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Cameron backs Hong Kong rights, China blocks BBC site

If Britain really was behind the protests how would we do it? China's media a few months ago was saying we were an unimportant country. Now suddenly we have the ability to orhcestrate a major protest in the largest country on earth.
If Britain really was behind the protests how would we do it? China's media a few months ago was saying we were an unimportant country. Now suddenly we have the ability to orhcestrate a major protest in the largest country on earth.

It is not Britain that is doing this, it is US NGO's.
The West is run by the US and it is the US that has the funding machine to orchestrate such an operation.

Britain just gets the attention because it always follows the US.

Britain is an irrelevant country with no real economic or military power.
Same David Cameroon who had China endorse his "Better Together" campaign on Scotland? Holy Samosas!! :D
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BBC was blocked....that was China's reply :pop:

An excellent response.

Differences apart, I admire the promptness with which the Chinese retaliate diplomatically towards any harm that questions their country, particularly from some self-appointed judges of the world.

Wish we could take similar steps when our internal matters are raised abroad.
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Sums up freedom in China, you want to watch this? no you cant, but you can watch this delayed clip...no you cant we will just turn off the channel and show a mountain.

And you think this is acceptable? if you cant make your own choices then why should the government do it for you.
UK is a state sponsor of terrorism. Airstrikes and regime change by China once we are the global superpower again.
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An excellent response.

Differences apart, I admire the promptness with which the Chinese retaliate diplomatically towards any harm that questions their country, particularly from some self-appointed judges of the world.

Wish we could take similar steps when our internal matters are raised abroad.
We also do the same.....
we cancel our cricket matches :D

On a serious note.....
I don't think it's going to make much difference....blocking trade and other things could have serious implications but here the chinese are trying to make a point. I m not sure whether this step will discourage pm Cameron from further publicly announcing any such backing. :crazy:
So it is different between China and UK.We hope your country is united and you hope our country is disintegrated.
Hong Kong has voting under the control of UK?No!!!So don't talk about democracy here.Now China gives Hong Kong people voting.The crisis is aroused by the backing of the west.Because they have paid a large amount of money to support the opposition party in the 2017 prospective election.But Love China,Love Hong Kong in legislation has block the forward step.So the west is enraged and irritate the naive students to protest(Frankly protest about what?Why not protest about no voting under control of UK).If Hong Kong government strongly clean those barrier,it must bring about severe conflict which the west wants to see.Because they are good at using the public opinion by media.Why U K prime minister dared not say one word when Americans "Occupy Wall Street" and dare not say we support "the rights and freedoms"?When Americans clean the site by strong behavior,dare not say your behavior is totally wrong.Becase USA is your ally and so called democracy is not your real value.Dont be hypocritical there.Democracy is worldwide but optional.Democracy is for civilians but politicians.

In addition,I want to highlight one thing which the majority of HONGKONG people is indignant for the occupation because it has influenced the most of civilians.You'd better go to HK now to see what is the real situation.
So it is different between China and UK.We hope your country is united and you hope our country is disintegrated.
Hong Kong has voting under the control of UK?No!!!So don't talk about democracy here.Now China gives Hong Kong people voting.The crisis is aroused by the backing of the west.Because they have paid a large amount of money to support the opposition party in the 2017 prospective election.But Love China,Love Hong Kong in legislation has block the forward step.So the west is enraged and irritate the naive students to protest(Frankly protest about what?Why not protest about no voting under control of UK).If Hong Kong government strongly clean those barrier,it must bring about severe conflict which the west wants to see.Because they are good at using the public opinion by media.Why U K prime minister dared not say one word when Americans "Occupy Wall Street" and dare not say we support "the rights and freedoms"?When Americans clean the site by strong behavior,dare not say your behavior is totally wrong.Becase USA is your ally and so called democracy is not your real value.Dont be hypocritical there.Democracy is worldwide but optional.Democracy is for civilians but politicians.

