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Assalam o Alaikum.... My name is Yasir. I am a new member of this forum.... can anyone please tell how can we post something anywhere on this forum?
First define something and only then we can tell something:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You have to select section the news is from. for example Airforce, army, current affair etc and then press create thread button, rest you already aware of it. In case of reply either you go for reply person by pressing button below person comments or use down comments box to use a separate post. I hope that is your meaning of something
Assalam o Alaikum.... My name is Yasir. I am a new member of this forum.... can anyone please tell how can we post something anywhere on this forum?
annddd......JUST LIKE THAT!! :yay:

Welcome to the forum brother.

You can look for the section of your interest, make post the different threads/topics in that section. For example, there will be a thread about JF17 in the Pakistan Air Force Section, you can go there and post just like you did here.

What i understand is that MAY BE you are asking about HOW to open NEW THREAD/NEW TOPIC. For that you need a minimum number of posts. Also please note that we HIGHLY appreciate our members posting in the already existing relevant threads rather than opening new threads as it creates a management problem and makes access to those discussion and the data and information in that difficult. So whatever you are interested in saying, look for a relevant SECTION, in that look for the relevant THREAD and go and make a post there just as you did one here. :)

I hope this was helpful.

Enjoy your stay.
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annddd......JUST LIKE THAT!! :yay:

Welcome to the forum brother.

You can look for the section of your interest, make post the different threads/topics in that section. For example, there will be a thread about JF17 in the Pakistan Air Force Section, you can go there and post just like you did here.

What i understand is that MAY BE you are asking about HOW to open NEW THREAD/NEW TOPIC. For that you need a minimum number of posts. Also please note that we HIGHLY appreciate our members posting in the already existing relevant threads rather than opening new threads as it creates a management problem and makes access to those discussion and the data and information in that difficult. So whatever you are interested in saying, look for a relevant SECTION, in that look for the relevant THREAD and go and make a post there just as you did one here. :)

I hope this was helpful.

Enjoy your stay.
First define something and only then we can tell something:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You have to select section the news is from. for example Airforce, army, current affair etc and then press create thread button, rest you already aware of it. In case of reply either you go for reply person by pressing button below person comments or use down comments box to use a separate post. I hope that is your meaning of something
annddd......JUST LIKE THAT!! :yay:

Welcome to the forum brother.

You can look for the section of your interest, make post the different threads/topics in that section. For example, there will be a thread about JF17 in the Pakistan Air Force Section, you can go there and post just like you did here.

What i understand is that MAY BE you are asking about HOW to open NEW THREAD/NEW TOPIC. For that you need a minimum number of posts. Also please note that we HIGHLY appreciate our members posting in the already existing relevant threads rather than opening new threads as it creates a management problem and makes access to those discussion and the data and information in that difficult. So whatever you are interested in saying, look for a relevant SECTION, in that look for the relevant THREAD and go and make a post there just as you did one here. :)

I hope this was helpful.

Enjoy your stay.
The thing you have just done is called posting and you have to complete count of 5 posts in order to create a thread yourself.
Well First sorry question why am i getting banned every NOW and THEN SPAM and who bans ME why PLEASE THANK YOU ..

oohh to delete MY post about Media ? thats its operating from FLATS PLEASE CHECK IS FANTASY or PLEASE DO INVITE COKE STUDIO WITH SOME SINGER or MAZAAQ RAAT TEAm for a small chit chat on a small PARTY .....why is it so accusing for every ONE threatening .. HURTING ...that they have to BAN me WHOLE & YEARS YOU HAVE DONE THIS

WOW ... 1 of those included in the disaster OF 17th Aug , along this media who created shia by projecting bhutto all the time along shiaisam ??? then ate film industry then distruction started then in 88s then you did it again ...then you TOOK a part OF PTV to invent GEO and on and ON so you DID with PAK RADIO ? AM I RIGHT ? a BIT HURTING AND THREATENING TOO 7 YEARS ,,,

7 years T T P is hid here among this radio and snatched TV ....T T P who do not know a word of english urdu is singing songs and making holly wood movies and tv series ...wow ..all bolly wood among TV All radio is a MAYBE .....TOO GOOD YOU HAVE BEEN PROVEN OUT FOR ME ....uptill know at least ....
who's frequently banning you Rambo aka tanned tommandos ? :D

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