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By Jupiter! China spy in sky

This is a minor mistake only.

Did you know that ancient India invented astronomy?

Did you know that ancient India invented astrophysics?

Did you know that Jupiter was an artificial planet created by ancient India?

Ancient India mastered space travel and planet forming.

Ancient India invented plastic surgery.

Modi-ji will re-discover India's ancient knowledge.

India will be a superpower by 2020!

Jai Hind!
OH MY GOD. Really? You forgot to mention the other brain washing changes you are doing to little kids books in school, where yo are no teaching them:
1) Indian "Vedic" times, there were cell phones. (I am hoping Mr. Ram wasn't texting his lady using sms messaging about 30000 years ago). Graham Bell just wasted SO much time in inventing the phone. Should've just become a Hindu and ask a Pandit on how to re-invest the older cell phone system again.
2) In "Vedic" times, Indians had travel plane / space ships able to take people to other planets.....seems like the NASA wasted trillions of dollars in space research. A Pandit should've been able to give them the design of the first space shuttle back in 40's if they'd asked a Pandit for it.
3) In "Vedic" times , they had high efficiency cars which would charge up through Sun and Water.
4) Modi got the vote due to his nationalist nature. The result is in front of everyone, ALL Brahmans and other religious nuts are now focusing on spreading Hinduism and Hidutva. This is what you get when you put any religious nut case in the power seat.

I don't know what to say to all this bullshit. Not sure what's even the NEED to spread so much nonsense and put it into little kids school books so they are brain washed with lies from age 4. But its sure as hell funny and silly.

India is the origin of all knowledge, all spirituality, all religions, and all languages. India has always been a knowledge superpower. Ancient India invented space travel, nuclear power, computer chips, yoga, surgery. Indians co-founded Apple Computers, Facebook, Google. 42% of doctors in America are Indians. 47% of Google engineers are Indians. 40% of NASA scientists are Indians. 52% of Microsoft engineers are Indians. 43% of all engineers in America are Indians.

Modi-ji will lead India to re-discover these ancient secrets. I have no doubt that India will quickly surpass China to become a superpower by 2020!
India is the origin of all knowledge, all spirituality, all religions, and all languages. India has always been a knowledge superpower. Ancient India invented space travel, nuclear power, computer chips, yoga, surgery. Indians co-founded Apple Computers, Facebook, Google. 42% of doctors in America are Indians. 47% of Google engineers are Indians. 40% of NASA scientists are Indians. 52% of Microsoft engineers are Indians.

Modi-ji will lead India to re-discover these ancient secrets. I have no doubt that India will quickly surpass China to become a superpower by 2020!

Another nut job like Modi in action on here. Starting with ancient and adding the current progress???? Yoga is an India invention probably. Surgery was an Islamic invention. Just to get the records straight. So if Ancient India invented Nuclear Energy, Space Travel and all.....what happened???

And NO, Apple computers wasn't co founded by Indians. Having Indian employees because they can write IT programming doesn't mean Steve Jobs was using the "Indian Talent" for creativity. Offshore, cheap labor and creativity are two different things. You are now learning creativity. Till now, it was just cheap labor. You did make a lot of progress as a nation but telling everything came from India is plain stupid. So please refrain from gossiping. And no, 42% of the Doctor's aren't Indian, the number is around 10% and includes Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi doctors as classified as "the Indians". Your post is just plain lie black and white. Same lying you are now forcing your children to read and believe. Crap is crap, now matter how nice of a book you put it in.

So if I believed in the stupidity for a second (if I didn't have common sense), so what happened? you invented everything and then what? You woke up and realized the reality? That half the Indian population (around 400 million) lacks proper beds to sleep on, education and basic health and other benefits found common in the West?

Did the few rich Hindu Pandits who "invented" the Space ship thousands of years ago, the cars, the nuclear power, the cell phones ....lost the "design" papers while showering in the river so it didn't workout? Or did a few of the Rich Pandits took all those technologies and monies, put them in their space ship and went to another planet, leaving all their Hindu friends poor for centuries behind? Somewhere you'll need to explain reality. Your post is all Virtual Reality, nothing really holds true, outside of Indians having good IT and Medical jobs TODAY, not THOUSANDS of YEARS AGO!
Another nut job like Modi in action on here. Starting with ancient and adding the current progress???? Yoga is an India invention probably. Surgery was an Islamic invention. Just to get the records straight. So if Ancient India invented Nuclear Energy, Space Travel and all.....what happened???

And NO, Apple computers wasn't co founded by Indians. Having Indian employees because they can write IT programming doesn't mean Steve Jobs was using the "Indian Talent" for creativity. Offshore, cheap labor and creativity are two different things. You are now learning creativity. Till now, it was just cheap labor. You did make a lot of progress as a nation but telling everything came from India is plain stupid. So please refrain from gossiping. And no, 42% of the Doctor's aren't Indian, the number is around 10% and includes Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi doctors as classified as "the Indians". Your post is just plain lie black and white. Same lying you are now forcing your children to read and believe. Crap is crap, now matter how nice of a book you put it in.

So if I believed in the stupidity for a second (if I didn't have common sense), so what happened? you invented everything and then what? You woke up and realized the reality? That half the Indian population (around 400 million) lacks proper beds to sleep on, education and basic health and other benefits found common in the West?

Did the few rich Hindu Pandits who "invented" the Space ship thousands of years ago, the cars, the nuclear power, the cell phones ....lost the "design" papers while showering in the river so it didn't workout? Or did a few of the Rich Pandits took all those technologies and monies, put them in their space ship and went to another planet, leaving all their Hindu friends poor for centuries behind? Somewhere you'll need to explain reality. Your post is all Virtual Reality, nothing really holds true, outside of Indians having good IT and Medical jobs TODAY, not THOUSANDS of YEARS AGO!

Indians chose spirituality over material possessions. Instead of using their inventions for material gains, ancient Indians selflessly shared the knowledge by giving it away to the ancient Egyptians, the Europeans, the Chinese, and other peoples so they may progress.

India is the source of all knowledge.

India will be a superpower by 2020!
Indians chose spirituality over material possessions. Instead of using their inventions for material gains, ancient Indians selflessly shared the knowledge by giving it away to the ancient Egyptians, the Europeans, the Chinese, and other peoples so they may progress.

India is the source of all knowledge.

India will be a superpower by 2020!

I think this troll is a fake indian doing dumb things in purpose to shame Indian.
I think this troll is a fake indian doing dumb things in purpose to shame Indian.

Truth alone prevails.

India is a knowledge superpower.

India is the mother of all inventions, all wisdom, and all knowledge.

Did you know that even Jesus Christ studied at Nalanda University?
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