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Bull race Pakistan

that is news ,
in which sports ? goat race ?

Hockey cricket squash snooker and so on the list goes. Google is a very helpful tool use it before posting helps in face saving and unnecessary questions.

Bull fighting demonstrates the courage of the people who participate. It is not for weak minds like you. Bull is a good source of nutritious food. What is this nonsense about cruelty? Why don't you starve if you are so concerned about eating.
argument for the sake of argument without any logic and sense. what else can be expected from most of the indians here on pdf?
Karapan Sapi...bull race in madura island indonesia






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good ,
but animal rights should be observed strictly ,
uske pichhware me dande se poke nahi karna chahiye , it may cause injury in arse of bull .
bulls should not be overstressed and injured for winning cause . they should be fed and properly taken careoff .
animal doctor should be their to check if bull is fit for running .

it looks it is seed bull ?
India bull race....What rights you are talking about? You people call Cow mata but refuse to accept bull as your father....

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