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Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

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No. They should wage war against the State. Will be better in the long run. :angel:

no one wants to fight and die

but we had partition for a reason we did not want to live as part of a hindu state or with hindus we did not trust

indian muslims are having their laws, rights, eating habits curtailed and Kashmiris knew this from the start and believed in Jinnah

today freedom is a must regardless of the pain
so my frends here can put his pic in dp and pull down bhurans ..
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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
His picture will haunt the Indians this year as did Burhan's last year.
Why should they accept to live under a hindutva union which is forcing hindu laws upon its minority
The way Minorities live in Pakistan under Islamic or related laws. Its a fact that the laws are made by Majority because of which Pakistan has Islamic laws. The way certain people from this area live in Western Countries with their Laws.
Now there is an option to leave the place if you dont like the laws or just adjust and make your own local law which is permitted.
It appears adjustment is very selective, no adjustment in a democracy but in a kingdom and communist country adjustment will be made.
A true Kashmiri patriot

who did not want foreign hindu occupation in his land

may the kashmiri people be inspired by his sacrafice and turn out in there thousands for his janaza
He did not want foreign Hindu occupation which by the way is local religion because he follows a foreign religion not native religion.strange
no one wants to fight and die

but we had partition for a reason we did not want to live as part of a hindu state or with hindus we did not trust

indian muslims are having their laws, rights, eating habits curtailed and Kashmiris knew this from the start and believed in Jinnah

today freedom is a must regardless of the pain

Well two options then, those Muslims of the valley's 3.5 districts who don't want to live with Hindus should pack their bags and move to Pakistan or Saudi. Alternately they can pick up the gun and get dispatched to hell by IA or live in jungles for the time being until they can think straight
He did not want foreign Hindu occupation which by the way is local religion because he follows a foreign religion not native religion.strange
Kashmir is an Islamic region
Now be ready for bans..thread is up for moderation​

Yes you went first. You just couldn't keep your anti-Muslim trash to yourself. It all comes out eventually. As for the whole "be ready for bans" issue, so you obviously knew you were up to no good and then complained about the impending bans. You need common sense and perspective.
your war had been ended with indian proxies being defeated. It's our turn boy. 80s and 90s will be repeated.


News emanating from FATA and also emerging from power corridors of the country about the area is once again ominous. If the news reports about a drone attack in North Waziristan four days back is correct, it is the third drone attack in FATA during the last few months. Pakistan Air Force has also bombarded terrorist positions in North Waziristan and Khyber Agency. The media has reported several terrorist attacks against security forces and members of peace committees in different parts of FATA with numerous casualties. According to a report published in a Peshawar based Urdu daily on 26 May, Taliban belonging to Mulla Nazir group (good Taliban allied with Haqqani network) picked up Azizullah Wazir, local leader of ANP, from Wana bazaar. The group is reportedly functioning like local administration with the blessings of civil and military authorities.

As if this wasn’t enough Senator Saleh Shah of JUI-F revealed in the meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Interior on 22 May that different TTP factions have been allowed by authorities to open offices in Bannu, Tank and Dera Ismail Khan, the three southern districts adjacent to Waziristan. The report wasn’t denied or challenged by the high ranking Interior Ministry officials present in the meeting. As the dust of the high publicity operation Zarb-e-Azb has settled we can see the return of Taliban in FATA, supposedly to have been banished forever. That their return is coinciding with a similar phenomena on the western side of the Durand Line is not surprising, because like always, FATA is the launching pad for the Taliban war in Afghanistan, the pious noises of denial from Islamabad notwithstanding.

Basically, military operations in FATA had no civilian oversight. The area still remains a black hole and a no-go area for national and international media (except of course the journalists embedded with the army). So there isn’t any independent source to monitor the claims of the ISPR. It is particularly so as the local Pashtuns, and the returning IDPs in particular, are facing severe restrictions. They have to pass through a variety of checkpoints where body searches are routine. FATA Pashtuns don’t have access to the internet for the last so many years. Despite the end of Zarb-e-Azb (ZeA), the routine of imposing curfew every Sunday still continues in North Waziristan. The so called mainstream Pakistani media is too obsessed with power games in Islamabad to be interested in reporting these “minor” things from a political backyard.

