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Cameron backs Hong Kong rights, China blocks BBC site


Jan 5, 2013
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Cameron backs Hong Kong rights, China blocks BBC site — RT UK


British Prime Minister David Cameron.(Reuters / Omar Sobhani)

Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday Britain should stand up for the rights of the people of Hong Kong after more than two weeks of pro-democracy protests in the former British colony.

Asked about the protests during Wednesday’s Prime Minister Questions, Cameron said, “it is important that democracy involves real choices.” The comments come as Hong Kong’s citizens take to the streets to protest against Chinese restrictions on the 2017 election of the next chief executive.

The agreement brokered when Britain handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997 included guarantees on “rights and freedoms, including those of person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, and, indeed, of strike,” Cameron said.

“These are important freedoms, jointly guaranteed through that joint declaration and it’s that which, most of all, we should stand up for,” he added.

Protests have since escalated in the semi-autonomous region. Police arrested around 45 demonstrators early on Wednesday morning, using pepper spray against those who resisted.

READ MORE: Hong Kong police officers beat protester, use pepper spray, arrest dozens

Cameron’s comments come after pro-democracy campaigners clashed with Hong Kong police overnight, and footage of police beating and kicking a handcuffed protester was released.


Pro-democracy protesters build a barricade near the government headquarters in Hong Kong late October 14, 2014.(Reuters / Carlos Barria)

As a result, the BBC's website was blocked in China on Wednesday, just hours after the video went viral online.

In a statement, BBC director of global news Peter Horrocks said the move “appears to be deliberate censorship.”

“The BBC strongly condemns any attempts to restrict free access to news and information and we are protesting to the Chinese authorities.

“The BBC provides impartial, trusted news to millions of people around the world, and attempts to censor our news services show just how important it is to get our accurate information to them.”

Britain established an inquiry in July this year to look into whether China has fulfilled its promises of democracy for Hong Kong after Britain handed over the colony.

The Hong Kong government and China, however, said Britain has no right to interfere with the details of the election system established by Beijing.
Hongkong had no voting system for over 150 years under British rule and now Cameron supports democracy in Hongkong?
What a joke?

Check what British master did when somebody wanted to occupy the streets in Hongkong.
Chinese shouldn't worry/whine, since we have no influence in Hong Kong, and we are just an insignificant island. I dont understand why they bother to block/censor our BBC and highlight this news.:D
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Hongkong had no voting system for over 150 years under British rule and now Cameron supports democracy in Hongkong?
What a joke?

Check what British master did when somebody wanted to occupy the streets in Hongkong.
Yeah well you massacred millions of muslims a hundred of years ago and continue to do so, the past is the past.

Seriously, are the people on this site with Chinese flags even Chinese, always such strange comments and use of the English language that seems like someone who is definitely not Chinese.
Arm the Scottish resistance with tactical nuclear weapons! They were cheated by a fake referendum.
loool:lol:.......huh........nope, even your prime minister before the referedum, when he visited London, said he favours/wish the U.K stays United(even though he has no influence at all in our country, but still he wished we stay united) .:rofl: So much for your scottish tactical nuclear weapons.:lol:
loool:lol:.......huh........nope, even your prime minister before the referedum, when he visited London, said he favours/wish the U.K stays United(even though he has no influence at all in our country, but still he wished we stay united) .:rofl: So much for your scottish tactical nuclear weapons.:lol:

So it is different between China and UK.We hope your country is united and you hope our country is disintegrated.
Hong Kong has voting under the control of UK?No!!!So don't talk about democracy here.Now China gives Hong Kong people voting.The crisis is aroused by the backing of the west.Because they have paid a large amount of money to support the opposition party in the 2017 prospective election.But Love China,Love Hong Kong in legislation has block the forward step.So the west is enraged and irritate the naive students to protest(Frankly protest about what?Why not protest about no voting under control of UK).If Hong Kong government strongly clean those barrier,it must bring about severe conflict which the west wants to see.Because they are good at using the public opinion by media.Why U K prime minister dared not say one word when Americans "Occupy Wall Street" and dare not say we support "the rights and freedoms"?When Americans clean the site by strong behavior,dare not say your behavior is totally wrong.Becase USA is your ally and so called democracy is not your real value.Dont be hypocritical there.Democracy is worldwide but optional.Democracy is for civilians but politicians.

In addition,I want to highlight one thing which the majority of HONGKONG people is indignant for the occupation because it has influenced the most of civilians.You'd better go to HK now to see what is the real situation.
Cameron backs Hong Kong rights, China blocks BBC site — RT UK

View attachment 135143
British Prime Minister David Cameron.(Reuters / Omar Sobhani)

Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday Britain should stand up for the rights of the people of Hong Kong after more than two weeks of pro-democracy protests in the former British colony.

Asked about the protests during Wednesday’s Prime Minister Questions, Cameron said, “it is important that democracy involves real choices.” The comments come as Hong Kong’s citizens take to the streets to protest against Chinese restrictions on the 2017 election of the next chief executive.

The agreement brokered when Britain handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997 included guarantees on “rights and freedoms, including those of person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, and, indeed, of strike,” Cameron said.

“These are important freedoms, jointly guaranteed through that joint declaration and it’s that which, most of all, we should stand up for,” he added.

Protests have since escalated in the semi-autonomous region. Police arrested around 45 demonstrators early on Wednesday morning, using pepper spray against those who resisted.

READ MORE: Hong Kong police officers beat protester, use pepper spray, arrest dozens

Cameron’s comments come after pro-democracy campaigners clashed with Hong Kong police overnight, and footage of police beating and kicking a handcuffed protester was released.

View attachment 135144
Pro-democracy protesters build a barricade near the government headquarters in Hong Kong late October 14, 2014.(Reuters / Carlos Barria)

As a result, the BBC's website was blocked in China on Wednesday, just hours after the video went viral online.
In a statement, BBC director of global news Peter Horrocks said the move “appears to be deliberate censorship.”

“The BBC strongly condemns any attempts to restrict free access to news and information and we are protesting to the Chinese authorities.

“The BBC provides impartial, trusted news to millions of people around the world, and attempts to censor our news services show just how important it is to get our accurate information to them.”
Britain established an inquiry in July this year to look into whether China has fulfilled its promises of democracy for Hong Kong after Britain handed over the colony.

The Hong Kong government and China, however, said Britain has no right to interfere with the details of the election system established by Beijing.

We welcome BBC could report real news and the news is not used by politicians.
In addition,could you report one good news when BBC report news about China???!!!Because I have been watching BBC news.It is very very hard to see one good news because you hate China.When you hate Russia,you uglify Russia.BBC is used by politicians.We Chinese is living in a worse and worse situation now??If you want to know real China,please come here by yourself and don't just comment on us by so-called imparitial and trusted news.

In addition,the current situation is delt with by HK government but China centrol government.Don't uglify Chinese mainland.If your democracy is good,please ask HK people to decide by voting if their plan is OK but by violence and illegal occupation.
BBC impartial?? That's the biggest joke I saw in this thread
I wonder if the house of lords involves "real choices".
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