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Can Bangladesh ever be a sovereign country?

Can Bangladesh ever be a sovereign country?

  • Its possible under BNP-Jamaat government

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Present AL government is good.

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • No, its not possible at all.

    Votes: 18 56.3%

  • Total voters
I dont see any game there, you sound quite agitated. relax.
about non alignment bit, it has passed its time (cold war concept). Everybody knows how international diplomacy works, if we have to lean more towards west we will. Currently we dont need to, so we wont.
It sounds natural for us to ally with US, but things can change. Who knew we will ally with soviets and japanese will ally with USA.
Look, everybody wants to think that glorious future is awaiting them. I hope china rises fast enough for you. :)

Why should I be agitated, just elated at the future prospects. Can't wait for China to rise, I and other Muslims in the world will hopefully put all eggs in China basket. Too bad India can't join this band wagon. The big size you bully us with, become your nemesis, that is what I call poetic justice. :lol::yahoo:
Why should I be agitated, just elated at the future prospects. Can't wait for China to rise, I and other Muslims in the world will hopefully put all eggs in China basket. Too bad India can't join this band wagon. The big size you bully us with, become your nemesis, that is what I call poetic justice. :lol::yahoo:
ok.. I am going to find a way to get bd passport. need to secure my future. :sick:
@BDforever .. you know anybody?

but seriously, you are right, we have no other option than to get our own acts together. we are a big country, so it will be odd if we have to join some other country. I have a lot of faith on political leaders (of all parties) that they will take care of things, that needs taken care of. :sleep:
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You don't need a common border to be a vassal, what you need is maritime projection of power, just like the US does today and have bases in faraway places. China will have that ability in 15-20 years, at least 3-5 CBGs. Besides, its not just us who will be a vassal, I think Myanmar will become one too, and that solves the problem of land border, through a land connection via Myanmar. That will also be ready in 15-20 years time.
So fasten your seat belt and be ready for
Why should I be agitated, just elated at the future prospects. Can't wait for China to rise, I and other Muslims in the world will hopefully put all eggs in China basket. Too bad India can't join this band wagon. The big size you bully us with, become your nemesis, that is what I call poetic justice. :lol::yahoo:

India's future looks pretty bright from where I am.
I would only place China and US as being in a better position over the medium term.
Isn't it better to be a weak-ish pole yourself than a vassal of someone ?
Since you will be the one extracting concessions from others,albeit to a lesser degree, while not compromising your interests.
But hey, I come from a self-respecting nation.
You may have a different opinion :lol:
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India's future looks pretty bright from where I am.
I would only place China and US as being in a better position over the medium term.
Think, isn't it better to be a weak-ish pole yourself than a vassal of someone ?
Since you will be the one extracting concessions from others,albeit to a lesser degree, while not compromising your interests.
But hey, I come from a self-respecting nation.
Your may have a different opinion :lol:

Who cares about self respect, as long as we can keep ourselves secure from the abuse by the under-performing bully, we will be fine. And by the time you catch up with China, if ever, whole Asian economy and security structure will have integrated and moved on in a super behemoth entity of 3 billion people, led by the East Asian core of China, Japan and Korean peninsula. India will be a participant in that economy too, but I believe it will be the only Asian country remaining with the West led security structure that will be loosing shine with every passing year. It does not mean things will necessarily turn out bad for you, but hey what do I know, if you get unruly, boasting, arrogant and foul mouthed with the Chinese, you might get some pretty good spanking. And that will be fun to watch for us from the sidelines.:lol:
Who cares about self respect, as long as we can keep ourselves secure from the abuse by the under-performing bully, we will be fine. And by the time you catch up with China, if ever, whole Asian economy and security structure will have integrated and moved on in a super behemoth entity of 3 billion people, led by the East Asian core of China, Japan and Korean peninsula. India will be a participant in that economy too, but I believe it will be the only Asian country remaining with the West led security structure that will be loosing shine with every passing year. It does not mean things will necessarily turn out bad for you, but hey what do I know, if you get unruly, boasting, arrogant and foul mouthed with the Chinese, you might get some pretty good spanking. And that will be fun to watch for us from the sidelines.:lol:

Yes watch on the sidelines while India and China squabble about who is going to eff Bangladesh.

You are screwed either way, so might as well enjoy it, right ? :lol:
Yes watch on the sidelines while India and China squabble about who is going to eff Bangladesh.

