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Bus carrying engineers reportedly exploded on Wednesday.

So we have to wait and see what survivors of this incident have to say what they had experienced, that will hopefully end ALL speculations regarding the type of incident… I used to think that KPK security agencies have been improved a lot and the security infrastructure is in place to monitor sensitive cases … as above it is mentioned that foreign engineers have been targeted before as well so why a lapse … but we have to wait I guess …

BTW IF it is an act of terror than the concerned should understand that this is a very major blow to the confidence on security protocols currently in place … just to give you a glimpse that the enemy can hit you where ever and when ever they want … you will be a laughing stock on the international stage … all the efforts gained in the past w.r.t tourism promotion will be challenged now … I know Chinese will definitely take revenge … while some of us will be eating halwas and wait for the next episode of “dhoop ki diwaar” …
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So we have to wait and see what survivors of this incident have to say what they had experienced, that will hopefully end ALL speculations regarding the type of incident… I used to think that KPK security agencies have been improved a lot and the security infrastructure is in place to monitor sensitive cases … as above it is mentioned that foreign engineers have been targeted before as well so why a lapse … but we have to wait I guess …

BTW IF it is an act of terror than the concerned should understand that this is a very major blow to the confidence on security protocols currently in place … just to give you a glimpse that the enemy can hit you where ever and when ever they want … you will be a laughing stock on the international stage … all the efforts gained in the past w.r.t tourism promotion will be challenged now … I know Chinese will definitely take revenge … while some of us will be eating halwas and wait for the next episode of “dhoop ki diwaar” …

Only good thing in this is that if it is an act of terror then unlike Pakistanis who consider blood of their people cheap Chinese won't do the same

They would go for revenge unlike us and that is the only good thing in this whole incident
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I honestly don't know who to believe at this point.

APP has uploaded a picture that may be of the incident.

View attachment 762111

Still not clear this is an accident or a bomb blast...or both.

how the eff we are going to get investment and tourism if we are unable to safegaurd foreigners and our own soldeirs again and agian and again.
how the eff we are going to get investment and tourism if we are unable to safegaurd foreigners and our own soldeirs again and agian and again.
Pakistan has always failed to send a stern message to both India and its birth child Afghanistan.
Yall need to chill out with the blame game over here. This seems like an unfortunate accident. But if it was an attack it won't go unanswered. The terrorists are desperate. They are being hit from all sides.

Wait for official confirmation
It's part of the process, a war is happening and this part of the fall out

Our military is focused and our enemies are being taken out in Afghanistan

This was always going to happen, get used to it for a while whilst we do what needs to be done
Are u that naive?
The latest news is an explosion caused by a mechanical failure.
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