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Burhan Wani's successor and Hizbul commander Sabzar Bhat killed in Kashmir

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I wonder Young boys from educated families taking up weapons. And Be it wani or this poor guy both were from Indian Occopied part of kashmir and were not from Paksitani controlled areas.
And all those protestors are also from Indian side of Kashmir none is from Pakistan controlled side.
And surprizingly no such protests or unrest on Paksitani Controlled Kashmir i wonder why all thses indians just see with eyeglasses of Nationalism and not see the Ground reality that kashmiris do not want delhi rule.

As for armed Militants. I cant say much about them because Pakistan is severely hit by armed insurgency. Whether these youn gmilitants from Indian Occopied Kashmir fight for their homeland freedom or the same Sharia Enforcement crackpot like Pakistani Taliban, I Dont have sufficient knowledge about them to comment on there intentions.

But one thing is certain from Comments of Respective Indian members. That stone pelters support these militants. That seem to enforce the view that these are homeland freedom fighters.
Because Sharia enforcers would never have support of college girls and boys.

Being a sensible human being. Apart from being a Paksitani or Indian. Lets Speak out loud that if they represent ISIS then May they face death and defeat, but if They are fighting against Indian Occopation and the protesters back them in this demand then support them in there basic right of Self Administration.
The locals are muslims they are the majority and as per partition they wanted to be part of a Muslim majority Pakistan so the current occupation and being part of a Hindutva state could have been avoided
I am sure you know story of the duck which lays golden eggs.
Kashmir could have been Pakistan had Pakistan had patience or agreed to keep kashmir and let India have hyderabad. Now you don't have both.
Not nothing can be changed.converting the present borders to permanent onces is the only solution
Once Pakistan was a Hindu region too :azn::azn:, If Kashmir being an Islamic region is the problem then we have solutions for that too, they are called Bhaiyyas in India :rofl::rofl:
There are many KMs who can adopt Dharma as well. Proper awareness can and should be created. Once the demography changes, these problems will go away.
The people are muslims they dont want to worship idols, and monkeys and flying blue gods or bow to cows

They simply want the freedom Partition promised them
We are not debating if the people worshiping knows how their god looks like.

Countries don't have religion people do. We can't keep changing borders because of religion.
I am sure you know story of the duck which lays golden eggs.
Kashmir could have been Pakistan had Pakistan had patience or agreed to keep kashmir and let India have hyderabad. Now you don't have both.
Not nothing can be changed.converting the present borders to permanent onces is the only solution

You're actually right. The insistence of holding onto to Hyderabad cost Pakistan Kashmir.
The hindu cockroachs live in their own land, Kashmir is for Kashmiris for 70 years mindlessly you have created conflict in South Asia because you cant give the Kashmiris the basic right to be free as part of Pakistan

We were not the ones who went on a bloody campaign in the 90's killing and driving out Hindus from the valley. If any Kashmiri wants to live in peace he is welcome, if he wants to pick up a gun because he believes his religion teaches so he is welcome there too. Well, instead of giving us sermons, why don't you first provide freedom to your Muslim brethren in Balochistan or Sind or in fact Kashmir which is under your control?
The locals are muslims they are the majority and as per partition they wanted to be part of a Muslim majority Pakistan so the current occupation and being part of a Hindutva state could have been avoided

They are in their own lands and homes, why should they move or go

They simply want an end to indian occupation

It is their right

Wake up to 2017 ( its no more 1947, an extremely poor, just free India). India has more Muslim than Pakistan ( the Muslims did not move to the artificially created country by deception ), Original Pakistan become two and the new one by the name of Bangladesh has more Muslims than the Land of Pure , therefore the Muslim Majority theory has gone down the drain. The few district which has this issue can be easily managed till eternity by our forces and if the push comes to shove, we can move a Crore Indians to make them less than 5% of population .....within a year this can be achieved. Do you know India is the most populated Country in the world now ? Our Human Resource will always come as a solution. .....and this is our Plan ( copy pasted from China and even u guys) .
So the answer to your innocent queries are :-

1) Part one answered above. You just have to wake up to 2017 ( all wars and new pacts superseding everything else)

2) They are in their own lands and homes, why should they move or go ?

They can stay there. We will move a Crore of Bhaiyaas from UP. They would not mind residing beside beautiful Kashmiri females. We will do what you guts do in Pakistan with Hindus girls ( we are slow learners but now will copy paste something both China and Pakistan practice. I am sure you will not complain.