In addition,I want to highlight one thing which the majority of HONGKONG people is indignant for the occupation because it has influenced the most of civilians.You'd better go to HK now to see what is the real situation.

Well, i agree with all what you have said. I said it earlier in other related threads on here. You should know in geo politics, every trick is allowed, whether its a dirty trick/bad or wrong, it doesnt matter as long as your objectives/interests are concerned. That's how politics works. If you cant protect your own interests nor further your interests in other rival countries, then you have only yourself to blame, not others. Don't expect your rivals to wish you well nor help you in any way, instead you should always expect the opposite.:agree::D Its unfortunate, but thats how geo politics works, it has been like this for decades/centuries and will keep on beinh that way. So if you are weak and vulnerable, you have only yourself to blame(as i always say: cry for your weakness, not others strength) not others.

About Hong Kong, of course we will get involve, we dont have any right to do it, but hey, who cares? we will still do it nevertheless simply because we can and it serves our interests. I dont find anything wrong in that, each country should always seek to protect its interests, doesnt matter whether the way it does is bad or not, in this case the end justifies the means.:cool: We will still do it with any other upcoming power be it Brazil, India, Turkey, Russia( we are already doing it.lol), Mexico or even Japan:agree: who tries to challenge our(West/U.S) status quo. It doesn't matter which country, an established power will always try to undermine the upcoming one, nothing wrong in that IMO. So China has only itself to blame for not being able to avoid/impede our influence over the protests etc.. Shows your government isn't that competent as others might think afterall.:lol: If you cant do the same, then blame yourselves/weakness.:bounce:

As for we not criticizing/speaking out against the Occupy wall street. Jeez....Why will we? The U.S is our main ally/partner and it serves our interests having it as a super power than say Russia or China. So why would we criticize them? You seem not to understand geo politics very well bro. Interests comes first, values are way behind. That's how it should be and that's how it is. China will do the same if it was in our shoes. If not why doesn't China or even India condemn Putin/Russia for its actions in Ukraine? Simply because it doesn't serve their interest doing so. Since one still rely on Russia for most of its defence needs while the other needs Russia for its support/ally against the 'hegemonic west'.:cheesy: So there you go, dont expect any criticism from us or any western country for that matter against the U.S handling of 'Occupy wall street'(moreover, surprisingly i didnt see China criticising the U.S in this either.:lol:).

Finally, as i said before in another thread, i dont want to sound like a white Hegemonist or whatever(so dont get me wrong, i just like being honest/straight forward), Most Asians will still rather have us(West/U.S) as the predominant power in the region than their Asian neighbour. Im sure you yourself know that if a poll was conducted in Asia today to know if they would rather have the U.S or any western country as the predominant power in Asia than say China or any other Asian country, overall the answer will be U.S.:usflag: :agree:This can be seen from the number of countries in Asia asking for the U.S to remain(or even increase its presence) from Vietnam to Singapore to Philippines to Japan etc. Moreover this can also be seen in Hong Kong, where during our colonial rule, they hardly ever protested/riot for their leader to be directly elected or for democracy, even though they had far less freedom or say in how we ruled them than they do today, yet they still protest in mass against your leaders vetting their candidates.:lol: Just shows they still prefer our rule over them.:agree: no hard feelings though bro, just being honest.:bounce:
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UK is a state sponsor of terrorism. Airstrikes and regime change by China once we are the global superpower again.

China should officially recognize UK as a state sponsor of terrorism and lets see how that goes.
If Britain really was behind the protests how would we do it? China's media a few months ago was saying we were an unimportant country. Now suddenly we have the ability to orhcestrate a major protest in the largest country on earth.

Well said bro. They said we were just a small insignificant island. Now they are crying wolf.:lol: They dont know that its not just size alone that determines influence.:enjoy:
loool:lol:.......huh........nope, even your prime minister before the referedum, when he visited London, said he favours/wish the U.K stays United(even though he has no influence at all in our country, but still he wished we stay united) .:rofl: So much for your scottish tactical nuclear weapons.:lol:

He reminds me of @SinoChallenger , a banned troll.

