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Burqa - A Security Challenge?

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I agree if that dictating thing would have exist first of all our Prophet(P.B.U.H) had dictated. but Prophit(P.B.U.H) never dictate any thing on others.
what we are talking about is we must tell others what is right and what is wrong then let him what he decides.

Thank you. That is all we are asking from sensible people. The time to force people has long gone. It is actually counter productive to what you would like to achieve. Lead by example.
I agree if that dictating thing would have exist first of all our Prophet(P.B.U.H) had dictated. but Prophit(P.B.U.H) never dictate any thing on others.
what we are talking about is we must tell others what is right and what is wrong then let him what he decides.

Infact Zaravan and few others from both sides liberal extremists and conservative extremists are dictating us which is not acceptable.

Telling wrong and right to others is not an issue BUT the issue is the criteria of wrong and right that differes with each individual so better leave the personal affairs to others.

if at all one wants to teach Islam then do teach differentiating between lies and truth, curelity and being down to earth, following orders to help your fellows irrespective of their religion.

why DRESS code is the biggest issue for all of you ? there are practical issues talk about these instead of looking cruiously if a woman is wearing burqa or a bikini
Attaboy forcetrip - you get it -- We have to make a decision, Is Islam what we say it is or what they say it is and who is the muslim, is it us or is it them them -- I'm impressed - brains and balls?

:) dont need to take decision just leave everyone at their own will if he/she is bad or good Muslim or not a Muslim leave to God and reform your ownself.

Just DONT abuse each other for your beliefs. Respect each others way of life.

If you are an Agnostic or liberal i must respect your way of life if i am a Muslim and have my own way of life then you must repsect my choice and should not come up with your personal likes and dislikes for me
tsk tsk tsk - No more "be taken out"?? Shame, the day is not far when the question of what is islam and who and what is a Muslim, will have to be answered -- Some will say that there are as many paths to god as there are failthful -- others will say that this is a lie and there is only one way to God, their way --- This will be the test, how will those who think there as as many ways to God as there faithful, respond to this ? Because of course they will have to respond to this.

The islamists are honest about what is waiting for those who do not share their vision - "be taken out" -- it's not pleasant but it's honest and we should be honest with them as well.
Thank you. That is all we are asking from sensible people. The time to force people has long gone. It is actually counter productive to what you would like to achieve. Lead by example.
as i said in earlier post this thing of forcing Islam did not exist in the time of Prophet(P.B.U.H). so if some one force something on others is not right.
it also apply to liberal fascist as well . as they want burqa or hijab ban.
:) dont need to take decision just leave everyone at their own will if he/she is bad or good Muslim or not a Muslim leave to God and reform your ownself.

Just DONT abuse each other for your beliefs. Respect each others way of life.

If you are an Agnostic or liberal i must respect your way of life if i am a Muslim and have my own way of life then you must repsect my choice and should not come up with your personal likes and dislikes for me

Dir ayad durust ayad?
It will not be easy.. answering me will require you to communicate with reasoning.

what reason for me Where Quran and hadith is quoted the debated ends. not a muslim can say a word when a hadith is quoted to him .
but you may be well educated so it is not possible for me to give you more authentic reasoning.
because covering of face is the order of ALLAH and banning burqa which very much fulfills this requirement you are betraying ALLAH

Allah also said, don't kill and blow up people!! Taking someone's life is bigger sin then not wearing burqa.. or is it not?
If we go by your logic of Burqa, its ok if people are getting killed as long as burqa is not banned?
what reason for me Where Quran and hadith is quoted the debated ends. not a muslim can say a word when a hadith is quoted to him .
but you may be well educated so it is not possible for me to give you more authentic reasoning.

Prophet never stops anyone from questioning. Besides there is NO blasphemy order by Prophet despite the facts that kufar used to bother him, insult him and so on so why we follow our self-styled verdict ?
tsk tsk tsk - No more "be taken out"?? Shame, the day is not far when the question of what is islam and who and what is a Muslim, will have to be answered -- Some will say that there are as many paths to god as there are failthful -- others will say that this is a lie and there is only one way to God, their way --- This will be the test, how will those who think there as as many ways to God as there faithful, respond to this ? Because of course they will have to respond to this.

The islamists are honest about what is waiting for those who do not share their vision - "be taken out" -- it's not pleasant but it's honest and we should be honest with them as well.
No sir
72 firqahs must be created before the end of the time.
it must happen the process started long ago.
but one thing is for sure what ALLAH Pak will surely ask. you researched on computer. you even research for a shoe when you was buying it but did you researched islam??? we cant answer it . I myself am not doing it so how can I ask others.
It was always there :) but you need to adopt it as well

that's what liberal fascism is all about -- However, we are not limp wristed Liberal fascists, we think toleranting the intolerant is suicide and we are not suicidal. Anyway welcome to the liberal fascist club:smitten:

Will wonders never cease:

Prophet never stops anyone from questioning. Besides there is NO blasphemy order by Prophet despite the facts that kufar used to bother him, insult him and so on so why we follow our self-styled verdict ?

I like the new and improved jana
God i hate burka..the sonner its banned the better
No sir
72 firqahs must be created before the end of the time.
it must happen the process started long ago.
but one thing is for sure what ALLAH Pak will surely ask. you researched on computer. you even research for a shoe when you was buying it but did you researched islam??? we cant answer it . I myself am not doing it so how can I ask others.

There are way more than 72 fiqahs in islam at this moment. One seems to think cruelty to women is justified to promote islam. One thinks it is okay to take interest . .one thinks it is okay to consume alcohol. . lot of others think it is okay to kill others in the name of islam. Mix and match those you will find everyone follows there own form of religion. That is what a "fiqah" means. The only thing that will end is your life hopefully when you get too old. If you want to quiz me on Islam and its principles you can, that would be great.. Why would your understanding of the Quran be any different than mine? Are you not Sunni??
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