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Burqa - A Security Challenge?

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Madam Islam is a whole system its not limited to just an individual its deals with whole society and so we can't leave it on an individual

Your system is flawed. Reboot and change the date and time on it. Individuals are not goats and sheep like they were back then. They have their God given rights to think for themselves because of the brain provided to them by God. You can reason with them upto a point and try to make them see your way but after that you will back off and let them do whatever they please while keeping yourself entrenched in your principles. If your religion is losing ground then that is the will of God (or so you may convince yourself).
Lets agree, burqa does present a serious security challenge!!! I'd say its a perfect choice for suicide maniac and one can reach the target rather easily - undetected.
Banning burqa doesn't necessarily mean we are deviating from Islam and i am certain no where in Islam it's mentioned to "WEAR BURQA". Hijab suffice and does the job nicely.

I see lot of Muslim girls here who want to be part of society and work at corporates without having to compromise on skirts etc. Below are few example,
i think it does the job??? And part of the problem lies within us Men - we just don't want to let a girl pass without having to stare??? isn't that right???




That model has a figure - our islamicans will certainly not buy into this - especially since it will be in conflict with their reading of the verses - once gain, we are where we began - what is Islam and what does it mean to be a Muslim?

Just so we can refresh our readers - the thread is not about banning Burqa, the thread is about the burqa as a security challenge - now regardless of which side of the burga divide you are on, you cannot avoid that the fact that the use of the burqa by islamist terrorists is a security problem -- Pakistan is a traditional conservative, even prudish, society - we like to think that we are being respectful to women but we also have to keep in mind that the majority of women do not wear the burqa and the majority will resent that their rights are held hostage to a prudish fashion sense.

So what do we do?? How do we respect peoples fashion choices and protect the general public?
Leave it to the invidual if he or she thinks like that or not and its between God and the individual.

Your moral policing wont have any value for other person. and above all you must reform your ownself instead of reforming others

and what do you say about this Ayah

Amongst the greatest obligations are amr-bil-Ma’roof (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Allah (SWT) says: “And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).

Islam is a system. its not and individual.

Imagine there are people traveling in a boat. One of the passengers starts to drill a hole beside where he is sitting. What will be the reaction? Everyone will start making noise and stop him from carrying on what he's doing. Suppose he says 'mind your own business, I am drilling a hole at my own place and who are you to stop me?'
coz saree , dhoti and jeans wearing people are not exploding and killing others in your country.

:laugh: stupid excuse as if Gayatri was a male with a long tool who banged Rajiv Gandhi .

some people with some inborn complex bring ethnic links for defining attire and why we should not wear that so for them if they are bharatis or hindus they are free to adopt the ones i mentioned but if they come up with explaination why we should not wear an attire because that is NOT Pakistani dress then sari, dhoti , jeans and so on are also NOT Pakistani dress
I am not talking about our system I am talking about Islam if you don't like Islam or have problem with ALLAH say it openly Islam will be implemented sooner or later and traitors will be taken out

Your Islam is wrong mine is right.. There.. how easy was that.
and what do you say about this Ayah

Amongst the greatest obligations are amr-bil-Ma’roof (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Allah (SWT) says: “And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).

Islam is a system. its not and individual.

Imagine there are people traveling in a boat. One of the passengers starts to drill a hole beside where he is sitting. What will be the reaction? Everyone will start making noise and stop him from carrying on what he's doing. Suppose he says 'mind your own business, I am drilling a hole at my own place and who are you to stop me?'

:) inviting torwards GOOD and dictating others are two different things and inviting towards good is aimed at reforming the society for welfare of the human and NOT forcing otherw what they should be wearing.

Leave those personal affairs to the individual
Narrated by Abu Sa'd al Khudri (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 79) Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "He who amongst you sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; and if he has not strength enough to do that, then he should do it with his tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do even that, then he should (at least abhor it) from his heart; and that is the least of faith."
Guess jana has to toe the line if she wants to be an islamican
and what do you say about this Ayah

Amongst the greatest obligations are amr-bil-Ma’roof (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Allah (SWT) says: “And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).

Islam is a system. its not and individual.

Imagine there are people traveling in a boat. One of the passengers starts to drill a hole beside where he is sitting. What will be the reaction? Everyone will start making noise and stop him from carrying on what he's doing. Suppose he says 'mind your own business, I am drilling a hole at my own place and who are you to stop me?'

When you see a non burqa female literally drilling a hole in our boat .. please feel free to kick her into the water. Dont stare at her,then whip her and make her put a burqa first.. otherwise you will make us all drown.
:) inviting torwards GOOD and dictating others are two different things and inviting towards good is aimed at reforming the society for welfare of the human and NOT forcing otherw what they should be wearing.

Leave those personal affairs to the individual
Madam I already told you Islam deals with the whole society so their is no personal affairs here if you are out of your house you are in society and and than you will have to follow Islamic rules
:) inviting torwards GOOD and dictating others are two different things and inviting towards good is aimed at reforming the society for welfare of the human and NOT forcing otherw what they should be wearing.

Leave those personal affairs to the individual
I agree if that dictating thing would have exist first of all our Prophet(P.B.U.H) had dictated. but Prophit(P.B.U.H) never dictate any thing on others.
what we are talking about is we must tell others what is right and what is wrong then let him what he decides.
When you see a non burqa female literally drilling a hole in our boat .. please feel free to kick her into the water. Dont stare at her,then whip her and make her put a burqa first.. otherwise you will make us all drown.

ignorance at its best. ... i have no answer to person like you.
Attaboy forcetrip - you get it -- We have to make a decision, Is Islam what we say it is or what they say it is and who is the muslim, is it us or is it them them -- I'm impressed - brains and balls?
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