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campign to have pakistan debt / interest written off

Wow.. maybe such Pakistanis should stop paying for petrol at the pump too.. they didn’t import it.. or many groceries and cars.. they didn’t ask for them to be made available …it all has debt and usury involved in the payments.
Maybe India will just give Kashmir if asked too?
If the economy runs well, the debt that is due and interest will be able to be paid yearly, some of them by adding more debt in obligation market.

Pakistan debt to GDP ratio is still smaller than Singapore debt to its GDP.

If we dont want to pay our debt than it means we are defaulting. Many countries dont want to have debt that is default, just like Russian still pay their debt in Rubbel despite Western countries freeze Russian Central Bank assets in USD.

If we default then no other countries ( financial institutions) wants to loan us anymore, which means we have to depend on our own strength ( this can create slower economic growth since we will have very small budget deficit or no budget deficit at all, budget deficit is there to spur spending and state investment)
as you know in islam usury is banned. plus it is illegal to take billions of debt without consulting the common man who are in the majority. who they themselves dont know about loan borrowing and if they do, they denounce it plus we the ppl didnt sign on the dotted line. so why our natural resources are plundered ? i didnt sign the contract?, why should common pakistani should suffer inflation and scarcity.

we need to do a petition or at imran khan rally talk about this and campaign hard.

the time is ripe for this campaign.
The Nations or institutions from where we have borrowed money, they do not recognize or give heed to our Islamic law or interpretation. They only believe in international law. And as pakistan is a democracy, we chose by election our executives who deals this things as our representative. So we are responsible for their actions however good or bad. That's plain and simple.

If we do what you're suggesting, our country will be boycotted in international arena, and without basic imports of raw materials and technology from outside, i think its hard to survive for Pakistan.

So the suggestions you're giving may be good for bit-bashing, but are unreal and nightmarish in nature, which will do more harm then good to us.
it is dream for now god helps those that help themselves.

dikface it has happened in christian western world in the past. why should i get into debt if i disagree and i didnt sign on the dotted line, so why my rivers my soil, my metals should be mined to payback for summat i didnt agree too.
You did
as you know in islam usury is banned. plus it is illegal to take billions of debt without consulting the common man who are in the majority. who they themselves dont know about loan borrowing and if they do, they denounce it plus we the ppl didnt sign on the dotted line. so why our natural resources are plundered ? i didnt sign the contract?, why should common pakistani should suffer inflation and scarcity.

we need to do a petition or at imran khan rally talk about this and campaign hard.

the time is ripe for this campaign.
One good justification for writing off debt is that it was given to corrupt regimes that were put in place as a result of foreign meddling. People have suffered already due to those corrupt regimes so we don't accept their debts imposed on us.

But before this demand we have to clean the house. There must be a revolution that cleanses country of corruption and free of foreign influence. Then we will have a solid grounding for making such a demand.
when soviets collasped they literally said we arnt paying bak debt fuk off otherwise we launch nukes n west written off debt n stayed quiet.

my argument i didnt sign it i didnt benefit from it, i didnt know bout it at the time, i denounce it. my land should not be used as collateral or i should suffer scarcity or inflation.

Lo jee ghauri ay fir
as you know in islam usury is banned. plus it is illegal to take billions of debt without consulting the common man who are in the majority. who they themselves dont know about loan borrowing and if they do, they denounce it plus we the ppl didnt sign on the dotted line. so why our natural resources are plundered ? i didnt sign the contract?, why should common pakistani should suffer inflation and scarcity.

we need to do a petition or at imran khan rally talk about this and campaign hard.

the time is ripe for this campaign.

Well explained.
Dear, there was a previous proposal on the same with more easiest way - eeeenjoooy:

Some people will do anything to hold onto their false beliefs even in the face of basic common sense.

Pakistanis should be thanking IMF. If it wasn't for IMF most of your services would be stopped, no money for police salaries, army salaries, teachers, administrators, civil servants - it would be instant chaos.

OP talks about how he never agreed the loan - the fact that you are able to visit your country, the fact that it survives as a sovereign entity is your reward. That's what you have bought with the loan - so unless you take zero benefit from that, then you are party to the loan.

The basic truth is that Pakistan, like most Asian countries is a loss making entity. You earn less than you spend - so unless you increase your earnings or decrease your spending there is no point in blaming the ones giving you a financial lifeline in the meantime.

And you can talk about theft - but even if 10% is stolen, 90% is used for real costs. How else can you have cheap petrol, electricity and millions of people on govt payroll?
i am bak from ban/ mod cia under bajwa ousted me from the prime minister chair, but i am back.

Some people will do anything to hold onto their false beliefs even in the face of basic common sense.

Pakistanis should be thanking IMF. If it wasn't for IMF most of your services would be stopped, no money for police salaries, army salaries, teachers, administrators, civil servants - it would be instant chaos.

OP talks about how he never agreed the loan - the fact that you are able to visit your country, the fact that it survives as a sovereign entity is your reward. That's what you have bought with the loan - so unless you take zero benefit from that, then you are party to the loan.

The basic truth is that Pakistan, like most Asian countries is a loss making entity. You earn less than you spend - so unless you increase your earnings or decrease your spending there is no point in blaming the ones giving you a financial lifeline in the meantime.

And you can talk about theft - but even if 10% is stolen, 90% is used for real costs. How else can you have cheap petrol, electricity and millions of people on govt payroll?

then learn to eat rats, while living under corrupt leadership.

how? explain master rothschilds.

The Nations or institutions from where we have borrowed money, they do not recognize or give heed to our Islamic law or interpretation. They only believe in international law. And as pakistan is a democracy, we chose by election our executives who deals this things as our representative. So we are responsible for their actions however good or bad. That's plain and simple.

If we do what you're suggesting, our country will be boycotted in international arena, and without basic imports of raw materials and technology from outside, i think its hard to survive for Pakistan.

So the suggestions you're giving may be good for bit-bashing, but are unreal and nightmarish in nature, which will do more harm then good to us.

you are asking me to give you more drugs heroin otherwise you go berserk but i am trying to rehab you to go cold turkey it only way to get off the drug called imf.

Wow.. maybe such Pakistanis should stop paying for petrol at the pump too.. they didn’t import it.. or many groceries and cars.. they didn’t ask for them to be made available …it all has debt and usury involved in the payments.
Maybe India will just give Kashmir if asked too?

you just did give kashnir away bajwa ka chacha eating cia printed usury money yuim yum more imf porridge plz take our nukes n kashmir n mujra our women.

Niazi will come back and pay all the loans and then some, you just wait!

karachi has no water no toilets have a nice day shitting on the beach.

Imran was not even able to negotiate leniency on power infrastructure contract terms with the Chinese. Would he able to convince them to forgive all loans?! There must be a limit to how much faith you can have in a man :laugh:

like modi 56 inch chest faith
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when soviet collasped they said to usa face we pay back wat we borrowed but no interest or face nuclear warfare n guess wat west tatty came out n it was hushed up n russia didnt paid.
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