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Cameron orders probe into SAS-Op Blue Star link


Jul 29, 2010
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Cameron orders probe into SAS-Op Bluestar link

Prime Minister David Cameron Monday night ordered an inquiry after Sikh groups reacted with fury over newly released documents revealing that the British elite force, SAS, had advised India on flushing out Sikh militants months before Operation Bluestar in June 1984.

The documents, undigitised so far, were discovered by Phil Miller, a researcher at charity organisation Corporate Watch, and were immediately seized upon by Labour MP Tom Watson and several Sikh groups, who called on the Cameron government for a full inquiry.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "These events led to a tragic loss of life and we understand the very legitimate concerns that these papers will raise. The prime minister has asked the cabinet secretary to look into this case urgently and establish the facts".

He added: "The PM and the foreign secretary were unaware of these papers prior to publication. Any requests today for advice from foreign governments are always evaluated carefully with full ministerial oversight and appropriate legal advice."

National Archives sources told HT that the document was part of a cache of documents related to Margaret Thatcher’s tenure as prime minister released earlier this month, and that the specific file was related to "Thatcher's involvement in negotiating British arms sales to India".
The Network of Sikh Organisations (NSO), headed by Lord Indarjit Singh, said last night that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) had been in contact with him, and that it had "readily accepted the offer of support from Lord Singh to support any investigation".
Gurmel Singh, secretary-general of Sikh Council UK, : "I am shocked and disappointed that there could have been any involvement by the UK Government and armed forces in planning the attack on the Golden Temple Complex including Sri Harmandir Sahib and Sri Akal Takhat Sahib."
He added: "Thousands of innocent men, women and children were killed in the attack which took place on one of the holiest days in the Sikh calendar. As well as loss of life, buildings and property was destroyed and the historical Sikh reference library was ransacked. This is and remains one of the darkest episodes in Sikh history."
Calling for an urgent enquiry into the British government’s involvement in the events of 1984, including a full disclosure of all documentation, Singh said he wanted to "know what else were the UK Government saying and doing over all that time".

Chair of Indian Affairs Sub-Committee of Sikh Council UK, Gurdial Singh Atwal said, "The Sikh community is this year commemorating the 30th anniversary of the events of 1984. We are also proudly commemorating the 100th anniversary of Sikh involvement and sacrifices in World War I".

He added: "As proud and loyal British Sikhs it is a matter of great offense and distress that a UK Government could have been involved in planning an attack on our beloved Sri Harmandir Sahib. This involvement has been hidden for too long and as British Sikhs we now demand to know the whole truth."

Labour MP Tom Watson said: "It is not unreasonable to ask for an explanation about the extent of British military collusion with the government of Indira Gandhi. In the year when Sikhs commemorate their role in the centenary of World War I and mourn for loved ones lost in the events of 1984, this latest revelation will be deeply felt".

He added: "I am writing to the Foreign Secretary about this matter and will raise it in the House of Commons. I expect a full explanation".

Cameron orders probe into SAS-Op Bluestar link - Hindustan Times

More of the Nehru dynasty's crimes against the Indian nation revealed..
It is 30 years passed after our sikh brothers died.Congress single handedly endanger our national security.Congress creates all this problem
India Golden Temple: UK investigates 'SAS link' to attack


The storming of the Golden Temple, codenamed Operation Blue Star, was aimed at flushing out Sikh separatists

British PM David Cameron has ordered an investigation into an MP's claim that the Thatcher government "colluded" with India on the deadly raid on the Golden Temple in Amritsar in 1984.

MP Tom Watson told the BBC recently declassified documents showed Britain had advised Delhi on planning the raid.

The storming of the Golden Temple was aimed at flushing out Sikh separatists.

The controversial raid outraged Sikhs around the world, who accused troops of desecrating the faith's holiest shrine.

The Indian government said about 400 people were killed in the raid - codenamed Operation Blue Star - including 87 soldiers. Sikh groups dispute this figure and say thousands died, including a large number of pilgrims who were visiting the temple.

The Sikh separatists demanded an independent homeland - called Khalistan - in Punjab.

Mr Watson, MP for West Bromwich East, said he had seen "top secret papers from Mrs Thatcher authorising Special Air Services (SAS) to work with the Indian government".

It is not clear if the Indian government accepted any British advice.

A UK government spokesperson said these events "led to a tragic loss of life and we understand the very legitimate concerns that these papers will raise".

"The prime minister has asked the cabinet secretary to look into this case urgently and establish the facts," the statement said, adding that the prime minister and Foreign Secretary "were unaware of these papers prior to publication".

Storming of the Golden Temple
  • 1982: Armed Sikh militants, led by Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, take up residence in the Golden Temple complex
  • 3-8 June 1984: The Indian army attacks the Golden Temple, killing Bhindranwale, his supporters and a number of civilians
  • 31 October 1984: Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who had given the go-ahead to Operation Blue Star, was assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards
  • November 1984: More than 3,000 are killed in anti-Sikh riots across India

BBC News - India Golden Temple: UK investigates 'SAS link' to attack
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Interesting as UK was itself harboring many Khalistani propagandist that time if not openly supporting them
Thousands of innocent men, women and children were killed in the attack

:disagree: it was 492.but true,some even pointed the casualty as large as 20000... :rolleyes:

these hapless yindoos will cry equality with anglosaxons now, but just three decades ago they were still taking orders-slash-advices from anglosaxons? with regard to memory, yindoos and sheep really got a lot in common

you're one hapless cr3@tur3.may god cure you soon.

these hapless yindoos will cry equality with anglosaxons now, but just three decades ago they were still taking orders-slash-advices from anglosaxons? with regard to memory, yindoos and sheep really got a lot in common

you're one hapless cr3@tur3.may god cure you soon.
and they don't talk about how many hindus were killed by these dumb fuckers khalistanis.

forget Hindus.they don't talk about how many Sikhs got killed by those b@$t@rd$.
forget Hindus.they don't talk about how many Sikhs got killed by those b@$t@rd$.

they have the mentality of extremists...now we both knows from where they got this "talent" from.
timing of this news says somethings fishy!!
and they don't talk about how many hindus were killed by these dumb fuckers khalistanis.

In my view, the Khalistani issue is irrelevant here. I regard this revelation as further evidence, if any was needed, of the Nehru clan's penchant for prioritising narrow party political interests over the nation and their apparent willingness to co opt security agencies of unfriendly nations in order to further their personal ambitions. Ignoring the fact that Bhindranwale was Indira Gandhi's own creation, events leading from Op Blue Star not only cost thousands of lives and alienated an entire community, but also served to perpetuate Congressi rule on India for another 25 years in the name of the 'sacrifices' of Indira and her half witted son
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So what if they helped, terrorism and secession will be met with the same fate!
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