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Camouflage net made by Pakistan.

like 23march said, i liked the idea. would it be a good idea to make soldier uniforms out of similar material? to avoid infra red for nightime misions?
very impressive. I wish if PA can also use that net to camouflage their tanks etc
like 23march said, i liked the idea. would it be a good idea to make soldier uniforms out of similar material? to avoid infra red for nightime misions?

Most uniforms (at least decent ones) would have this in their camoflage clothing as standard.
Looks pretty impressive!

Originally Posted by CaptainKidd View Post
(Well its Anti radar as it mention if so why dont we use it on our aircrafts to make them stealthy.)

(haha that cracked me up)

No serious we do have it, Just don't fly:lol:
ASLAMOALIKOM , First of all my friend i am so glad to see my country flag like this :-) .

i have order from oman for camouflage net ..... can you please find me from where i can get it
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