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Burqa ban sparks violence across Paris


Jul 29, 2010
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France's burkha ban sparks violence across Paris after police try to arrest woman for wearing a veil and pregnant woman is attacked for covering her face

Two men put pregnant woman, 21, in hospital - undergoing treatment
Around 60 people attacked police in Argenteuil, north west of the capital
Women guilty of wearing niqabs can be fined the equivalent of around £130

Violent clashes have broken out in a Paris suburb after police tried to arrest a Muslim woman for wearing a veil.
It came as two men today put a 21-year-old pregnant woman in hospital for covering her face with a veil on the same council estate.
In what is being viewed as a severe test of France's burka ban, around 60 people attacked police on Wednesday night in Argenteuil, a commuter town to the north west of the capital.

Under a law which came into force in 2011, women found guilty of wearing niqabs in public can be fined the equivalent of around £130.

But when officers approached the unnamed woman, passers-by became involved in a 'riot' and police used tear gas and flash-ball shots to disperse them, according to a police source.
'The police were attacked' the source told Le Parisien newspaper. 'They were insulted and beaten, including punches'.
Two men aged 23 and 37, including a cousin of the young veil-wearer, were arrested and placed in custody under suspicion of violence and public order offences.
In the end, 40 riot police had to be called to the area to restore order, said the source.

Today, the 21-year-old was attacked in Argenteuil, with 'two shaven-haired men tearing the veil from her face and pulling her hair,' said a police source close to the case. She was rushed to the emergency ward of Argenteuil hospital where she underwent treatment for unspecified injuries.

Police said that the men had shouted racist insults at the girl, saying that the veil was no longer acceptable in France. The attack may have been caught on CCTV, said the police source.

In a third incident, police confirmed that a 17-year-old, identified only as Rabia, was attacked in Argenteuil on May 20th for wearing a veil.Two men beat her up at around 9pm, shouting 'Dirty Arab' and 'Dirty Muslim' while laughing.

Rabia said afterwards: 'One of them insulted me. I sped up not because I was scared, but the men turned around, one of them tore my veil, pushed me to the ground and them hit me while insulting me.'

Rabia continued: 'Without the approach of a passerby who stopped the attackers, I do not know what would have happened.'

In March, a Frenchman who ripped a Muslim woman's veil off her eyes was given a five-month suspended prison sentence. The 30-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said he was merely trying to 'enforce' his country's laws when he carried out the attack in the city of Nantes.

He approached the woman in a fairground in September last year and pulled away the veil.
A judgment against him released by the Nantes criminal court said: 'Ordinary citizens are not entitled to take the law into their own hands.'

The man, who originally gave a false identity to police, said he was a firm believer in the law brought in by government of former President, Nicolas Sarkozy. But the judge said that he had acted like a 'vigilante' and carried out the attack solely because he was prejudiced against the women's faith.

Mr Sarkozy had described Muslim face coverings as an affront to the principles of the French Republic, saying that they could be used by both shoplifters and terrorists to hide their own identities.

The incidents are all in a long line triggered by Mr Sarkozy's ban. Last September, Louise-Marie Suisse, a Muslim teenager from Marseille received a two month prison sentence for biting a policewoman who arrested her for wearing a full-face veil.

Amnesty International is among human rights groups who have condemned the law, saying it breaches the right of freedom of expression.

France's burkha ban sparks violence across Paris after police try to arrest woman for wearing a veil and pregnant woman is attacked for covering her face | Mail Online

The dwarf did have a point about the potential use of burqas by criminals. This happened in London only the other week

Selfridges axe raiders in burkas escaped with £1.5m of watches - Crime - News - London Evening Standard

Selfridges axe raiders in burkas escaped with £1.5m of watches

Armed raiders who targeted Selfridges in Oxford Street while wearing burkas stole £1.5 million worth of watches, police revealed today. The 10-strong gang disguised as rich Middle Eastern customers mingled with shoppers before producing axes and smashing their way into display cabinets a week ago today.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it the case that the Quran only requires the faithful to dress modestly rather than hide under a tent? So why are we seeing increasing number of Muslim men across the world insisting that their wives and daughters adopt this abhorrent Arab custom?

