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By killing Mansour, US killed Afghan peace process

It seems like no one wants to leave Afghanistan without getting the boot. The brits, the soviets and now the yanks, everyone wants to hold on to it till given almighty kick.

From state department to pentagon, all have recently and very openly labeled Taliban as peace partners. And now this, without going to the validity of the news weather Mullah Mansoor is dead or alive. Seems like Americans got this habit of killing the negotiate partner right in the middle of negotiations. They did the same when Pakistani government was negotiating with Hakimullah Mashood.

Mullah Mansoor was perhaps the only one left among Taliban ranks who wanted to get the talks going, it was his initiative. Consider who is next inline, Siraj uddin Haqqani!! And knowing Taliban, they will hit back with vengeance.

Pakistan needs to secure its border ASAP. Mine the damn border if what it take, as Afghanistan is about to explode.
The most shocking was the murder of Mullah Nek Mohammed and Nazir both during times when they were at peace with the Pakistani government. Nazir had virtually declared war on the TTP or the Pakistani taliban when he was killed in the drone strike. It was almost as if the US was trying to protect the Afghan Taliban. If he had not been killed we could have possibly seen the Taliban break under infighting.

Several of Hakimullah's/Fazlullah's men were killed by militants under Nazir and South Waziristan was literally lighting up as a battleground between the 2 militant factions. I don't know why US would deny us the satisfaction of the Taliban killing each other and the movement eating itself up. Before Nazir was killed he had been targetted in a car bomb attack by the TTP. America has also refused to take action against the TTP.
The most shocking was the murder of Mullah Nek Mohammed and Nazir both during times when they were at peace with the Pakistani government. Nazir had virtually declared war on the TTP or the Pakistani taliban when he was killed in the drone strike. It was almost as if the US was trying to protect the Afghan Taliban. If he had not been killed we could have possibly seen the Taliban break under infighting.

Several of Hakimullah's/Fazlullah's men were killed by militants under Nazir and South Waziristan was literally lighting up as a battleground between the 2 militant factions. I don't know why US would deny us the satisfaction of the Taliban killing each other and the movement eating itself up. Before Nazir was killed he had been targetted in a car bomb attack by the TTP. America has also refused to take action against the TTP.

American are absolute snakes. They can go to any lengths to undermine Pakistan. but you have to give it to both civilian and military leadership of our unfortunate country. No lessons are learned.
Pakistan should expel from the Afghan peace process because USA is not sincere with piece talk with Afghan taliban.
By killing Mansour, US killed Afghan peace process
By Rahimullah Yusufzai
May 23, 2016
Print : National

Yaqoob could be made new head to unite Taliban factions

PESHAWAR: By killing Taliban leader Mulla Akhtar Mohammad Mansour in a drone strike in Balochistan on Saturday, the US has killed the chances of any peace process in Afghanistan.

The Taliban rank and file and whoever is chosen as their new leader won’t be able to justify holding talks with the Afghan government, which is heavily dependent on the US military and economic assistance for its survival, in the changed situation. The new Taliban ameer would have to follow the policies of the late Taliban supreme leader Mulla Mohammad Omar and his successor, Mulla Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, both of whom were against recognizing the pro-US Afghan government and holding peace talks with it.

The US has been generally opposed to engaging in peace talks with the Taliban, whether Afghan or Pakistan. Though it backed the so-called Afghan-owned and Afghan-led peace process and verbally supported talks with the Taliban, its actions haven’t contributed to peacemaking in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The US was aggressively opposed to peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban as it believed this would mean an end to Pakistan military operations against them and free them up to shift to neighbouring Afghanistan to fight against the US-led Nato and Afghan forces. The drone strike by the US in South Waziristan that killed Pakistani Taliban commander Nek Mohammad in June 2004 destroyed the April 2004 peace agreement concluded by the Pakistan Army with the local militants in Shakai.

