capture and annex Tibet. For that reason only, India is still spending tax payers' money giving shelter to the Tibetans in India and their exiled govt. Well, there is no free lunch for the Tibetans because they will have to fight for India in times of war. They know it very well. Annexing Tibet and Xinjiang will give India an unparalleled status in Asia. US and Russia will support India in its mission which could not be completed in 1962 war.
Mate, looks like you guys are really aggressive and greedy.
Mate, looks like you guys are really aggressive and greedy.

Yes, we are. The ancient Aryan military strategist Kautilya said that greed and aggression to expand territory is the natural appetite of a state.
It will be humiliation for china this time around. I see lot of chinese and their cheerleader girls still stuck in 1962. Wake up and smell the coffee

China has already bowed its head to India. Now, China feels it necessary to officially explain why it is claiming some Japanese islands to India.

China to brief India on territorial dispute with Japan: Envoy - The Economic Times

All Indians should be proud of this moment. This is the moment when the boss asks his female servant to explain why she abused her colleague.

India should exploit this moment.
It will be humiliation for china this time around. I see lot of chinese and their cheerleader girls still stuck in 1962. Wake up and smell the coffee

If India and China go to full out war, It would be the biggest F@ck up in history. No one will come out victorious and we will mess up our developing nations and practically hand over our @sses to the super power.

It will be like half of humanity going to war.
62 was a humiliation? Yea maybe in our policies and the way we perceived china. But when it came to face to face fight,china got the beating(later skirmishes and mini battles).
But that's history,today I don't see any reason why a battle should happen,both countries would surely not want their growth process to stop and move backwards! In fact cooperation between china and India could do wonders to the world.
What's wrong in my statement? They look like Chinese and so I called them Chinese looking. I just called a spade a spade... why did you get angry?
INDIANS,*****, banglas and sri lankans look the same that doesn't mean you will say urslf **** or bangla..!!:angry:

Your comment reflects your small ideology...!!:rofl:
If India and China go to full out war, It would be the biggest F@ck up in history. No one will come out victorious and we will mess up our developing nations and practically hand over our @sses to the super power.

It will be like half of humanity going to war.

i agree with u......world had moved on it's not 1962.

At that time india was dealing with many problems as it was just 15 years old and was not prepared to face military threat from china.
But time has changed now india is more sensitive to china and that's why armed forces are trying to position them in good state comparison to china..!!:cheers:
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