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Bukhari calls stir anti-Islam, tells Muslims to stay away

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Listen to me--- Pakistan is indeed a dead society. u don't care your people killed by terrorists or US drones-- just keep silent. We are not like that as the Imran kahan mentioned that we will forget everything after few days it doesn't work like that in India.

And who the f@ck are you to tell me to keep silent. What makes you indians think that we need your permission to talk. This is not br son. Just because you dont get your rare end handed to you and the mods just dont shamelessly ban you like yall do at br. Dont give you the right to come here and tell us Pakistanis that our country is a dead society. If your parents never thought you how to respect others go contact some ethic schools. Or dont you have any in india. And secondly this thread is not about Pakistan so shut up stick to the topic and if you want to talk about Pakistan go to the relevant threads. Dont show your impotence and intolerance here.
No, I don't give a crap about what happens in India.

Well obviously you do.

I'm just trying to show you that the picture in India isn't as rosy as you think, his word holds much more credibility than yours.

Of course his words hold credibility to his followers
Reported for foul language.

After all this is what you whiners are good for. While we are at it you can join your buddy in what I had said. Even though I dont owe you jack but while you were reporting my post. What about your buddies. Or that gave you pleasure I presume.
From where did u get this figure ?

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

who fight for her rights and stand against injustice

They keep using that figure given by some shady NGO but ignore indian govt. and world bank figures . . whatever helps them sleep better .
mr bilal haider you can believe whoever you want to believe . no one gives a shi* . but the fact that there are many muslims and muslim organisations that have voiced their support for the stir gives me enough reason to believe tha there are enough muslims in favour of this stir, majority or minority is something that can be only speculated.


Read this, written by a secular Indian Muslim.

Why I didn’t join Anna Hazare:

A few weeks ago, I received a call from Mayank Gandhi, Mumbai coordinator of ‘India Against Corruption’, invting me to be part of a panel in Mumbai to address a press conference on the then upcoming fast by Anna Hazare. “Your name has been suggested to me by Swami Agnivesh. We want Muslims like you, not fanatical Muslims. So please join us and suggest other Muslim names”, I was told.

Great, I thought: Which Indian is not sick of corruption? Here was a budding movement, clearly focused on a single issue but not blind to related concerns. The Mumbai coordinator of the campaign was very clear that they were only interested in “good Muslims” like me and did not wish to get mixed up with the fundamentalist lot. So I thanked him for the invitation and promised to get back in a day or two.

But something I read in the newspapers the next morning made me uneasy, a question popped up from nowhere. Who is presently facing the heat over corruption and who is leading the charge against this malaise? No prizes for getting it right: tainted by scam after scam, the Congress and its DMK ally are the sinners, the BJP are the saints (forget the kalyug in Karnataka).

One doubt led to another. Haven’t we lived through two nationwide anti-corruption movements before, the JP movement in the early ’70s, the V.P. Singh movement in the late ’80s? Neither of them succeeded in rooting out corruption. But both, however innocently and unwittingly, contributed to the poisoning of national politics. JP’s movement and the Janata government that followed gave respectability to Hindu communalism. The V.P. Singh government, opportunistically supported by the BJP from the outside, paved the way for the meteoric rise of the BJP — from two seats in the Lok Sabha in 1984 to 79 in 1989 — which in turn laid the foundation for the first ever Hindutva-led government in New Delhi. No one in his right mind would accuse JP or V.P. Singh of being communal. I admired and identified with the movements they led. But do ponder the outcome of their movements.

So I called back two days later and said I was keen on joining the movement against corruption but conditions apply: I would be keen on the company I would be required to keep. For example, I was happy to know we wouldn’t have to rub shoulders with “bad Muslims” but what about “bad Hindus”? Or, for that matter, would I find myself sharing a platform with people known for their promotion of “Mr Clean” Modi as prime ministerial candidate? If so, do I have the freedom to declare from the same platform that to me, sponsorship of mass crimes was the worst form of corruption?

The answer was unhesitating, clear and precise: “We are only concerned with ending corruption. No one will be allowed to talk politics from our platform. Beyond that we are not concerned with people’s political affiliation.” Why then the concern about “fanatical Muslims”? But that seemed like a rude question. So I wished the movement success while expressing my inability to join.