The US also torpedoed a few other peace initiatives including the one between the Pakistan government and the TTP commander Maulana Faqir Mohammad in Bajaur Agency and with TTP head Hakimullah Mehsud in Waziristan by undertaking drone attacks just in time to derail any prospects of peace through negotiations.

Mulla Mansour had chosen the path of war and one of its consequences could always have been violent death. That it happened due to a missile fired by a US drone in Balochistan’s Naushki district was surprising because there had never been any attack by the CIA-managed unmanned aircraft until now in this province.

The attack would bring to an end the relative safety that Afghan Taliban leaders and members enjoyed in Balochistan. The theatre of drone warfare in Pakistan has been extended to Balochistan from Fata, where an overwhelming majority of the attacks took place, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which experienced just one drone strike. This is a clear US message for Pakistan that it won’t hesitate to carry out drone strikes in Balochistan, or elsewhere if need be, if Islamabad didn’t take action against the irreconcilable Taliban figures refusing peace talks with the Afghan government.

With Mansour gone, Taliban would now have to embark upon another uncertain process of choosing their new head. The process last July was messy when acting chief Mansour was hurriedly made the leader to succeed Mulla Omar. A dissident group opposed his leadership and formed a breakaway faction with Mulla Mohammad Rasool as its head.

The search for a new head could cause divisions as it happened last summer, more so due to the realisation that the Taliban no longer have strong leaders such as Mulla Omar or even Mansour.

However, a more likely scenario could be the elevation of someone like Mulla Mohammad Yaqoob, the eldest son of late Mulla Omar, to the status of the new ameer to ensure a smooth transition and unite the fractious Taliban movement. Yaqoob is young and inexperienced, but he is non-controversial and reportedly acceptable to all factions. The Mulla Rasool faction has already hinted that it could rejoin the mainstream Taliban until now headed by Mansour in case Yaqoob is chosen as the new leader. If this happens, the Taliban would emerge as a more united and stronger militant group that would be difficult to tackle for the other stakeholders in Afghanistan.

Perhaps that's precisely the whole idea
I for one want the Afghans to return asap to Afghanistan asap to rebuild their country and we think the Pakistani people for hosting them.

Secondly I welcome you to watch this video where by General Zia is saying very clearly how the Afghan Jihad is saving Pakistan, so when you created a situation where you wanted Afghanistan to burn of course the Afghan refugees will come to Pakistan and thus you will need to live with the consequences of such polices.

In summary : I think the Pakistani public have been hospitable to Afghans in general but why Afghans have been flocked into your country is also some direct consequences of Pakistan polices vis-a-vis Afghanistan.

Brother Those Pakistani Policies Were In Response To Afghan Policies of Constantly Supporting Baloch and Pashtun Separatists and Giving Them Refuge.Afghanistan Started This Policy When It Voted Against Pakistan's Membership at UN
and Giving Refuge To Khan of Kalat's Younger Brother,Baloch Warma,Pakhtun Zalme etc.

Pakistan Put Up With This For A Quarter Century The In The 1970s We Said Enough Is Enough and We Put Our Foot Down and Look Where That Has Put Your Country

American are absolute snakes. They can go to any lengths to undermine Pakistan. but you have to give it to both civilian and military leadership of our unfortunate country. No lessons are learned.

We Should Conduct A Burraq AirStrike On TTP Hideouts in Afghanistan and Kill Maulvi Fazllulah
This is quite interesting! USA refuses to give Pakistan F16s till they take actions against Afghan taliban hiding there. Suddenly the head is found and killed. :coffee:
Brother Those Pakistani Policies Were In Response To Afghan Policies of Constantly Supporting Baloch and Pashtun Separatists and Giving Them Refuge.Afghanistan Started This Policy When It Voted Against Pakistan's Membership at UN
and Giving Refuge To Khan of Kalat's Younger Brother,Baloch Warma,Pakhtun Zalme etc.