Although it's sad what happened to the pregnant woman, the French are right in insisting that individuals remain identifiable in public places. If someone showing up at the bank wearing a balaclava is likely to be regarded as a security risk, why should it be any different with those who decide to veil themselves out of choice?

130 squid if caught wearing one is a bit steep though....
France's burkha ban sparks violence across Paris after police try to arrest woman for wearing a veil and pregnant woman is attacked for covering her face | Mail Online

The dwarf did have a point about the potential use of burqas by criminals. This happened in London only the other week

Selfridges axe raiders in burkas escaped with £1.5m of watches - Crime - News - London Evening Standard

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it the case that the Quran only requires the faithful to dress modestly rather than hide under a tent? So why are we seeing increasing number of Muslim men across the world insisting that their wives and daughters adopt this abhorrent Arab custom?

Although it's sad what happened to the pregnant woman, the French are right in insisting that individuals remain identifiable in public places. If someone showing up at the bank wearing a balaclava is likely to be regarded as a security risk, why should it be any different with those who decide to veil themselves out of choice?

130 squid if caught wearing one is a bit steep though....

There is seriously debate going on in the Muslim world about the veil. Some say that it is not required, some say that only the hijab is required, and some say that the Burka is what is required. As for your claim that Muslim men are increasingly insisting that their wives and daughters adopt this so called "abhorrent Arab custom", first I'd like to say that you have no evidence that there is an increase of such incidences, second, who are you to dictate what is abhorrent and what is acceptable? Nobody really. For that matter, neither am I, so none of us have a right to dictate how other people should live their lives.

As for the French having a right to insist such a law, have you heard of the term "surveillance states"? Or how about the term "collective punishment"? What about "individuality" and "freedom of expression"?

I assume you haven't, because if you did, you wouldn't have made such a clearly poorly thought out remark.
^Requirement is defined by those who practice it not by every tom dick and harry. Any govt has no place in a women's wardrobe.
You are right, but france have a point when they say face veil isolates people from wider community. They are not banning rest of the dress.
Ban is morally wrong, but probably a practical solution to what france thinks is isolation of muslim women.

Also, criminals can use it for crime, like the selfridges incident.
You are right, but france have a point when they say face veil isolates people from wider community. They are not banning rest of the dress.
Ban is morally wrong, but probably a practical solution to what france thinks is isolation of muslim women.

Last time i heard, there were only around 50 burqa observing women in France.
Last time i heard, there were only around 50 burqa observing women in France.

wiki says
As a result of the law, the only exceptions to a woman wearing a niqāb in public will be if she is travelling in a private car or worshiping in a religious place.[8] French police say that while there are five million Muslims in France, fewer than 2,000 are thought to fully cover their faces with a veil.[2]

It was a growing number it seems.

Face covering applies to all:

As of 11 April 2011, it is illegal to wear a face-covering veil or other mask in public places such as the street, shops, museums, public transportation, and parks. Veils such as the chador, scarves and other headwear that do not cover the face, are not affected by this law and can be worn.[4] The law applies to all citizens, including men and non-Muslims, who may not cover their face in public except where specifically provided by law (such as motor-bike riders and safety workers) and during established occasional events (such as some carnivals).
No, officer, I am not a doctor; I just like to dress as one.
That's not a crime, I presume!

Men attacking women who can't fight back that's a shame. I am gonna wear a burqa when i go to france just for the fun of it.:girl_wacko:

thats an expensive fun, but if you can go to paris, why not spend 150 euro....totally worth it.. :cheers:

No, officer, I am not a doctor; I just like to dress as one.
That's not a crime, I presume!


yes it is crime.... lol...
This idiotic, repressive costume must be banned throughout the world. I can see the future generation looking back and ridiculing us for allowing this dress, just like we look back and redicule practices like slavery and witch hunt which were the norm at some point in time.
Brings tears to my eyes. Well their country..as long as ze Germans don't attack em' again.:D

Although what's wrong with the Burqa? As long as you have an uniform civil code (Blessed will be the day when we have one) and aren't allowing sharia courts and the likes of Anjem and Zakir to go about exhorting the faithful to kill the Kaffir..what exactly is wrong with the burqa? Let it remain a personal choice.
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