That was then. I do not wish to spoil the show for those celebrating the “second movement for Independence” that Anna has won for us. But I cannot hide the fact that I with my missing foreskin continue to feel uneasy about the Anna revolution, for more reasons than one.

Though V.D. Savarkar and Guru Golwalkar thought otherwise, we are all her children. So I am okay with “Bharat Mata” providing the backdrop to the fasting Anna. But did the mahatma in our midst have no problems with the Hindu Mahasabha jumping onto his bandwagon? Did he have to apologise to Uma Bharti (who had jumped on Murli Manohar Joshi’s back in ecstasy as the domes of the Babri Masjid were knocked down), when his own supporters showed the good sense of preventing her from joining the dharna at Jantar Mantar? Did Anna feel any discomfort on seeing Baba Ramdev descend on Jantar Mantar in the company of Ram Madhav of the RSS? If he did, why did he not speak his mind?

Nor did Anna speak when Gujarat’s chief minister Narendra Modi proclaimed that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement on Anna’s fast had “created an Emergency-like situation in the country.” Since Modi is no political ignoramus what could that statement possibly mean?

But thank you, Anna, for speaking up now. I was assured that no one would be allowed to make political use of your anti-corruption platform. But who can stop the leader from speaking? So we know now that in your post-corrupt utopia, we should look forward to leaders like Narendra Modi.

Am I being unfair to you since you have quickly clarified that you are against “communal disharmony”. Modi never proclaimed himself in favour of “communal disharmony” either. But your own close associates, lawyers Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan and Swami Agnivesh could tell you more. Interested?

The writer is general secretary, Muslims for Secular Democracy

Why I didn’t join Anna Hazare - Indian Express
Reported again.

Im sorry you feel its offensive when i tell you that you are off thread. I wont do it again now that i know are sensitive to this. Im only trying to stop you going off topic.
And back to the thread i think i agree with rollindays when he says the pic in India isnt half as rosy as you think
@ topic
I firmly believe that Imam is well within his rights to call all Muslims to stay away from movement and every Indian Muslim has the absolute right to follow him or reject his opinion.

"Timing of Imam's remark" puts a question mark on the credibility of his call..

Anna's movement has been using such "War Cries" right from the beginning of the movement since April this year.
Why was Imam ignoring them till now ? Or,
Is today the starting day of "muslims support" for Anna's movement?

Why he calls the stir anti-Islam now, when c0ngress's trump cards to der@il the movement are failing one by one ?
People are deploring Bukhari sahab for raising the religion issue and totally discounting that they themselves are persisting with the religious issue.

Bukhari pointed out clear cut that a Muslim can't stand and sing Vande Mataram in good conscience and remain loyal to his faith as well. Its against the tenets of secularism demand it.

The persistence of the religious issue is that people here are "No we WILL sing it". Then what can Muslims do, they are disqualified by default.

Not to mention the needless name-calling of an otherwise moderate figure only exacerbates the issue and underscores that Muslims have no role to play in such a national issue of India.
No, I don't give a crap about what happens in India. I'm just trying to show you that the picture in India isn't as rosy as you think, his word holds much more credibility than yours.

Surely Earth is not rotating anymore! Who are you trying to show unrosy picture of India? Not only you presume that Indians don't know, you also think that we care? Are you sure you are not doing this because you have nothing better to do?
Well obviously you do.

I really don't. I don't care what happens at the end of all this. I didn't care what happened in Gujarat or anywhere else in India. Which is why I don't join Indian forums talking about India. Since this is on a Pakistani forum, I can talk about whatever issue I want.

Of course his words hold credibility to his followers

You, unlike the every other Indian here is underestimating the influence he has on most Muslims in India.
@ topic
I firmly believe that Imam is well within his rights to call all Muslims to stay away from movement and every Indian Muslim has the absolute right to follow him or reject his opinion.

"Timing of Imam's remark" puts a question mark on the credibility of his call..

Anna's movement has been using such "War Cries" right from the beginning of the movement since April this year.
Why was Imam ignoring them till now ? Or,
Is today the starting day of "muslims support" for Anna's movement?

Why he calls the stir anti-Islam now, when c0ngress's trump cards to der@il the movement are failing one by one ?

That is debatable but also someone posted a news on how the RSS is very actively involved int he movement. That could also have prompted the Imam to take the route.
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