I am against the hunting or eating of endangered wildlife but I am absolutely against Western and White people telling the world what they can and cannot eat. I personally do not eat anything exotic but I think it is absolutely absurd that Europeans constantly think they have the right to impose their standards on other cultures. Tell me this, do Muslims have a right to attack and invade Greece because Greeks eat pork? No? Then you have no right to impose your standards on others. Also, it is clear that you are just using your supposed love of turtles to justify your outright hatred against China. You're just a hateful person. It could be China today, Muslims yesterday, Martians tomorrow. But your personality type will always need something to hate and you will find whatever arbitrary thing to justify your hatred as some kind of just crusade, which it is not.
First of all, your hatred isn't even based on any enlightened or accurate understanding of the target of your hatred. You say China doesn't have any nature, what incredible ignorance. China is actually building a national park system on par with the United States, there are national parks probably as big as Greece itself. You don't believe me? So honestly, you are not some great crusader of truth, just another ignorant, brainwashed hate filled toxic asshole with zero control over their emotions.