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Call off drone war in Pakistan, demands former US Intel Chief

...It is very, very rare for the chief of mission to express concern about any particular operation...[Munter's] request went to the State Department and was forwarded to then-CIA director Panetta, now secretary of defence, who insisted on going ahead -

As I said on another thread, it would appear the CIA is as much of a 'rogue' agency as the ISI is alleged to be.
Hmm. In 1971 when the State Dept. and CIA clashed the issue was kicked upstairs not to a Cabinet secretary but to President Nixon. Why wouldn't we expect the same thing to have happened in 2011?

It is pretty clear that the tailspin US-Pak relations are the primary responsibility of the CIA and arrogant and inflammatory attitude and actions.
I'm certain that's the case Pakistani officials make to Pakistanis. But who in the diplomatic community believes it? Consider Davis. If a diplomat from Pakistan had done what Davis did in the same context Davis did it, whether on the streets of New York or the alleys of Hong Kong or the ruins of Athens or the slums of Nouakchott, the host government would have quietly ushered him out of the country within hours, whether his immunity was complete or not. It was Pakistanis who did their very best to fan the flames from this incident and make it "inflammatory".
It doesn't matter what I think. What I'm trying to communicate to you is the operative political reality in D.C. Fair or not, substantiated or not, this is what policymakers are basing their decisions upon.

If Pakistan wants to change that it has to make more of an effort.

The 'operative political reality in D.C' based on an unfair vilification and smear campaign of Pakistan is what needs to change.

That is what I am trying to communicate to you.
Hmm. In 1971 when the State Dept. and CIA clashed the issue was kicked upstairs not to a Cabinet secretary but to President Nixon. Why wouldn't we expect the same thing to have happened in 2011?
Why not? That is my point - the CIA and US military-intelligence complex has a history of acting as 'rogues' on the international stage, with catastrophic results for the regions they have played the 'rogue' in.

The CIA has done much the same in South Asia, as we can see now.
Consider Davis. If a diplomat from Pakistan had done what Davis did in the same context Davis did it, whether on the streets of New York or the alleys of Hong Kong or the ruins of Athens or the slums of Nouakchott, the host government would have quietly ushered him out of the country within hours, whether his immunity was complete or not. It was Pakistanis who did their very best to fan the flames from this incident and make it "inflammatory".
Davis did not have 'blanket diplomatic immunity' - he was attached to the US consulate, not the US Embassy, a fact admitted by the US Embassy itself in the initial days, before it changed its story. Davis's presence and residence in Lahore, rather than Islamabad, supports that position.

This is an example of the 'propagation of lies, distortions and smear campaigns against Pakistan' that the 'operative political reality in D.C' needs to change from.
This is an example of the 'propagation of lies, distortions and smear campaigns against Pakistan' that the 'operative political reality in D.C' needs to change from.
Then Pakistan will have to work at it. One place to obvious start is to switch D.C. PR firms - and I don't mean creating another ISI-controlled "Freedom for Kashmir" group, either.
Then Pakistan will have to work at it. One place to obvious start is to switch D.C. PR firms - and I don't mean creating another ISI-controlled "Freedom for Kashmir" group, either.

The US has to work at it first, it has to reign in its Raymond Davis type terror instigators!
I'd appreciate that you use the quote function properly, GOW. It may not be clear to everyone that the green paragraph is your interpolation.

As for what you wrote, you have failed to object to any of my analysis of Pakistanis, you've just tried to bury it under a mass of unrelated verbiage. Does this sort of thing actually result in a passing grade in Pakistani schools?

There we go again, The Americans outshine in education as well, take about blowing ur own trumpet. If you didn't get my PoV which was quite simple, Its not my but ur own IQ which is questionable. Of course you can choose to 'not get' my PoV, when you simply 'don't want' to answer it. Talk about the lowest depths of Moral Cowardice. Now don't try to pull off another 'Huddini' and anwser the question in my above two posts. If you still fail to see any questions, then lemme know and we'll help you out AGAIN. :D

As for the green writing bit.... don't worry most members here are smarter than the average american.... live and learn
Then Pakistan will have to work at it. One place to obvious start is to switch D.C. PR firms - and I don't mean creating another ISI-controlled "Freedom for Kashmir" group, either.

HO HO HO Ethics 101 from University of Cuckoo-Land. How about the US start respecting sovereignty of other states, stop running illegal black ops with your sabetuors, and cap your state run drug trade for starters, then maybe we will think about your advice.
Why not? That is my point - the CIA and US military-intelligence complex has a history of acting as 'rogues' on the international stage, with catastrophic results for the regions they have played the 'rogue' in.

The CIA has done much the same in South Asia, as we can see now.

Davis did not have 'blanket diplomatic immunity' - he was attached to the US consulate, not the US Embassy, a fact admitted by the US Embassy itself in the initial days, before it changed its story. Davis's presence and residence in Lahore, rather than Islamabad, supports that position.

This is an example of the 'propagation of lies, distortions and smear campaigns against Pakistan' that the 'operative political reality in D.C' needs to change from.

BTW, Spies are not diplomats, and no extradition treaty applies on Spies, they can be hanged for their surreptitious activities under Geneva Conventions. And if Davis doesn't fit the bill then its just another case of denial by Obama. I guess he's living up to the precedent set by his predecessors.... (read: I did not have 5ex with Monica Lewenski, There are WMDs in Iraq, etc etc etc etc...)

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