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Burma’s Rohingya Muslims. Bangladesh should help them.

Inferiority complex? me? its like saying Romans were having inferiority complex since Vandals destroyed Rome, history is full of examples where superior civilizations collapsed against barbaric hoards, Don't get too excited over the stories of mystical sufi saints converting millions overnight..lol...we all know what really happened.

And yeah we are well equipped to play the game now, we are united for the first time in the history, hoards from central Asia will be buttfcuked and a$$nuked if they try to do the same

Made unity with 7 sisters ? :rofl:
Made unity with 7 sisters ? :rofl:
We did to a large extent, ULFA is no longer active, Mijo, garo, Tripuri separatists are non existent, only Bodo and a few naga groups are active, in a whole north east is more peaceful than Pakistani Punjab

U need inner peace.
Which I will get only if you stop quoting me
We did to a large extent, ULFA is no longer active, Mijo, garo, Tripuri separatists are non existent, only Bodo and a few naga groups are active, in a whole north east is more peaceful than Pakistani Punjab

Which I will get only if you stop quoting me

ha ha ha. Without 7 sisters india will be just a football playground. ULFA no longer active that is they are killing indian soldiers and fired camps few days ago. Still now they are active. In many area Army can't access. May be u dn't know ur 7 sisters tie in bangladesh. If we cut the tie, india will start cry.

You are short temp guy. May be that is the promotion of RSS mentality . If u give false word i will make u right . Whatever that is not my business.
ha ha ha. Without 7 sisters india will be just a football playground. ULFA no longer active that is they are killing indian soldiers and fired camps few days ago. Still now they are active. In many area Army can't access. May be u dn't know ur 7 sisters tie in bangladesh. If we cut the tie, india will start cry.

You are short temp guy. May be that is the promotion of RSS mentality . If u give false word i will make u right . Whatever that is not my business.
we are united for the first time in the history,

There is no WE. It's just British colonial legacy, occupying lands from tropical Dravidian regions all the way to Punjab/West Asia.

If the British went further and all the way to Turkey - it would be a "united with Anatolia first time!" And you would probably still find another way to define this larger "we" and extrapolate the manufactured identity backwards to ancient times!
There is no WE. It's just British colonial legacy, occupying lands from tropical Dravidian regions all the way to Punjab/West Asia.

If the British went further and all the way to Turkey - it would be a "united with Anatolia first time!" And you would probably still find another way to define this larger "we" and extrapolate the manufactured identity backwards to ancient times!
Okay, too tired to engage with you lot

Tuhin Malik
8 hrs ·

রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানদের ওপর গণহত্যার প্রতিবাদে ঢাকাস্থ মিয়ানমারের দূতাবাস ঘেরাও করা দরকার।

রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানদের গণহত্যার প্রতিবাদে বাংলাদেশসহ সকল মুসলিম দেশ, ওআইসি, আরবলীগের পক্ষ থেকে মিয়ানমারের সাথে সকলপ্রকার কূটনৈতিক ও বাণিজ্যিক সম্পর্কচ্ছেদের হুশিয়ারী দেয়া দরকার।

মুসলমানরা মিয়ানমারের মোট জনসংখ্যার এক ষষ্টমাংশ। মিয়ানমারে মুসলমানরা দ্বিতীয় বৃহত্তম ধর্মীয় জনগোষ্ঠী। মিয়ানমার সরকার আন্তর্জাতিক আইন, জাতিসংঘ সনদ এবং সার্বজনীন মানবাধিকারের ঘোষণাপত্রের চরমতম লংঘন করে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানদের উপর ব্যাপকভাবে গণহত্যা, গণধর্ষনসহ মসজিদ-মাদরাসা এবং মুসলমানদের সম্পত্তির ব্যাপক ক্ষয়ক্ষতি, অগ্নিসংযোগ ও লুটপাট চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে।

অবিলম্বে মিয়ানমারের রাষ্ট্রদূতকে আমাদের পররাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রনালয়ে তলব করে তীব্র প্রতিবাদ-নিন্দাজ্ঞাপন এবং রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানদের ওপর গণহত্যা বন্ধের আহ্বান জানানো উচিত।

4.2kমেজর ডালিম and 4.2k others
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আমিই সেই ছেলে
আপনারাই একটা ডাক দিয়ে দেখুন।
আমি নিশ্চিত লক্ষ মানুষ সাড়া দেবে
Like · Reply · 75 · 8 hrs
6 Replies · 1 hr

Abdul Gafur
অবশ্যই স্যার,এ প্রতিবাদ করা সকল মুসলমানের ঈমানী দায়িত্ব।
Like · Reply · 55 · 8 hrs
3 Replies · 3 hrs

Majharul Islam
স্যার একটা তারিখ নির্ধারন করুন দূতাবাস ঘেরাও করার।
Like · Reply · 46 · 8 hrs
1 Reply

Masud Rana
মিয়ানমারের বৌদ্ধরা যদি হিন্দু এবং মন্দির পোড়াত, তবে এতক্ষণে দেখতেন হাসিনার মানবতার চেতনা চোখ দিয়ে ঝরে পড়ত। ফলাওভাবে দেশের সমস্ত চ্যানেল এই দৃশ্য প্রচার করত, যাতে ভারতীয় প্রভুরা হাসিনার এই ভণ্ডামি দেখতে পায়।
Like · Reply · 21 · 5 hrs
Source: Agencies


Bangladesh's Rohingya refugees uneasy over census

Rohingya children in Malaysia, an undocumented life


Al Jazeera Exclusive: Myanmar soldiers allegedly killed Rohingya villagers

Rohingya Muslims flee Myanmar crackdown to Bangladesh
Surge of violence underscores lack of oversight of the military by the seven-month-old Aung San Suu Kyi administration.


