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campign to have pakistan debt / interest written off


Nov 10, 2012
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United Kingdom
as you know in islam usury is banned. plus it is illegal to take billions of debt without consulting the common man who are in the majority. who they themselves dont know about loan borrowing and if they do, they denounce it plus we the ppl didnt sign on the dotted line. so why our natural resources are plundered ? i didnt sign the contract?, why should common pakistani should suffer inflation and scarcity.

we need to do a petition or at imran khan rally talk about this and campaign hard.

the time is ripe for this campaign.
This would make Pakistan one of the most powerful countries in south east Asia. This is a big no-no for America, who have been trying their best to make sure that this DOES NOT happen.

All in all, great idea but it’s just a dream and will always remain so
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
This would make Pakistan one of the most powerful countries in south east Asia. This is a big no-no for America, who have been trying their best to make sure that this DOES NOT happen.

All in all, great idea but it’s just a dream and will always remain so

it is dream for now god helps those that help themselves.

Yes whole world will forgive pakistans loan including interest just because you believe it is haram :crazy:

dikface it has happened in christian western world in the past. why should i get into debt if i disagree and i didnt sign on the dotted line, so why my rivers my soil, my metals should be mined to payback for summat i didnt agree too.
it is dream for now god helps those that help themselves.

You see, I fully believe that Pakistan will become a super power one day In sha Allah.
We have the potential in terms of military, we have the workforce, we have ongoing projects.
It’s all down to the stupid and corrupt leadership, and if we had a rules that was basically Was mainly like Imran khan, but had a hint of Zia ul Haq, we would be on the right track

As you said though, it is all up to god
You see, I fully believe that Pakistan will become a super power one day In sha Allah.
We have the potential in terms of military, we have the workforce, we have ongoing projects.
It’s all down to the stupid and corrupt leadership, and if we had a rules that was basically Was mainly like Imran khan, but had a hint of Zia ul Haq, we would be on the right track

As you said though, it is all up to god

bro debts have been written off in the west when ppl uprised against it. it requires mass movement.
Not possible unless you want to give away the nukes.

when soviets collasped they literally said we arnt paying bak debt fuk off otherwise we launch nukes n west written off debt n stayed quiet.

my argument i didnt sign it i didnt benefit from it, i didnt know bout it at the time, i denounce it. my land should not be used as collateral or i should suffer scarcity or inflation.
as you know in islam usury is banned. plus it is illegal to take billions of debt without consulting the common man who are in the majority. who they themselves dont know about loan borrowing and if they do, they denounce it plus we the ppl didnt sign on the dotted line. so why our natural resources are plundered ? i didnt sign the contract?, why should common pakistani should suffer inflation and scarcity.

we need to do a petition or at imran khan rally talk about this and campaign hard.

the time is ripe for this campaign.

$100 billion debt can easily be paid in 15 years. If we work honestly and stop being a slave of west.

In 3.5 years IK govt reduced current account deficit to lowest level

Imran Khan's policies already started to bear fruit, and they ousted him to please their western masters.

The problem is, the people in our power circles dont want Pakistan fixed because their kharcha paani, extra income, lavish lifestyle will stop.
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as you know in islam usury is banned. plus it is illegal to take billions of debt without consulting the common man who are in the majority. who they themselves dont know about loan borrowing and if they do, they denounce it plus we the ppl didnt sign on the dotted line. so why our natural resources are plundered ? i didnt sign the contract?, why should common pakistani should suffer inflation and scarcity.

we need to do a petition or at imran khan rally talk about this and campaign hard.

the time is ripe for this campaign.

Also, you suggest that the common people in Pakistan, the workers, rise up and denounce debt?
That is literally The west’s worst nightmare. The people of Pakistan rising up against the sharifs + Bhuttos with the goal of throwing away and denouncing their debt will really panic People like Nawaz and co, because that is their only hold on the people of Pakistan. It would then definitely lead to military intervention, but the military would probably agree with the public, like they did with Imran Khan stepping down (Bajwa tried to convince the officers in a room with him that IK going down was a good idea, and he was literally left red faced. A majority of the army definitely stands with public opinion)
when soviets collasped they literally said we arnt paying bak debt fuk off otherwise we launch nukes n west written off debt n stayed quiet.

Yaara soviets were not Pakistan. Soviets was not ideological opposite to Israel. I can write a lot more but again it's not going to happen.
Also, you suggest that the common people in Pakistan, the workers, rise up and denounce debt?
That is literally The west’s worst nightmare. The people of Pakistan rising up against the sharifs + Bhuttos with the goal of throwing away and denouncing their debt will really panic People like Nawaz and co, because that is their only hold on the people of Pakistan. It would then definitely lead to military intervention, but the military would probably agree with the public, like they did with Imran Khan stepping down (Bajwa tried to convince the officers in a room with him that IK going down was a good idea, and he was literally left red faced. A majority of the army definitely stands with public opinion)

army is nobody thier a ss fell off last time (yemen) you come in mass and if it goes civil war it is game over.

Yaara soviets were not Pakistan. Soviets was not ideological opposite to Israel. I can write a lot more but again it's not going to happen.

they said we use nukes so west balls fell off debt was written off. it was nukes and the will to n use it that got debt cleared.

Yaara soviets were not Pakistan. Soviets was not ideological opposite to Israel. I can write a lot more but again it's not going to happen.

pakistanis born in pakistan have small hearts. i dont know why. plz travel the world get an experience.
army is nobody thier a ss fell off last time (yemen) you come in mass and if it goes civil war it is game over.

they said we use nukes so west balls fell off debt was written off. it was nukes and the will to n use it that got debt cleared.

pakistanis born in pakistan have small hearts. i dont know why. plz travel the world get an experience.

I mean, people on Pakistan seem to have no balls nowadays. I may get cancelled for this, but it’s kind of true.
People in other countries that rose against their leaders actually have some kind of balls, but the closest that people in Pakistan will get to rising against the sharifs, is by attending an Imran Khan rally
as you know in islam usury is banned. plus it is illegal to take billions of debt without consulting the common man who are in the majority. who they themselves dont know about loan borrowing and if they do, they denounce it plus we the ppl didnt sign on the dotted line. so why our natural resources are plundered ? i didnt sign the contract?, why should common pakistani should suffer inflation and scarcity.

we need to do a petition or at imran khan rally talk about this and campaign hard.

the time is ripe for this campaign.
Bro first correct the title the spelling of campaign in thread title.
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