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Cameron's emotional appeal to Scotland: Don't break away and erode UK's global clout

If scottish speak different language then it really means true separation and if one day the whole world speaking mandarin it means real collapse of western domination world.
lolz.. scots speak same language.. mostly...
what do you think we should do to cantonese speaking people, kill them all ? :butcher:
looks like English want them to separate more than scots... :rofl:
Ha, you're not wrong, many people do. I'm not too fussed, but if Scotland leaves then we can't claim all the good inventions that they came up with.
You're an Indian in the UK, what do you think?
I wonder what Galen Tyrol would think? He was one of the first inhabitants of Scotland 150.000 years ago.
Oh well.. Britain should rather do away with the word 'great'. It won't be too long before Welsh people start asking for independent Wales. Atleast they have their own language unlike the Scots!
i have a serious question, what will happen to nukes of Britain in Scotland ? will it be Scottish ? or give away to England ?

It is not clear. The closest previous example would be the dissolution of USSR. In that case, Ukraine based nuclear weapons are moved to Russia under the condition that the five members of UN permanent security council provide nuclear protection for Ukraine. However, Russia is vastly more powerful than Ukraine where Britain and Scotland are much closer in size, economy and population.

Anyways, IF the separation really occurs, both Britain and Scotland may not have the economy necessary to support UK's current nuclear arsenal. (Maintaining nuclear weapons are an expensive effort) In that event, it is possible some of the nuclear stockpile will be destroyed under UN permanent security council supervision.

Of course, the nightmare scenario would be some of the weapons ended up missing due to poor maintenance.
It is not clear. The closest previous example would be the dissolution of USSR. In that case, Ukraine based nuclear weapons are moved to Russia under the condition that the five members of UN permanent security council provide nuclear protection for Ukraine. However, Russia is vastly more powerful than Ukraine where Britain and Scotland are much closer in size, economy and population.

Anyways, IF the separation really occurs, both Britain and Scotland may not have the economy necessary to support UK's current nuclear arsenal. (Maintaining nuclear weapons are an expensive effort) In that event, it is possible some of the nuclear stockpile will be destroyed under UN permanent security council supervision.

Of course, the nightmare scenario would be some of the weapons ended up missing due to poor maintenance.

some clarifications . Unlike USSR - Ukraine , UK only possesses the submarine based Trident missile system having abolished strategic nuclear weapons long time . Of the 4 vanguard type submarines -atleast one is always away on deterrence patrol in far seas .
The rest can be refurbished , replenished at a naval base in Scotland .
In even of separation from Scotland - UK is likely to move these nuclear capable submarines to another location .

I do not think Scotland will seek the nuclear assets which it has sternly opposed in the past .

UK is likely to cut down its nuclear arsenal which needs to be replaced in 2020 anyway .

Separation from Scotland will deal another body blow to UK economy with loss of north sea oil fields . so UK will have no choice but to cut loose its nuke programme.

Anyway the maintenance of nuclear arsenal is only matter of national ego . UK already has American land based missiles deployed within its territory . it actually has no need to maintain separate arsenal , especially when it depends on US for supply and maintenance of trident missiles , submarines - only warheads are manufactured by UK itself .
Ha, you're not wrong, many people do. I'm not too fussed, but if Scotland leaves then we can't claim all the good inventions that they came up with.
You're an Indian in the UK, what do you think?
I live in london.. and like rest of londoners I dont care.. :coffee:
does it have any real impact on london?
If Scotland breaks away from UK it will be good for world as US's closest ally will be very weak and loose its position to support US in its unilateral decisions of punishing weak countries without UN approval, also UK will know how it feel to loose land / part of nation as they have done some to others since centuries.
I live in london.. and like rest of londoners I dont care.. :coffee:
does it have any real impact on london?
No I would think not, but then again London is in a different world to the rest of the UK.
I live in Brighton atm and no one really cares.
I live in london.. and like rest of londoners I dont care.. :coffee:
does it have any real impact on london?

Do you really think that it won't have any impact on London ?

Is that the reason why David Cameron is passionately urging Scots not to vote to separate ?
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