Pakistan Put Up With This For A Quarter Century The In The 1970s We Said Enough Is Enough and We Put Our Foot Down and Look Where That Has Put Your Country

We Should Conduct A Burraq AirStrike On TTP Hideouts in Afghanistan and Kill Maulvi Fazllulah

As I have pointed out earlier in my posts both Afghanistan and Pakistan have destabilized each other and there are no saints here which is understandable but I worry about it is the current policy of Pakistan and Mullah Mansoor episode is a good indicator.

I just hope that we move beyond the past, correct our current posture and develop together.

As I have pointed out earlier in my posts both Afghanistan and Pakistan have destabilized each other and there are no saints here which is understandable but I worry about it is the current policy of Pakistan and Mullah Mansoor episode is a good indicator.

I just hope that we move beyond the past, correct our current posture and develop together.


Dear Then Why Don't You Allow Pakistan To Fence The Durand Line, If The Border Movement Is Regulated It Will Solve Many Problems For Both Countries.And You Don't Have To Pay Anything

This is quite interesting! USA refuses to give Pakistan F16s till they take actions against Afghan taliban hiding there. Suddenly the head is found and killed. :coffee:

He Openly Moves Between Pakistan Afghanistan Iran And If His Alleged Passport Is To Be Believed Even Dubai
Yet He Is Targeted When He Is On The Pak Afghan Border and That Too On Pakistan's Side
As I have pointed out earlier in my posts both Afghanistan and Pakistan have destabilized each other and there are no saints here which is understandable but I worry about it is the current policy of Pakistan and Mullah Mansoor episode is a good indicator.

I just hope that we move beyond the past, correct our current posture and develop together.

BTW who won the tournament in Afghanistan? :D
Dear Then Why Don't You Allow Pakistan To Fence The Durand Line, If The Border Movement Is Regulated It Will Solve Many Problems For Both Countries.And You Don't Have To Pay Anything

I for one support that border should be better regulated and the Afghan government should not create issues in this regard

BTW who won the tournament in Afghanistan? :D

Still ongoing :) the first 4 day match was a draw, there a couple more 4 day games and one day matches scheduled.
Shahid Afrid and Shehzad are also scheduled to come to kabul :)
I for one want the Afghans to return asap to Afghanistan asap to rebuild their country and we think the Pakistani people for hosting them.

Secondly I welcome you to watch this video where by General Zia is saying very clearly how the Afghan Jihad is saving Pakistan, so when you created a situation where you wanted Afghanistan to burn of course the Afghan refugees will come to Pakistan and thus you will need to live with the consequences of such polices.

In summary : I think the Pakistani public have been hospitable to Afghans in general but why Afghans have been flocked into your country is also some direct consequences of Pakistan polices vis-a-vis Afghanistan.

Afghans have been flocking to Pakistan in millions since the soviet invasion in 79 . PK had nothing to do with that .
How come Afghan and Americans are hiding Mullah FM and getting away with it?
Afghanistan should not beg Pakistan for peace reconciliation anymore though they will.Problem with Pakistan is, weak diplomacy. We are not going any where with Afghan policy. Either take an open stance of not acting against Afghan Talibans or start taking action against them just like what we do with TTP. The confused policy is just hurting Pakistan. Pakistan govt has seemed to given up to the Generals, this is where they should had taken the charge and control the policy heck Nawaz Sharif hasn't even assigned a Foreign Minister yet with 3 years of his government already passed.
How come Afghan and Americans are hiding Mullah FM and getting away with it?
Afghanistan and America can counter question that how come OBL,Akhtar Mansoor being hidden by Pakistan yet it gets away?
This is a complicated place where you need to understand the region and it's players...
Afghanistan and America can counter question that how come OBL,Akhtar Mansoor being hidden by Pakistan yet it gets away?
This is a complicated place where you need to understand the region and it's players...

If ISI was really hiding OBL then CIA is hiding Mullah FM to use him to kill Pakistanis, they want revenge.

No one really gave a damn when 80,000 Pakistanis died when America's war of terror begun, who is answerable for this slaughter? What was our establishment doing??? Sleeping?
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