You are screwed either way, so might as well enjoy it, right ? :lol:

You got it all wrong, we will enjoy the show when India gets raped by China.:partay:
^^^ was waiting exactly for Kalu_Miah to go to such guttorial levels of indignity. For a start, KM, begin your Bangladeshi sovereign lectures by stopping your citizens illegally crossing over the borders of India . Perhaps then we can have some degree of respect for Banglas.

Re. your earlier post about Bangla Banking industry, it's been a cess-pit even before the current govt came in power. The problem with you guys is, for every failure of Bangladesh (including how corrupt you guys are to the core), you blame all ills on India.

So go ahead , as I said, go lick the boots of China. It's a nice entertainment for us Indians.
Dignity and respect is a two-way street.

I am well aware how our country and particularly banks function. But you cannot pick out a random sector to put down our country. Overall our performance has been better than your country of origin, in the most important sectors - nutrition, hunger and sanitation, perhaps @UKBengali can provide you the link, even when our GDP is lower and while India is attempting to make Bangladesh a desert with its water terrorism and just installed a puppet dictator.

So please spare us the male organ measuring or urinating contest.

Indian govt. have declared war on our people since 1947 and it still continues. When we bitch about and blame them, there are real on the ground reasons for them. Remove them and we will stop bitching.

As for licking boots, we will lick whatever boot that servers our interest, if it is entertaining to you, I am happy for you.
Why should I be agitated, just elated at the future prospects. Can't wait for China to rise, I and other Muslims in the world will hopefully put all eggs in China basket. Too bad India can't join this band wagon. The big size you bully us with, become your nemesis, that is what I call poetic justice. :lol::yahoo:

You are obviously free to align yourself with whomsoever you like.Just help me understand the China connection with the Muslim world.China is a nation state and Islam is a religion.What connects the two dots?
From 1204 to 1757, we were either a full part of Delhi Sultanate or Mughal empire, or a vassal of those two entities. There were some periods of independence, but it did not last.
the current nation of Bangladesh is concerned with a Muslim administered area in the eastern side of the subcontinent. if there was no Delhi Sultanate or Mughal empire there wouldn't be any concept of independent Bengal Sultanate or Bengal Mughaliah. BD landmass was not necessarily a vassal if it was part of a bigger empire.

for example Bengal-Bihar-Orissa were jointly under independent nawabs for a major part of 18th century until colonization. BD landmass for that period cannot be said to be a vassal of this larger administration. it only became a vassal after the Muslims lost power after colonization.

From 1947 to 1971, we were a part but more like a vassal of (West) Pakistan.
United Pakistan was a setup that was desired by the majority of the Muslim population of British India. the sorry state of the BD landmass and economic condition of our grandparents in 1947 meant that net capital had to flow from migrant Muslims or from West Pakistanis. what East Pakistan had was labour and untapped natural resources

I think you Bangladeshi should putting more sense of confidence in your country, in your chest, and put it in mind. Bangladesh has their own potential, has a lot of thing to make them can be considered an important actor in South Asia. Your economic progress is fairly good when compared again Pakistan and even India only behind Sri Lanka right now. Your country has a large number based population in which it self contain a large reasons to make yourself to be proud to called yourself as a Bangladeshi, large populations means large workforce, large based market economy, large pool for army conscription and so on. Your country has a number of talented man, readily enough to build your country into more better shape. There is no need for your country to become client state of China or any country in this world. There is no need for Bangladeshi to become servant of other country.
if your country was surrounded by a menace hostile to its very existence ever since it was demarcated, you would know

Which other country is more sovereign than Bangladesh? Well, Jamaatis love to lament, and jeopardize our sovereignty by undoing 1971. What a crocodile's tear about our independence?
o yes. i think the high point of our "independence" was when Indian troops were partying on their war booty called BD in 1971
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Is that role positive or a negative one?
What do you think?
If it was a positive feedback from a well wishing country, like any small country in the world has with its bigger neighboring countries. This forum will shut down in seconds:cheers:
What do you think?
If it was a positive feedback from a well wishing country, like any small country in the world has with its bigger neighboring countries. This forum will shut down in seconds:cheers:

There is a general perception in Pakistan that India and Bangladesh are allied states.
Yes,there are morons in both BD and India who genuinely believe that. But its been 45 years,we are still waiting for that miracle to show its magical face.:-)
Only way for BD to be a sovereign nation, capable of standing on it's own feet and being able to look squarely into India's eyes..... will be....... when all BD'ians choose me as their absolute Emperor! :D
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