3) They simply want an end to Indian occupation.

Once they are 2% of the population in j&k , their wishes will be not important.

Our issue is wrt land not under our administration. We have plans for it as well.
I wonder Young boys from educated families taking up weapons. And Be it wani or this poor guy both were from Indian Occopied part of kashmir and were not from Paksitani controlled areas.
And all those protestors are also from Indian side of Kashmir none is from Pakistan controlled side.
And surprizingly no such protests or unrest on Paksitani Controlled Kashmir i wonder why all thses indians just see with eyeglasses of Nationalism and not see the Ground reality that kashmiris do not want delhi rule.

As for armed Militants. I cant say much about them because Pakistan is severely hit by armed insurgency. Whether these youn gmilitants from Indian Occopied Kashmir fight for their homeland freedom or the same Sharia Enforcement crackpot like Pakistani Taliban, I Dont have sufficient knowledge about them to comment on there intentions.

But one thing is certain from Comments of Respective Indian members. That stone pelters support these militants. That seem to enforce the view that these are homeland freedom fighters.
Because Sharia enforcers would never have support of college girls and boys.

Being a sensible human being. Apart from being a Paksitani or Indian. Lets Speak out loud that if they represent ISIS then May they face death and defeat, but if They are fighting against Indian Occopation and the protesters back them in this demand then support them in there basic right of Self Administration.
Your whole post is sensible but at the end you wrote about self administration. On that the Chief Minister of Kashmir clearly said to Kashmiris that you have your own administration, but the agitation is more than about own administration (its disillusion under instigation and its sad).
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As long as Muslims are a clear majority in Kashmir, they have the right to protect their identity. If it's not, then they will fight for their freedom.
I wonder Young boys from educated families taking up weapons. And Be it wani or this poor guy both were from Indian Occopied part of kashmir and were not from Paksitani controlled areas.
And all those protestors are also from Indian side of Kashmir none is from Pakistan controlled side.
And surprizingly no such protests or unrest on Paksitani Controlled Kashmir i wonder why all thses indians just see with eyeglasses of Nationalism and not see the Ground reality that kashmiris do not want delhi rule.

As for armed Militants. I cant say much about them because Pakistan is severely hit by armed insurgency. Whether these youn gmilitants from Indian Occopied Kashmir fight for their homeland freedom or the same Sharia Enforcement crackpot like Pakistani Taliban, I Dont have sufficient knowledge about them to comment on there intentions.

But one thing is certain from Comments of Respective Indian members. That stone pelters support these militants. That seem to enforce the view that these are homeland freedom fighters.
Because Sharia enforcers would never have support of college girls and boys.

Being a sensible human being. Apart from being a Paksitani or Indian. Lets Speak out loud that if they represent ISIS then May they face death and defeat, but if They are fighting against Indian Occopation and the protesters back them in this demand then support them in there basic right of Self Administration.

In case of Kashmir, its the population with forefathers in Arabia and central Asia that made native Hindus, the original inhabitants since 5000 years, evict from their homes.

Kashmir itself denotes Hindu sage. This Kashmir issue was ignited through tribals and then Afghans with Arab money and ideology. Since Kashmir is also called paradise on earth, Kaffirs cannot possess it.

What you are seeing in Kashmir is effect of Article 370, unchecked Mullah sermons and "secular, vote appeasing" congress in power.

Kashmir is just what some parts of Europe and US will be about 50 years from now, if we make it there in one piece.
As long as Muslims are a clear majority in Kashmir, they have the right to protect their identity. If it's not, then they will fight for their freedom.
They have their identity, who says they dont have identity. In fact Indian society is all about identity.
Are you suggesting that a Muslim living in UK or USA would lose its identity ? The only question is about adjustment and not getting instigated.
As long as Muslims are a clear majority in Kashmir, they have the right to protect their identity. If it's not, then they will fight for their freedom.

Good. First step should be discarding their Hindu surnames and renaming state Kashmir and capital Sri Nagar, among many things.
Muslims living in other states should live as per local laws.

But Kashmir's fate of independence was to be decided as per the demographics. If Hyderabad was annexed by India on the basis that it had Hindu majority, Pakistan had every right to control Kashmir. Same is the case of Junagadh, Manawdar and Mangrol.
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