The UN has labelled the Rohingya as one of the world's most persecuted peoples [Reuters]
Scores of Rohingya Muslims are fleeing to Bangladesh because of a military crackdown in western Myanmar, according to residents and Bangladeshi army officials.

Some of the Rohingya were shot as they tried to cross the Naaf River that separates Myanmar and Bangladesh, while others arriving by boat were pushed away by Bangladeshi border guards, residents quoted by Reuters news agency said on Wednesday.

A total number of 130 people have been killed in the latest surge of violence in the country, according to the Myanmar army.

Al Jazeera Exclusive: Myanmar soldiers allegedly killed Rohingya villagers

The bloodshed is the most serious since hundreds were killed in communal clashes in the western Myanmar state of Rakhine in 2012.

It has exposed the lack of oversight of the military by the seven-month-old administration of Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi.

Myanmar soldiers have poured into the area along Myanmar's frontier with Bangladesh, responding to coordinated attacks on three border posts on October 9 that killed nine police officers.

They have locked down the district, where the vast majority of residents are Rohingya, shutting out aid workers and independent observers.

The army has intensified its operation in the last seven days and has used helicopters to reinforce, with dozens reported killed.

Aid workers, camp residents and authorities in Bangladesh estimated at least 500 Rohingya had fled Myanmar since the October attacks.

Rohingya pushed back
Bangladeshi border guards pushed back a large group of Rohingya trying to cross on Tuesday.

"Early Tuesday, 86 Rohingya including 40 women and 25 children were pushed back by the BGB [Border Guard Bangladesh] from the Teknaf border point," said Lieutenant-Colonel Anwarul Azim, commanding officer of the Cox's Bazar sector in eastern Bangladesh.

Reuters sources said the Rohingya group was unlikely to have gone back to the villages in Myanmar and might be stranded at sea.

READ MORE: Who are Rohingya?

Rohingya community leaders confirmed to AFP news agency on Tuesday that around 200 Rohingya Muslims were stranded at the Bangladesh border.

The UN has labelled the Rohingya as one of the world's most persecuted peoples.

They are branded as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh by Myanmar's majority Buddhist population despite their long roots in the country, where they face apartheid-like restrictions on movement and are denied citizenship.

But the Bangladeshi government also refuses to register the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees living on its side of the border.


Source: Agencies


Myanmar bars US photographer ahead of Rohingya show

YANGON - Myanmar has blacklisted a prominent US photographer and prevented him from attending his own exhibition about stateless people, which would have featured pictures of the persecuted Muslim Rohingya minority.

...See more

Myanmar bars US photographer ahead of Rohingya show
By AFP YANGON – Myanmar has blacklisted a prominent US photographer and prevented him from attending his own exhibition about stateless people, which…
Just because they are Kalla / Muslims and Bangalis (according to the Burmese), these people are being massacred. The Burmese would have behaved if a man of the character of Sk Mujib or Zia were in power. Now our Delhi scripted policy is to refuse their entry and turn a blind eye to their killings. On the Day of Judgement all 160 mlln Bengali Muslims will have to answer for this apathy.
Inferiority complex? me? its like saying Romans were having inferiority complex since Vandals destroyed Rome, history is full of examples where superior civilizations collapsed against barbaric hoards, Don't get too excited over the stories of mystical sufi saints converting millions overnight..lol...we all know what really happened.

And yeah we are well equipped to play the game now, we are united for the first time in the history, hoards from central Asia will be buttfcuked and a$$nuked if they try to do the same

Yes because we all know a minority can forcibly convert those who outnumber them with ease. GTFO do you know how stupid that rhetoric sounds?

And that fact that you have to resort to a tit for tat game does most certainly show your inferiority complex, especially when you are bitter about something that has happened hundreds of years ago.

United? LOL yeah right, if you consider this united then you must think Syria is just ethnic tension.
Haramkhor Rohinyas brought this on themselves. They were going through a process of recognition and rehabilitation by international bodies and Burmese. But all of a sudden they decided to blow MM border outposts and vehicles. Now deal with more cleansing bitches. BD gov should just shoot anyone who tries to infiltrate.
Haramkhor Rohinyas brought this on themselves. They were going through a process of recognition and rehabilitation by international bodies and Burmese. But all of a sudden they decided to blow MM border outposts and vehicles. Now deal with more cleansing bitches. BD gov should just shoot anyone who tries to infiltrate.

Where did you get that info? GOB must act as dictated by Delhi who don't want BD showing any pro-Muslim sentiments.

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