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CAGW Campaign Ad Imagines China-Dominated Futrue

The CAGW says they will be pushing it on all cable television news channels. So far i have seen it air on CNN and Fox news.

Concerned Citzens Against Government Waste sounds like an astroturf movement to me. Many of these grass roots political movement actually are funded and manipulated by powerful industry or political backers.

Astroturfing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tea party for example is actually connected to and funded by a host of corporations, yet claims to be a grass roots movement.
Concerned Citzens Against Government Waste sounds like an astroturf movement to me. Many of these grass roots political movement actually are funded and manipulated by powerful industry or political backers.

Astroturfing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The tea party for example is actually connected to and funded by a host of corporations, yet claims to be a grass roots movement.

They are pretty much a conservative group that works out of a "Nonpartisan" setup.

As far as the tea party they are the extremists of the U.S. political system. Their message is great but what they actually draw and run off of is arrogance,fear and stupidity.

I seriously have never seen so many crazies running in these midterm elections. Not only that but these elections are turning out to be huge money sinks. It used to be you would donate a little of what you have to candidate or political party you liked. Now you have anonymous companies and groups not donating but doing long term investments hoping their candidate gets elected so they can make returns on their investments.
They are pretty much a conservative group that works out of a "Nonpartisan" setup.

As far as the tea party they are the extremists of the U.S. political system. Their message is great but what they actually draw and run off of is arrogance,fear and stupidity.

I seriously have never seen so many crazies running in these midterm elections. Not only that but these elections are turning out to be huge money sinks. It used to be you would donate a little of what you have to candidate or political party you liked. Now you have anonymous companies and groups not donating but doing long term investments hoping their candidate gets elected so they can make returns on their investments.

they don't hope their candidate is elected, they know their candidate will be elected: they bet on both sides. Lockheed Martin for example. That's why US government policy never changes: 99% of officials aren't elected, the 1% that are are bought and paid for.
they don't hope their candidate is elected, they know their candidate will be elected: they bet on both sides. Lockheed Martin for example. That's why US government policy never changes: 99% of officials aren't elected, the 1% that are are bought and paid for.

Japan is another fine example, 1 year later, they got Kan. Its like the LDP never lost by "80%". Democracy, so wonderful.
See this then think about that.
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Poor riot control protocols. Nowadays, they will use Tasers. Water under the bridge. One off incident.

This is ongoing.
Iraq war logs: US turned over captives to Iraqi torture squads | World news | The Guardian

PressTV - 'US troops beheaded Iraqi detainee'


The rest of the world has wise up to Made in US news distributed by media organisations which major shareholders and senior management that are closely related to Israel.
I just felt that they showed Chinese as condescending little bitches in 2030. That is completely opposite to their actual behavior.
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I need some help from the Chinese members on this forum, If China is going to rule the world in 2030 then obviously I will need to speak the language. Should I start learning Mandarin or Cantonese ?
Secondly, do the Chinese have copyrights on the evil laugh that follows the line "They work for us " ? It's way creepy and I want to use it to scare my friends over the phone, but I don't want an lawsuits, especially not from the next superpower.
Advice is welcome.
I need some help from the Chinese members on this forum, If China is going to rule the world in 2030 then obviously I will need to speak the language. Should I start learning Mandarin or Cantonese ?
Secondly, do the Chinese have copyrights on the evil laugh that follows the line "They work for us " ? It's way creepy and I want to use it to scare my friends over the phone, but I don't want an lawsuits, especially not from the next superpower.
Advice is welcome.

First of all China has no global domination ambition nor will we attempt to force our languages upon others. I do support your efforts to learn mandarin or cantonese.

Second I think you need to contact CAGW for the copy rights.
First of all China has no global domination ambition nor will we attempt to force our languages upon others. I do support your efforts to learn mandarin or cantonese.

Second I think you need to contact CAGW for the copy rights.

I know China has no such ambitions, I was just playing about. As for learning Mandarin or Cantonese, they are on my must learn list along with Spanish, German, Russian.
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