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Build relations with Israel to counter India: Musharraf

A cat closes its eyes while drinking the milk thinking that world cannot see its act.

Israel may have acted as delivery boy on US orders during Afghan war but this is not "Cooperation". this is just being delivery boy. We may have occasional diplomatic contacts via Turkey.
Musharaf had made a lot of blunders and had he stayed, he surely wud had made this blunder also. Good that we got rid of him.
If he would have stayed for another term we would have lost balochistan like bangladesh so ALLAH ALMIGHTY protected Pakistan and we got rid of this person who is acting like enemy of country like gen yahya khan
Israel may have acted as delivery boy on US orders during Afghan war but this is not "Cooperation". this is just being delivery boy. We may have occasional diplomatic contacts via Turkey.

Zia partners with Jordan to kill Palestinians and Raheel Sharif partners with Saudi Arabia to crush Yemenis all for a delivery boy. Oh Boy!
Stop talking sense to emotionally retarded Pakistanis. All we are good at is emotional chest thumping. We don't know nothing of diplomacy and Realpolitik.
Its sad but i still try though the hostility that i sometimes have to bear just because i want Pakistan to have an independent approach and not subject to what the arabs would think or Iran would think or people like Diesel would call i.e Yahoodi Sazish.

Oh, please. Do you not see what kind of side you're trying to align yourself with? In order for a relationship work, it has to run both ways. We may extend hand to that state, but they wont do the same lest it be it for easier espionage. Why? Simple, because they are strategic partners of India and United States, Pakistan does not hold any leverage over Israel, therefore us extending a diplomatic hand wont do us any good against India, in fact it will probably only open a new window of opportunity for CIA, RAW and Mossad.

Furthermore, your alignment with Israel puts at risk your relationship with Islamic nations like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. While there are rumors of backdoor diplomacy between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Pakistan should not be in the open field, but rather keep itself aligned with its strategic partners. So, even if you extend hand of diplomacy to Israel, your relationship with Turkey and possible some Arab nations will be at risk, and is that something you want to risk?

That's your logical answer, i.e. there is no value in diplomacy with Israel because you don't have any leverage over them, and they have much greater relationship, in fact very close, with states you consider hostile (USA and India), and you also risk your relationship with states like Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, along with possibly some Arab states. It is a very thin thread line, don't walk on it.
Oh, please. Do you not see what kind of side you're trying to align yourself with? In order for a relationship work, it has to run both ways. We may extend hand to that state, but they wont do the same lest it be it for easier espionage. Why? Simple, because they are strategic partners of India and United States, Pakistan does not hold any leverage over Israel, therefore us extending a diplomatic hand wont do us any good against India, in fact it will probably only open a new window of opportunity for CIA, RAW and Mossad.

Furthermore, your alignment with Israel puts at risk your relationship with Islamic nations like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. While there are rumors of backdoor diplomacy between Israel and Saudi Arabia, Pakistan should not be in the open field, but rather keep itself aligned with its strategic partners. So, even if you extend hand of diplomacy to Israel, your relationship with Turkey and possible some Arab nations will be at risk, and is that something you want to risk?

That's your logical answer, i.e. there is no value in diplomacy with Israel because you don't have any leverage over them, and they have much greater relationship, in fact very close, with states you consider hostile (USA and India), and you also risk your relationship with states like Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, along with possibly some Arab states. It is a very thin thread line, don't walk on it.

Turkey already has a relationship with Israel. Syria is a sh!thole that is indifferent to Pakistan. Actually, it is more pro India than Pakistan. Same with Iraq. Iran, like Saudi Arabia, plays its own game. Why can't we?

People like you want to keep Pakistanis slaves to outsiders. Lanat on such thinking and lanat on our leaders who have made us slaves of others.

P.S. India must be destroyed.
Turkey already has a relationship with Israel. Syria is a sh!thole that is indifferent to Pakistan. Actually, it is more pro India than Pakistan. Same with Iraq. Iran, like Saudi Arabia, plays its own game. Why can't we?

People like you want to keep Pakistanis slaves to outsiders. Lanat on such thinking and lanat on our leaders who have made us slaves of others.

P.S. India must be destroyed.

You fail to understand that setting up a relationship will not do us any good. I already explained my logical reasoning.

You can see that Iran, Iraq and Syria are stronger friends of India but not Israel, that's strange contradiction.
You fail to understand that setting up a relationship will not do us any good. I already explained my logical reasoning.

You can see that Iran, Iraq and Syria are stronger friends of India but not Israel, that's strange contradiction.

I have not stated that we will gain anything. I am merely stating that not having a relationship with nation B because nation C will be unhappy, when nation C is already not very close to you, will not do us any harm.

Iraq and Syria are absolute sht!tholes that I don't want to emulate. Israel, if we take out their occupation of Palestine, is a very technologically/scientifically advanced nation, we can learn a lot from them.
If palistinian issue is solved pakistan can and will recognize israel. We won't be friends with israel but we are not and will not be a threat to israel.

We have no beef with israel till now. Unless israeliz give us a reason we would remain careful and at a distance. We would rather stay clear of problems israeli friendship comes with.

Pakistan shouldn't be a threat to israel, lest israel become a threat for pakistan.
Said this long long time ago and I think after this crisis we should engage isreal meaningful way and accept it intimately
He is not wrong actually. We have no beef with Israel other than a moral one, and we havent been able to help the Palestinian cause by not accepting Israel. On top of that due to this hostility we give India the ammunition to be used against us.
I agree with you. Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not our problem.

even Jordan and Egypt have relations with Israel. lol

same with Turkey

Israel is an extension of USA since USA protects Israel.
not BS....a good many palestinians remember the horrors of black september and they know what we had done.

That's why Yasser Arafat favored indians greatly and was a good friend of Indra Gandhi

not BS....a good many palestinians remember the horrors of black september and they know what we had done.

That's why Yasser Arafat favored indians greatly and was a good friend of Indra Gandhi

Whatever happened was on order of King of Jordan, the army fought against them was Jordanian, nothing to do with Pakistan. Zia was on deputation, he violated code of conduct, Thats it.. Will you call it cooperation with Israel?

And why Egypt, Saddam and Hafiz Al Assad used to have better ties with Bharat? Our 1 officer defeated their mighty armies as well?
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With the passage of time, a change has been observed in the attitude of common Pakistanis towards promoting the positive image of the country and building positive ties with the international community. Said change of attitude is driven by the desire to uplift the living standards. The stance of hostility towards Isreal is not bearing any results since the last 7 decades. So the question is, what do the people of Pakistan want?
I believe that every sane Pakistani should sit down, draw a verticle line on a piece of paper and write down all the pros and cons of establishing ties with Isreal. Gov of Pak should carry out a poll on this matter which could also help shut the mouths of radicals and liberals alike, irrespective of the results.
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