The backing out of the government from moving the bill for constitutional amendment in the Parliament to implement the FATA reforms package can also be understood in this context. The aforementioned reforms package faces three major challenges. The first and foremost challenge is Pakistan’s Afghan policy. As long as the country’s security establishment is supporting Taliban’s war against the Afghan state it needs FATA as a base camp for this war and the reforms promises can wait. The second challenge comes from the formidable black economy of the area. It includes the huge drug trade, human trafficking, gun running, commodities smuggling across the border and unaudited funds of the political agents. Huge amounts of money change hands every 24 hours. After reaching the upper echelons of the ruling elites it turns into anesthesia as far as the implementation of reforms is concerned. The third challenge comes from the implementation mechanism. The main players for the implementation process are supposed to be the ministry of Saffron and the FATA secretariat that have a very strong interest in the status quo. The day the reforms package is implemented the ministry of Saffron will cease to exist as FATA is the sole reason for its existence. Why would the ministry be keen to liquidate itself is the question. Similarly why would the FATA secretariat, that is notorious for running FATA like a fiefdom and is one of the most non-transparent and unaccountable administrations in the country, be interested in the change?

Be that as it may there are different factors behind the resurgence of Taliban in FATA. In the first place operation ZeA had carefully saved the good Taliban while pushing the rest into Afghanistan. Shawal and Dattakhel weren’t cleared as claimed at that time and these places have attracted fighters scattered by military action in Tochi Valley for regrouping. Haqqanis who were relocated to lower Kurram have their tentacles in Aourakzai Agency and Tirah of Khyber Agency. Taliban handlers were expecting quicker victories in their latest war starting in 2014. They were looking forward to fall of provinces in the south and east of Afghanistan. These expectations haven’t materialised. Afghan National Security Forces have stood their ground defying much of the dark prognosis. Establishing “control” over such and such per cent of rural areas doesn’t mean much in the Afghan context where rural and tribal communities have been living autonomously without much interference of the Afghan state for centuries. The enforced repatriation of seven hundred thousand plus refugees from Pakistan and the unilateral and arbitrary closure of the Afghan transit trade has put some pressure on Afghanistan but all this has failed to break the back of the Afghan Republic as some Pakistani patrons of Taliban were expecting. The Resolute Support of the international community has also not wavered in the face of some spectacular Taliban attacks. In fact, the US and her NATO allies are actively considering sending some military reinforcements to Afghanistan. It is becoming obvious by every passing day that there is no Taliban military victory in sight. Thus the revival of the Taliban’s fall back position in FATA. This explains why Pakistani authorities are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of the Taliban in FATA. So much so, that unlike operation ZeA, operation Radul Fassad even doesn’t care about the optics.

The aforementioned reversals are bad news for FATA Pashtuns but there is also going to be a definite fall out for the terror problem in the rest of Pakistan. When FATA becomes a sanctuary for the Afghan Taliban will also be used by terror syndicates and criminal mafias in Pakistan. It is particularly dangerous at a time when the so-called Islamic State (IS) is expanding its presence here in the wake of its shrinking space in the Middle East and it is forging working relationships with local terror networks. The center of gravity of terrorism is shifting from the traditional Deobandi extremist circles of southern Punjab to the Wahabi networks of central and upper Punjab, a catchment area for the so-called IS. Will both the houses of Parliament really discuss the reversals in FATA and their fall out for Pakistan and the region?
His picture will haunt the Indians this year as did Burhan's last year.
You are so innocent. I feel sorry for you.

Haunt? I thought except making headlines, he didn't affect our lives in any other way, did he?
He did not want foreign Hindu occupation which by the way is local religion because he follows a foreign religion not native religion.strange

The locals are muslims they are the majority and as per partition they wanted to be part of a Muslim majority Pakistan so the current occupation and being part of a Hindutva state could have been avoided

Well two options then, those Muslims of the valley's 3.5 districts who don't want to live with Hindus should pack their bags and move to Pakistan or Saudi. Alternately they can pick up the gun and get dispatched to hell by IA or live in jungles for the time being until they can think straight

They are in their own lands and homes, why should they move or go

They simply want an end to indian occupation

It is their right
To my pakistani friends: what type of solidarity it is with kashmiri freedom?, today whole kashmir is burning and in Pakistan even not a single word related to kashmir or Sabzar Bhat is trending on twitter. i thought it is same as on PDF.
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