Well, i agree with all what you have said. I said it earlier in other related threads on here. You should know in geo politics, every trick is allowed, whether its a dirty trick/bad or wrong, it doesnt matter as long as your objectives/interests are concerned. That's how politics works. If you cant protect your own interests nor further your interests in other rival countries, then you have only yourself to blame, not others. Don't expect your rivals to wish you well nor help you in any way, instead you should always expect the opposite.:agree::D Its unfortunate, but thats how geo politics works, it has been like this for decades/centuries and will keep on beinh that way. So if you are weak and vulnerable, you have only yourself to blame(as i always say: cry for your weakness, not others strength) not others.

About Hong Kong, of course we will get involve, we dont have any right to do it, but hey, who cares? we will still do it nevertheless simply because we can and it serves our interests. I dont find anything wrong in that, each country should always seek to protect its interests, doesnt matter whether the way it does is bad or not, in this case the end justifies the means.:cool: We will still do it with any other upcoming power be it Brazil, India, Turkey, Russia( we are already doing it.lol), Mexico or even Japan:agree: who tries to challenge our(West/U.S) status quo. It doesnt matter which country, an established power will always try to undermine the upcoming one, nothing wrong in that IMO. So China has only itself to blame for not being able to avoid/impede our influence over the protests etc.. Shows your government isn't that competent as others might think afterall.:lol: If you cant do the same, then blame yourselves/weakness.:bounce:

As for we not criticizing/speaking out against the Occupy wall street. Jeez....Why will we? The U.S is our main ally/partner and it serves our interests having it as a super power than say Russia or China. So why would why criticize them? You seem not to understand geo politics very well bro. Interests comes first, values are way behind. Thats how it should be and thats how it is. China will do the same if it was in our shoes. If not why doesn't China or even India condemn Putin/Russia for its actions in Ukraine? Simply because it doenst serve their interest doing so. Since one still rely on Russia for most of its defence needs while the other needs Russia for its support/ally against the 'hegemonic west'.:cheesy: So there you go, dont expect any criticsm from any western against the U.S handling of 'Occupy wall street'(moreover, surprisingly i didnt see China criticisng the U.S in this either.:lol:).

Finally, as i said before in another thread, i dont want to sound like a white Hegemonist or whatever(so dont get me wrong, i just like being honest/straight forward), Most Asians will still rather have us(West/U.S) as the predominant power in the region than their Asian neighbour. Im sure you yourself know that if a poll was conducted in Asia today to know if they would rather have the U.S or any western country as the predominant power in Asia than say China or any other Asian country, overall the answer will be U.S.:usflag: This can be seen from the number of countries in Asia asking for the U.S to remain(or even increase its presence) from Vietnam to Singapore to Philippines to Japan etc. Moreover this can also be seen in Hong Kong, where during our colonial rule, they hardly ever protested/riot for their leader to be directly elected or for democracy, even though they had far less freedom/say in how we ruled them than they do today, yet they still protest in mass against your leaders vetting their candidates.:lol: Just shows they still prefer our rule over them.:agree: no hard feelings though bro, just being honest.:bounce:

Long read, but well articulated points, Mike-San.
Well said bro. They said we were just a small insignificant island. Now they are crying wolf.:lol: They dont know that its not just size alone that determines influence.:enjoy:

Well, let me help you out since you seem genuinely confused ;). It's because small dogs still can bark and usually they bark the loudest. Of course they can't byte, just annoying as sh!t.

If Britain really was behind the protests how would we do it? China's media a few months ago was saying we were an unimportant country. Now suddenly we have the ability to orhcestrate a major protest in the largest country on earth.

Please accept our apology for giving you too much credit. You are definitely not behind it. Like you said, your little lousy island can't do sh!t to do the world anymore. But you see, dog sh!t or bullsh!t all stink regardless of the size of the animal that laid it. It is your sh!t that's annoying that's all. Just get it out of there plz ;)
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